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CoolSculpting is a non-surgical fat reduction treatment that is FDA-cleared for permanently eliminating stubborn fat bulges from nine areas of the body. Common problem areas that are treated with CoolSculpting include the double chin, abdomen, love handles, inner, outer, and distal thighs, back and bra fat, the banana roll, and the upper arms. CoolSculpting relies on cryolipolysis to eliminate up to 25% of unwanted fat cells from a treatment area in one session. Before the FDA approved CoolSculpting, liposuction was the only cosmetic procedure for excess fat removal. Plastic surgery can be painful, risky, and require a lot of downtime. With no downtime and consistently stunning body contouring results, CoolSculpting is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures at Dr. Green’s private, boutique dermatology office in NYC.

CoolSculpting is not a weight loss device, but it’s a game-changer for those with pockets of fat that don’t respond to a healthy lifestyle. Ideal candidates are at or near their goal weight. During this fat-freezing procedure, specialized applicators deliver a cold temperature to the targeted area, destroying fat cells while the surrounding skin is unharmed. The fat cells that are destroyed with CoolSculpting treatment are gradually excreted through the body’s natural metabolic process. The final results, which can be observed after approximately four months, are not just temporary changes. CoolSculpting results are permanent, giving you the confidence of a slimmer, more contoured body.

CoolSculpting works best when you consult an experienced healthcare professional, such as board-certified dermatologist Dr. Michele Green in NYC. Dr. Green was one of the first providers in NYC to offer CoolSculpting treatment for non-surgical fat reduction and has utilized it for over 12 years to provide ideal body contouring results. Dr. Michele Green is an internationally renowned board-certified cosmetic dermatologist with over two and a half decades of experience providing the most cutting-edge non-invasive cosmetic procedures and skin care, including CoolSculpting. She is consistently identified as one of New York’s best physicians by Castle Connolly, Super Doctors, New York Magazine, and The New York Times for her dedication to her patients and expertise. If you are looking for additional information about CoolSculpting, schedule a body sculpting consultation with Dr. Green, and she will work with you to create a customized treatment plan that best suits your specific concerns and aesthetic goals.

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a popular non-surgical fat reduction treatment that utilizes cryolipolysis, or “fat freezing,” to destroy stubborn fat cells in a targeted body area permanently. The patented cooling technology delivers intense cold temperatures to targeted areas of the body, affecting only the fat cells and ensuring no harm to the surrounding tissue or the skin. A single CoolSculpting treatment can result in up to a 25% reduction of stubborn fat in the treated areas. CoolSculpting can remove unwanted fat bulges from the upper arms, double chin, banana roll, abdomen, knees, and bra area.

Male CoolSculpting treatment on flanks

Who is a good candidate for CoolSculpting treatment?

A good candidate for CoolSculpting treatment is an adult at or near their ideal weight and struggling with pockets of fat that do not respond to diet and exercise. Candidates should also have good physical and mental health and realistic expectations about their results. CoolSculpting is not designed for weight loss. Ideally, you should be within twenty pounds of your ideal body weight to be a good candidate for CoolSculpting. When you consult with Dr. Green at her private dermatology office in Manhattan’s Upper East Side, she will physically assess the treatment area to determine whether you are a good candidate for CoolSculpting treatment. If you are a good candidate for CoolSculpting, you will be fitted for the CoolSculpting applicators that will provide optimal body contouring results.

Will CoolSculpting work?

Yes! CoolSculpting permanently eliminates up to 25% of unwanted fat cells in the treated area in one session. Repeating the procedure in the same treatment area can result in a 40% reduction in fat cells. As a non-surgical fat reduction treatment, CoolSculpting works via cryolipolysis to target stubborn fat. The cold temperature destroys fat cells, later excreted by the body, while leaving surrounding skin and tissue unharmed. The cosmetic procedure was FDA-cleared in 2010 and can target pockets of fat in the upper arms, abdomen, double chin, bra area, back, love handles, inner and outer thighs, and knees. CoolSculpting works best when you consult an experienced healthcare professional, such as board-certified dermatologist Dr. Michele Green in NYC. Dr. Green was among the first providers to offer CoolSculpting treatment for non-surgical fat reduction and has utilized it for over 12 years to provide ideal body contouring results.

How does CoolSculpting work?

CoolSculpting is an FDA-cleared cosmetic procedure for fat reduction and body contouring. CoolSculpting is not a weight loss device, nor does it treat obesity. The ideal candidate for CoolSculpting treatment is an individual at or near their goal weight but has pockets of fat that do not respond to a healthy diet and exercise. The most common problem areas of the body treated with CoolSculpting include the submental area (double chin), love handles, upper arms, inner thighs, outer thighs, bra fat, flanks, back, and abdominal regions.

CoolSculpting works through cryolipolysis. This fat-freezing procedure uses patented cooling technology to permanently reduce unwanted fat cells in a treatment area by up to 25%. The cold temperature is delivered via fitted CoolSculpting applicators, destroying fat cells while leaving surrounding cells unharmed. CoolSculpting works because fat cells freeze at higher temperatures than surrounding tissue. The fat cells that are destroyed with CoolSculpting treatment are excreted through the body’s natural metabolic process. The final results from a CoolSculpting procedure can be observed approximately 90 days from treatment, though some initial results may be as early as 45 days.

CoolSculpting has revolutionized cosmetic dermatology. This non-surgical fat reduction treatment makes removing unwanted fat from stubborn problem areas possible without downtime or discomfort. Many patients prefer CoolSculpting to invasive plastic surgery, like liposuction, which can be painful, costly, associated with many side effects, and require significant downtime. CoolSculpting treatment is non-invasive and does not require anesthesia, meaning there is zero downtime and few potential side effects. Dr. Michele Green was one of the first cosmetic dermatologists in NYC to incorporate CoolSculpting in her boutique New York practice more than twelve years ago. She has produced outstanding body contouring results for her patients ever since.

What does CoolSculpting treatment do?

CoolSculpting is a noninvasive cosmetic treatment that reduces stubborn fat by freezing away fat cells in targeted areas through cryolipolysis. CoolSculpting can treat common problem areas like the love handles, double chin, upper arms, abdomen, and inner and outer thighs to reduce unwanted fat bulges and contour the body. It is important to note that CoolSculpting is not a weight loss procedure, but it will reduce stubborn fat in a treatment area. There are various CoolSculpting applicators in different shapes and sizes to guarantee a perfect fit for the targeted area. The vacuum applicator delivers controlled cooling to the fat cells. Because fat cells freeze at a higher temperature than the skin and surrounding tissue, CoolSculpting technology only affects the targeted fat cells. This treatment permanently reduces up to 25% of fat cells in the treated area to contour your body and meet your aesthetic goals. It is a quick, easy, and painless treatment that is a perfect “lunchtime” procedure for those with busy lives.

What is the consultation for CoolSculpting like at Dr. Green’s dermatology office?

When you have a consultation with Dr. Michele Green in her private dermatology office in NYC, she will discuss the unique cooling technology behind CoolSculpting with you. Pre-treatment photographs of the desired treatment areas will be taken during your consultation to enhance the discussion of your treatment plan and track your future progress. An honest, thorough assessment will be made, and a personalized CoolSculpting treatment plan will be discussed with you at length. A copy of your treatment plan will be given to you with both the time needed for each treatment area and the corresponding cost. You can then schedule your CoolSculpting procedure to have the non-surgical fat reduction treatment done at a comfortable time. Since there is no downtime, you can return home to work or the gym directly after your CoolSculpting treatment.


DM Before and After Coolsculpting CoolAdvantage CoolCurve Front MGWatermark 1

Male CoolSculpting treatment on body

How long does CoolSculpting take?

The duration of CoolSculpting treatment sessions varies depending on the type and number of applicators used. CoolSculpting treatment times range from 35 to 75 minutes per applicator, with the additional time needed to mark the treatment area, prepare the treatment area and equipment, and perform the two-minute massage afterward. You can also choose to treat all targeted areas in your body contouring treatment plan in one visit. For example, in the same appointment, many patients have CoolSculpting treatment on their double chin and upper arms or the abdomen and love handles. CoolSculpting is so popular because it requires zero downtime, meaning you can return to work, go to the gym, or resume normal daily activities immediately after your treatment. The accessibility of CoolSculpting treatment allows you to tailor your treatment plan to coincide with your busy schedule. Because CoolSculpting is easy and painless, many patients read a book, watch a movie, catch up on work, or nap during treatment. When you consult with Dr. Green at her private dermatology office in Manhattan’s Upper East Side, she will work with you to develop a customized CoolSculpting treatment plan. How long your CoolSculpting procedure will take can be determined at your initial consultation.

Are there contraindications to CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is not for everyone. You should not have CoolSculpting if you suffer from cryoglobulinemia, cold agglutinin disease, or paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you are not a candidate for CoolSculpting. If you have a history of hernias, recent surgery, or scars in the desired treatment area, CoolSculpting is not recommended.

Is CoolSculpting FDA-approved?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved CoolSculpting in 2010 to treat fat bulges on the flanks (love handles). In 2012, the FDA approved CoolSculpting for the abdomen. ZELTIQ Aesthetics, acquired by Allergan, has since introduced newer applicators for other body areas. Currently, CoolSculpting is approved by the FDA for nine areas of the body. This includes under the double chin, upper arms, back fat, bra fat, love handles, abdomen, thighs (inner, outer, and distal), and under the buttocks (banana roll).

What skincare do I need to do after CoolSculpting?

There are no particular instructions after CoolSculpting except to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Although CoolSculpting permanently removes up to 25% of fat cells in the treated area, the results will not last if significant weight gain occurs after treatment. The body gradually eliminates fat cells for up to 6 months after treatment, so you will not see immediate, dramatic results. Since there is no downtime, you can resume your usual activities, such as working and exercising.

Which areas of the body does CoolSculpting treat?

  • Submental area (“double chin”)
  • Abdomen
  • Flanks (love handles)
  • Inner, outer, and distal thighs
  • Back and bra fat
  • Buttock (banana roll)
  • Male breast tissue (gynecomastia)
  • Upper arms
  • Axillae (armpit)

Before & After Treatment in neck area with CoolMini After one treatment (4 months)

Which are the main CoolSculpting Applicators?

The office of Dr. Michele Green has the latest CoolSculpting applicators, including:

  • CoolMini
  • CoolFit
  • CoolCurve
  • CoolSmooth
  • CoolCore
  • CoolAdvantage Plus

Each CoolSculpting applicator is uniquely designed for fat removal in a different body area. Some applicators are larger and designed with suction, while others are smooth and do not have suction.


The CoolMini is a small applicator that is an ideal size, shape, and curvature to treat the double chin, above the knee, and in the bra area. The treatment time for the CoolMini applicator is just 45 minutes. Despite a healthy diet and regular exercise, the double chin can be particularly stubborn fat, with many patients having a genetic predisposition to it. One to two CoolMini applicators may be needed to treat the submental area. Several months after treatment with the CoolMini, if a small amount of fat remains in the submental area, Kybella injections can be used to reduce the remaining fat and contour the jawline.


The CoolAdvantage applicator takes 35 minutes and is faster than the original one hour. It consists of three different applicators: the CoolFit, CoolCurve, and CoolCore. The CoolAdvantage applicator treats a larger surface area at a lower temperature with a faster treatment time. It treats multiple body areas, including the abdomen, flanks, love handles, waist, hips, banana roll, upper arms, and inner thighs.


The CoolFit applicator treats the inner thighs and upper arms. Each treatment area takes 35 minutes to complete. The CoolFit applicator is entirely painless with no downtime. After four months, you will observe the complete cosmetic results of your treatment. For larger areas of fat on the upper arms or inner thighs, repeat treatment with CoolSculpting is recommended after one month.


The CoolCore treats the flanks and love handles. This curved applicator takes 35 minutes to complete per treatment area. Many patients CoolSculpt the flanks and abdomen in the same session. The CoolCore applicator is often utilized in a “diamond-shaped” pattern to treat multiple bulges of unwanted fat in the abdominal area. It can also be used for an area of bra fat.


The CoolCurve is similar to the CoolCore applicator except for its larger curve. It treats the love handles or flanks to produce an “hourglass” figure. Each treatment takes 35 minutes.

CoolAdvantage Plus™

The CoolAdvantage Plus applicator takes 45 minutes and primarily treats a large abdominal area. Many patients need two CoolSculpting treatments for a large low abdomen. Repeating CoolSculpting in a treatment area can be done one month after the initial CoolSculpting procedure. It is important to remember that CoolSculpting is not a weight loss device, and you should be within 25 to 30 pounds of your ideal weight for the best body contouring results.


The CoolSmooth™ is a unique applicator designed to treat the outer thighs. Each thigh takes 75 minutes, and the CoolSmooth applicator does not use suction. To achieve the best results, a larger treatment area with a bigger fat bulge will require two CoolSculpting treatments.


The CoolPetite takes 35 minutes and is used for small areas where the CoolAdvantage applicator does not fit. It can be used on small back fat areas, flanks, stomachs, inner knees, and a small banana roll.

LL coolsculpting 10m LSIDE 1 MGwatermark 1

CoolSculpting patient, lower abdomen, 10 months post treatment

What is CoolSculpting Elite?

CoolSculpting Elite is one of the newest applicators in the CoolSculpting collection. Released in 2021, it applies all-new dual applicator technology to treat two target areas simultaneously. The handpiece is also larger, allowing for a faster treatment session with equivalent fat-reduction effects. CoolSculpting Elite has been FDA-cleared to treat the submental region under the chin, the submandibular region under the jawline, the abdomen, the banana roll, the upper arm, bra fat, and the thighs.

What is the downtime for CoolSculpting?

One of the best things about the CoolSculpting procedure is that there is no downtime! You can return to the gym, school, and all other normal daily activities immediately after treatment. Depending on which applicator is used, there may be some bruising if the applicator requires suction. Usually, there is no bruising. Some patients have some soreness or numbness from the procedure, which resolves independently in a few weeks. Since there is no downtime, CoolSculpting is an easy cosmetic procedure to get done during your “lunchtime” or any day of the week.

Does CoolSculpting hurt?

There may be discomfort during the first five minutes of the CoolSculpting procedure until the skin is “frozen.” After the treated area is “frozen,” there is no discomfort during the remainder of treatment. Most patients watch a movie, work on their laptops, or take a nap during CoolSculpting. Immediately afterward, there is temporary discomfort and tenderness when the applicator is removed as the treatment area “thaws.” Rarely, the side effect of lingering pain in the treatment area can occur, which can be treated with oral medications such as Neurontin and resolves within a few weeks.

Will CoolSculpting tighten skin?

CoolSculpting is a cosmetic procedure for non-surgical fat reduction and does not tighten the skin. CoolSculpting does not cause loose skin in the treatment area as liposuction does. After CoolSculpting, the destroyed fat cells are naturally excreted from the body through the lymphatic system. This gradual process takes months, unlike liposuction, which is a sudden fat reduction that can cause significant skin laxity as a side effect.

Skin laxity occurs naturally with age, as our body’s rate of collagen synthesis gradually decreases over time. If you are concerned with skin laxity, there are other non-invasive cosmetic procedures designed to treat skin laxity. Thermage is a noninvasive skin-tightening cosmetic procedure that uses radiofrequency (RF) technology to heat the deeper layer of the skin. This heat stimulates collagen synthesis, resulting in firmer, tighter, smoother skin with no downtime. This technology can treat skin laxity on the face, neck, arms, knees, thighs, abdomen, chest, and buttocks. Many patients combine Thermage with CoolSculpting for the best body contouring results.

What are the Side Effects of Coolsculpting

CoolSculpting is a safe and effective treatment that reduces excess fat at the treatment site through cryolipolysis. Most side effects associated with CoolSculpting treatment are mild and will resolve without any medical intervention within 5-10 days. These common, mild side effects include numbness, swelling, firmness, tingling, redness, bruising, stinging, and soreness. Immediately after the treatment, patients may feel some discomfort as the skin is “thawed” following the procedure. Patients with a history of cold agglutinin disease and cryoglobulinemia should not undergo CoolSculpting treatment. In very rare cases, there is a risk of developing paradoxical adipose hyperplasia (PAH), which is a condition in which the production of fat tissue unexpectedly increases in the treatment area. PAH was brought to public attention by the model Linda Evangelista, who experienced the condition and recently settled her case against CoolSculpting. Less than 1% of all patients who undergo CoolSculpting treatment will experience paradoxical adipose hyperplasia.

How much does CoolSculpting cost?

The total cost of CoolSculpting depends on the number of treatment areas, which applicators are needed, and how many sessions are required to reach your desired body contouring goals. Larger applicators generally cost more than the smaller ones. For optimal results, Dr. Green may recommend repeating a CoolSculpting session in a given treatment area 4 to 12 weeks after your initial procedure. Most patients looking for more dramatic results have several areas treated on the same day, which may require three to four hours of treatment in one session. In addition, the cost of cosmetic procedures like CoolSculpting varies depending on one’s geographical area. For example, CoolSculpting prices in New York City may differ from prices in Los Angeles. When you have your body contouring consultation with Dr. Gren at her private dermatology office in NYC, she will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan. At that time, the cost of your CoolSculpting treatment will be determined.

How much is CoolSculpting?

The cost of CoolSculpting also depends on the type of institution at which you receive treatment and your geographic location. While some MedSpas and Wellness Centers may offer CoolSculpting at a discounted price, it is always safer to seek any sort of cosmetic treatment from an expert board-certified dermatologist, such as Dr. Green. While the price of CoolSculpting also varies based on the areas of the body being treated, the average cost of treatment in New York City is between $750 and $1500. There may be specials offered when multiple areas are treated on the same day. When you have your initial consultation with Dr. Green, her team will provide you with a closer estimate of the total cost of the treatment.

What is the difference between CoolSculpting and Liposuction?

CoolSculpting and liposuction are different methods of fat reduction. Liposuction is an invasive surgical procedure performed by a plastic surgeon. It can be costly and painful, require considerable downtime, and have many potential side effects. CoolSculpting is a non-surgical fat reduction treatment that relies on cryolipolysis, fat-freezing technology. It is the first non-surgical cosmetic procedure to be FDA-cleared for permanently eliminating pockets of fat. With CoolSculpting, there is no downtime, minimal discomfort, and few potential side effects.

Although the results from liposuction are seen rather quickly, there is a considerable amount of downtime, and it often creates loose skin in the treated area. CoolSculpting results take several months to develop, but there is no downtime, incisions, pain, anesthesia, or side effects of loose skin. Most patients prefer CoolSculpting over liposuction since this fat reduction method can be performed during your lunch hour for virtually any body area.

How does CoolSculpting work for arms?

Yes! CoolSculpting works extremely well for fat reduction on the upper arms. Many patients with unwanted fat in the upper arms are also affected by skin laxity. Loose skin and stubborn fat in the upper arms can, for many, cause feelings of self-consciousness. To achieve firmer, leaner upper arms, many patients of Dr. Green’s incorporate CoolSculpting and Thermage into their body contouring treatment plans.

AH 61 4 month Before and After Coolsculpting CoolFit LT Inner Arm MGWatermark 1

CoolSculpting Treatment – Arms

How does CoolSculpting treatment for bra fat work?

A bra bulge is a very common problem, particularly for women as they age or gain weight. This bra bulge is an accumulation of fat cells concentrated around the upper back, armpit, and bra area. In addition, lack of exercise can make bra fat more noticeable. Dr. Green treats many women in her NYC dermatology office for bra fat and back fat with CoolSculpting.

Stubborn fat in the bra area can commonly appear under the arms and make someone self-conscious while wearing a bra or a fitted t-shirt. CoolSculpting treatment removes these pockets of fat cells without downtime. Unwanted fat removal in the bra area is one of the most popular CoolSculpting treatments in Dr. Green’s New York dermatology office. Whether it be the result of genetics, hormones, metabolism, or lack of exercise, CoolSculpting is extremely effective in treating the stubborn fat cells in this area. Dr. Green may utilize the CoolMini, CoolPetite, or CoolAdvantage applicator to treat bra and back fat. An in-person CoolSculpting consultation is the only way to assess which applicator would fit you best for fat reduction treatment.

How does CoolSculpting work for back fat?

CoolSculpting works extremely well for back fat. Depending on the anatomy of the back, various CoolSculpting applicators may be used. An in-person consultation with Dr. Green is the best way to see which CoolSculpting applicator is best for your specific treatment area. Many patients choose to treat additional areas of the body, such as the love handles or upper arms, at the same time as the back. A personalized CoolSculpting treatment plan will be developed during your initial consultation to maximize the removal of unwanted fat in one single day. You can appreciate the final results three to four months after your CoolSculpting procedure.

Does CoolSculpting work for the inner and outer thighs?

CoolSculpting treatment works on many body areas, including the inner and outer thighs. The CoolFit and CoolSmooth applicators are specially designed to treat these areas without downtime. The CoolFit applicator for the inner thighs takes 35 minutes on each side, while the CoolSmooth applicator for the outer thighs takes 75 minutes on each side. If you have a larger fat bulge in the inner or outer thighs, Dr. Green recommends repeating the CoolSculpting procedure in one month to get the best results.

MR before after Coolsculpting MGWatermark

Does CoolSculpting work for the chin?

Yes! CoolSculpting works wonderfully to reduce stubborn fat in the submental area, also known as the double chin. The appearance of a double chin is often genetic, and it can be difficult to remove with exercise and a healthy diet. Dr. Green uses the CoolMini applicator to treat the double chin, which is ideal for smaller treatment areas. With a series of two 45-minute CoolSculpting treatment sessions, as much as 40% of the submental fat in the region can be eliminated.

How does CoolSculpting work for abs?

CoolSculpting is a safe and effective treatment for contouring many areas of the body, including the abdomen, to provide patients with a slim, contoured look. It is not a weight-loss procedure but can be effective at reducing areas of unwanted fat to emphasize already existing muscles, such as the abs. When treating the abdomen, Dr. Green may use the Cool Petite, the CoolCore, or the CoolAdvantage Plus, depending on the patient’s aesthetic goals.

How does CoolSculpting work for the stomach?

CoolSculpting is FDA-approved for use on the abdomen to freeze away stubborn pockets of fat for full-body contouring. When applied to the stomach, CoolSculpting can reduce fat bulges by up to 25% for each treatment. For treating the stomach, Dr. Green often turns to CoolAdvantage Plus to treat a muffin top or CoolCore to create a “diamond shape” along the abdomen. The treatment typically takes 35-45 minutes to complete.

Are there any side effects to the CoolSculpting procedure?

CoolSculpting is a non-surgical fat reduction treatment with zero downtime and few potential side effects. Some of the most common side effects of CoolSculpting include temporary redness, tingling, numbness, soreness, and swelling in the treatment area, which all resolve independently after several weeks.

Why choose a dermatology office for CoolSculpting?

When choosing an office to have your CoolSculpting procedure done, some important considerations must be made. First, you should research the practice that is offering CoolSculpting. You should see how long they have practiced and the extent of their experience with CoolSculpting treatments. You should know whether the physician will be doing the CoolSculpting consultation. Dr. Green does all of the CoolSculpting consultations at her private, boutique dermatology office in Manhattan’s Upper East Side. Many MedSpas, CoolSculpting centers, and clinics in New York do not have a physician supervising the practice. They offer “free consultations,” but they are rarely with a physician experienced in non-surgical fat reduction and body contouring. In addition, you should research the facility to see if they are certified in CoolSculpting. Sufficient training and experience of the physician and staff are crucial to achieving ideal body contouring results. Dr. Green was among the first dermatologists in NYC to offer CoolSculpting and has used it expertly for over 12 years to deliver ideal body contouring results. When you consult with Dr. Green, she will work with you to create a customized CoolSculpting treatment plan to achieve optimal results.

35-44 year old Female. CoolSculpting upper abdomen, lower abdomen, 3 months

What to expect during your CoolSculpting treatment

During the initial CoolSculpting consultation with Dr. Green, the treatment areas will be identified, and the appropriate applicators will be selected. Once you arrive for your CoolSculpting treatment, the gel pad and applicator will be placed on the targeted body area. The duration of your CoolSculpting treatment session will depend on the size and number of targeted treatment areas. Longer sessions can be broken up over several days or can be scheduled all together in one sitting. With the newest CoolSculpting applicators, treatment cycles are 35 minutes long, cutting treatment time by almost half.

In the first 5-10 minutes that the applicator is on, it is common to feel tugging, pulling, pinching, or intense cold in the treatment area. The cold temperature essentially numbs the targeted area, making the rest of the CoolSculpting procedure fairly comfortable. Depending on which CoolSculpting applicator is used, the CoolSculpting treatment can last 35 to 75 minutes. Once the applicator is removed from the treatment area, the trained healthcare professional performing your CoolSculpting treatment will complete a two-minute massage to break down fat cells further. During the CoolSculpting procedure, you can read a book, listen to music, or simply nap. While everything necessary will be provided, you are welcome to bring any additional comforts of home, such as movies, music, pillows, or reading material.

The CoolSculpting procedure contours the body by safely and effectively freezing unwanted fat. Unlike liposuction, the unwanted fat is gradually dissolved, so there is no risk of increased skin laxity in the treated area from CoolSculpting. No downtime is required since this fat-freezing procedure is completely non-invasive. This means all normal activities can be resumed immediately afterward. Common side effects of CoolSculpting can include temporary redness, tingling, cramping, numbness, itching, tenderness, and bruising, which resolve independently within several weeks.

The final results from a CoolSculpting treatment can be observed after approximately 90 days, and patients can expect a reduction in fat cells of up to 25% in the treated area. The fat reduction results are permanent as long as no additional weight is gained after the procedure. If a second CoolSculpting treatment session is needed for optimal results, it is recommended to do so 1-4 months after the initial treatment.

How fast does CoolSculpting work?

The initial body contouring results from CoolSculpting treatment become apparent approximately one month after the fat-freezing procedure. The final results can take three to six months. Waiting at least one month between CoolSculpting treatment sessions in the same area is recommended. If you are still determining whether a second CoolSculpting treatment session is needed, schedule a follow-up with Dr. Green one month after your initial CoolSculpting procedure. Dr. Green will re-examine the treatment area to determine whether a second CoolSculpting session is needed to get optimal results.

Is CoolSculpting safe?

Yes! CoolSculpting is an FDA-cleared cosmetic procedure that is safe and effective for removing stubborn fat in nine different treatment areas using cryolipolysis. Approval by the FDA means the treatment has undergone many clinical trials to test its safety and efficacy. The risks associated with CoolSculpting are few and rare. Common mild side effects include redness in the treated area, bruising, mild swelling, and temporary soreness, which resolve independently. Some residual numbness in the treated area can last several weeks after the treatment, which is normal. There is a slight risk of developing nerve pain after the CoolSculpting procedure, which was more common with the older CoolMax applicator. If nerve pain occurs, it is temporary and will resolve within one month. It can also be remediated with medications like Neurontin. To guarantee safety and ideal cosmetic results, it is always recommended to have CoolSculpting with an experienced healthcare professional, such as Dr. Michele Green. Dr. Green was among the first dermatologists in NYC to offer CoolSculpting and has over 12 years of experience providing this innovative non-surgical fat reduction treatment for body contouring.

What is PAH from CoolSculpting?

The majority of CoolSculpting patients do not encounter any adverse side effects. Common side effects can include mild redness, swelling, numbness, or tingling in the treatment area, which resolves independently shortly after treatment. Paradoxical adipose hyperplasia (PAH) is a rare potential side effect of CoolSculpting that causes fat cells to grow instead of shrink. If PAH occurs, it often manifests approximately three to six months post-CoolSculpting treatment and appears as a firm bulge in the treatment area. Researchers remain uncertain about what causes this rare side effect in certain CoolSculpting patients.
Nonetheless, studies have shown that the incidence of PAH following the CoolSculpting fat reduction procedure is rare – approximately 0.05-0.39% of patients will experience this side effect. In the unlikely event that paradoxical adipose hyperplasia occurs, liposuction can reverse the effects. Liposuction is a surgical procedure for fat removal that a plastic surgeon performs.

How long does CoolSculpting last?

The body contouring effects of CoolSculpting are permanent as long as there is no additional weight gain following the treatment. A single CoolSculpting treatment results in up to a 25% reduction of fat cells in the targeted area. Repeating CoolSculpting treatments in the same treatment area is not necessary, provided you maintain your ideal weight and adhere to a healthy lifestyle, including engaging in regular exercise and eating a healthy diet.

Can I combine CoolSculpting with other cosmetic procedures?

Yes! One of the benefits of CoolSculpting is that there’s no downtime, meaning it can easily be combined with other cosmetic procedures. One of the most popular treatment combinations at Dr. Green’s private dermatology office in Manhattan’s Upper East Side is CoolSculpting and Thermage. Thermage is the gold standard non-invasive skin-tightening treatment. Thermage relies on radiofrequency energy to deliver heat to the dermal layers of skin, stimulating new collagen production in the treatment area. The result is a firmer, smoother, more youthful appearance. Like CoolSculpting, there is zero downtime involved with Thermage. When you consult with Dr. Green, she will work with you to create a customized treatment plan that incorporates the non-invasive cosmetic procedures best suited to your specific concerns and goals.

How to CoolSculpt at Home

Attempting CoolSculpting at home is not recommended. Not only is it ineffective, but it can also be dangerous. Applying ice or other frozen materials to stubborn fat bulges at home will not reduce fat because the cold temperature will not reach the subcutaneous fat cells; instead, it will freeze your skin. Dangerous side effects include frostbite and permanent tissue damage. Cryolipolysis should be performed with FDA-cleared CoolSculpting equipment to guarantee safety and efficacy. To obtain optimal results, CoolSculpting treatment with an experienced healthcare professional like Dr. Green in NYC is recommended. Dr. Green was among the first dermatologists to offer CoolSculpting in New York for non-surgical fat reduction and has used it to provide ideal body contouring results for over 12 years.

How many CoolSculpting treatment sessions do I need?

CoolSculpting is a non-surgical fat reduction treatment that can eliminate up to 25% of stubborn fat cells in a treated area in a single session. Many patients achieve their ideal body contouring results after one treatment session and maintain them by engaging in healthy lifestyle practices. Other patients choose to repeat the CoolSculpting procedure in the same treatment area to achieve up to a 40% reduction in fat cells. The total number of CoolSculpting treatment sessions required ultimately depends on the initial amount of unwanted fat in the treatment area and one’s overall body contouring goals. When you consult with Dr. Green at her boutique dermatology office in NYC, she will physically assess the treatment area to help you estimate the number of CoolSculpting treatment sessions needed for the best results.

Which areas of the body respond best to CoolSculpting treatments?

Stubborn fat on the inner thighs, upper arms, love handles (the oblique areas of the stomach), tummy, bra area, back, and submental area (double chin) are popular CoolSculpting treatment areas. Any area of the body with sufficient fatty tissue will respond well to the CoolSculpting procedure.

Does CoolSculpting work on arms, love handles, thighs, back, and bra fat?

Yes! Whether or not you weigh less, you’ll be thinner, your clothes will fit better, you’ll feel better, and you’ll look better. CoolSculpting reduces stubborn fat pockets in many body areas, including the upper arms, love handles, thighs, back, and bra areas. CoolSculpting applicators are made in various shapes and sizes to ensure the targeted area’s unwanted fat is appropriately and effectively treated. During your CoolSculpting consultation, you will be fitted for the best applicators to guarantee optimal body contouring results.

Is CoolSculpting right for people with diabetes?

Since this noninvasive procedure involves no medications or anesthesia, CoolSculpting is safe for people with diabetes. No incisions are made in the skin, and there is no surgical wound and no risk of infection or poor healing. You may experience slightly increased numbness in the treated areas, but most diabetic patients experience no additional discomfort or side effects.

Can CoolSculpting be used after pregnancy?

Pregnant patients are not generally candidates for CoolSculpting, but the body contouring procedure is safe and effective after pregnancy for that post-baby belly bump. CoolSculpting treatment will not affect future pregnancies in any way. You can consult Dr. Michele Green about Coolsculpting as part of a “mommy makeover” three months after your pregnancy.

Is CoolSculpting permanent?

The results of CoolSculpting are permanent. However, if you gain weight after the procedure, the fat cells remaining in the treated area will expand, negating the positive effects of your CoolSculpting treatment. Continuing a healthy lifestyle is essential to maintaining the body contouring results of CoolSculpting treatment.

Is CoolSculpting painful?

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive procedure that involves minimal discomfort and no downtime. When the treatment begins and the applicator starts to deliver the cold temperature to the treatment area, patients may experience discomfort until the area is “frozen.” In the first 5-10 minutes, patients may feel tugging, pinching, or intense cold. Then, the treatment area is numb for the duration of the cosmetic procedure. Once the applicator is removed and the treated area warms back up, patients may experience side effects such as residual numbness or tenderness, which resolve on their own independently.

Is CoolSculpting worth it?

CoolSculpting treatment is ideal for those looking to address stubborn fat bulges without discomfort or downtime. This non-surgical fat reduction treatment permanently eliminates up to 25% of unwanted fat cells in the treated area, providing optimal body contouring results. On the other hand, surgical procedures like liposuction can be invasive, painful, costly, have many potential side effects, and require weeks of downtime. For most patients, CoolSculpting is absolutely worth it!

KZ 50 yo female before and after CoolSculpting in the lower abdomen 1 year apart MGWatermark

Can you lose weight with CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting treatment is not designed for weight loss. CoolSculpting is a non-surgical fat reduction treatment that eliminates up to 25% of fat cells in a treatment area. Although weight loss does not occur with CoolSculpting, inches are lost from the treated area.

How cold is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting relies on cryolipolysis for non-surgical fat reduction. At about -11 degrees Celsius, the cold temperature destroys stubborn fat cells in the treatment area. There is an intense cold sensation in the first 5-10 minutes before the treatment area is numb. Once the treatment area is numb, you no longer feel the cold temperature for the remainder of the fat-freezing procedure.

Does insurance cover CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting treatment for non-surgical fat reduction is a cosmetic procedure that is not considered medically necessary or covered by private health insurance.

Do you tip for CoolSculpting?

You do not need to tip when you have a cosmetic procedure in a dermatology office or medical setting, including CoolSculpting for non-surgical fat reduction.

What is CoolTone®?

CoolTone® is a non-surgical muscle toning treatment that utilizes Active Magnetic Pulse technology to create a firmer appearance. This innovative cosmetic procedure works via magnetic muscle stimulation, which causes involuntary muscle contractions. CoolTone strengthens the muscle fibers in the targeted area without exercise. It is FDA-cleared for three treatment areas: the abdomen, glutes, and thighs. Most patients need four treatment sessions over two weeks to achieve ideal body contouring results. The results from CoolTone are only temporary and must be maintained by engaging in an active and healthy lifestyle. Without maintenance, the body contouring results from CoolTone last just 3 to 6 months.

Who can perform the CoolSculpting Treatment?

Any trained professional can perform CoolSculpting treatment. Although it doesn’t have to be performed by a physician, it is important to seek a provider with plenty of experience. Dr. Green was among the first healthcare professionals to offer CoolSculpting treatment in NYC and has over 12 years of experience with this cosmetic procedure for non-surgical fat reduction. As an internationally renowned board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Green has the expertise and experience to customize your CoolSculpting treatment protocol for optimal results.

Is CoolSculpting Effective?

CoolSculpting treatment is a safe and effective cosmetic procedure for non-surgical fat reduction that was FDA-cleared in 2010. The FDA approval signifies that many clinical trials were performed to verify safety and efficacy. Clinical studies demonstrated that CoolSculpting can eliminate up to 25% of fat cells in a treated area. CoolSculpting works to reduce stubborn fat bulges, but it is not a weight loss treatment. The body contouring results achieved from CoolSculpting are permanent so long as there is no additional weight gain following the fat removal procedure. Continuing a healthy and active lifestyle is important. If you gain weight, the remaining fat cells in the treatment area can expand and negate the positive effects of your CoolSculpting procedure.

Who does CoolSculpting near me?

Dr. Michele Green’s private, boutique dermatology office is located in the Upper East Side neighborhood of Manhattan. Dr. Green was among the first dermatologists in New York City to offer CoolSculpting to reduce stubborn fat bulges. She has successfully treated her patients for over twelve years with this innovative non-surgical fat reduction treatment. Some of the world’s most discerning men and women visit New York to be treated by Dr. Green, who is consistently voted one of the city’s best dermatologists by Castle Connolly, Super Doctors, and New York Magazine.

How can I get started with CoolSculpting today?

Thanks to CoolSculpting, getting rid of stubborn fat bulges has never been easier. This non-surgical fat reduction treatment relies on cryolipolysis to permanently eliminate up to 25% of fat cells in a treatment area without discomfort or downtime. Suppose you struggle with unwanted fat in common problem areas such as the double chin, abdomen, love handles, inner, outer, and distal thighs, back and bra fat, the banana roll, or the upper arms. In that case, CoolSculpting may be just the non-surgical body sculpting treatment for you. At her private dermatology office in Manhattan’s Upper East Side neighborhood, Dr. Green has used CoolSculpting for over ten years to give her patients ideal body contouring results.

Dr. Michele Green is an internationally renowned expert in cosmetic dermatology with over two and a half decades of experience providing the most cutting-edge non-invasive cosmetic procedures, including non-surgical fat reduction and body contouring treatments like CoolSculpting. She is consistently identified as one of New York City’s best dermatologists by Castle Connolly, Super Doctors, and New York Magazine for her dedication to her patients and expertise. When you consult with Dr. Green for your non-surgical fat reduction treatment, she will work with you to create a completely customized treatment plan that best suits your specific concerns and ideal body contouring results. If you are interested in non-surgical fat reduction and want to learn more about CoolSculpting in NYC, contact us online or at 212-535-3088 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Green.


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