Dr. Green was asked about how to moisturize ones skin in the Well+Good article “Tartaric Acid Exfoliates, Protects, and Moisturizes Skin at the Same Time—And Will Make the Rest of Your Products Work Even Better” today where she talked about how Tartaric acid is a type of alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) and that “AHAs are chemical exfoliants that gently break down bonds between skin cells to remove dead skin cells from the superficial layer of the skin that contribute to dullness.” And while some skincare acids can contribute to redness and irritation, Tartaric acid “has been shown to be a pH stabilizer, which helps maintain a pH range [in your skin] that other AHAs need to work efficiently,” says Dr. Green.

african american skincare

It enhances the absorption of other products and is gentle on one’s skin, but its not for everyone. “Those with extremely sensitive skin or allergies may experience irritation if they overuse tartaric acid or combine it with harsh products like retinol,” adds Dr. Green and as always, you should always consult with your dermatologist to see if the change in product will work well with your skin.

Find out more at https://www.wellandgood.com/tartaric-acid-for-skin/

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