As we age, signs of sun exposure and other imperfections can appear on the skin. Though collagen loss and pigmentation are often a natural part of the aging process, this experience can be frustrating. As we age, we may experience other changes to the skin as well, such as rosacea, skin laxity, sun damage, sun spots, brown spots, acne scars, wrinkles, broken capillaries, and uneven skin texture. Thankfully, Dr. Michele Green in NYC is an expert in non-invasive cosmetic treatment options that can help combat many of these changes. If you are suffering from discoloration, pigmentation, broken capillaries, rosacea, or vascular lesions, Dr. Green is here to help.

One of the most exciting innovations in noninvasive cosmetic dermatology is Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy. IPL treatment uses discrete wavelengths of light to stimulate collagen production and improve skin tone, texture, broken blood vessels, rosacea, pigmentation, sun spots, age spots, and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Additionally, treatment with IPL works for permanent hair removal, which can be an excellent option for patients seeking an alternative to shaving or waxing. IPL is safe to use on a variety of skin types and can help improve the overall look of the skin in as little as one session. If you are unhappy with changes in your skin and are looking to achieve clear, radiant skin with no downtime or side effects, IPL treatment in Dr. Green’s NYC office may be right for you.

Dr. Michele Green is an internationally renowned board-certified dermatologist with over 25 years of experience in non-invasive cosmetic laser treatments, including IPL, Fraxel, Thermage, Clear + Brilliant, and more. Dr. Green combines the science of technology and the art of cosmetics to bring you the very best cosmetic treatments in NYC. She is consistently rated as one of NYC’s best dermatologists by Castle Connolly, Super Doctors, New York Magazine, and The New York Times due to her expertise and dedication to her patients. In her New York City private dermatology office, she will assess your skin concerns and type to customize a unique IPL treatment protocol designed precisely for your skin type and skin condition.

What is Intense Pulsed Light (IPL®) therapy?

IPL therapy, also called photo rejuvenation or flashlamp therapy, is a unique cosmetic treatment option for rejuvenating the skin. IPL is not a laser treatment, as it does not use a single wavelength of light; instead, IPL uses several wavelengths of light to scatter a flash of light to the targeted area. Since IPL has more than one wavelength, it can remove unwanted hair and treat visible damage caused by excessive sun exposure, also referred to as photoaging. Common signs of photoaging include the development of fine lines and wrinkles, sun spots, skin laxity, uneven skin tone and texture, and broken blood vessels. Typically, an initial series of IPL treatments is necessary to get optimal cosmetic results. Afterward, patients often engage in regular maintenance sessions to keep up with their results. With little downtime or side effects, IPL is an excellent option for patients looking to achieve clear, radiant skin.

What does Intense Pulsed Light Therapy do?

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy, which is often referred to as “Forever Young BBL,” offers patients the chance to improve the tone and texture of their skin without significant recovery or downtime. IPL is a safe and effective treatment that can help you look your best.  IPL treatment is able to treat many different skin conditions, including:

  • Brown spots
  • Sun damage
  • Broken blood vessels
  • Facial rosacea
  • Skin laxity
  • Unwanted hair removal
  • Freckles
  • Birthmarks
  • Leg veins
  • Sunspots
  • Aging skin
  • Acne scars
  • Pigmented lesions
  • Hyperpigmentation

How does Intense Pulsed Light work?

Unlike traditional laser treatments that focus on a single wavelength of light, IPL releases many different wavelengths of light in each pulse of light, producing a “flash” and scattering the light into the dermal layer of the skin. Depending on which wavelengths of light are utilized, pigment cells, hair follicles, or blood vessels absorb the light energy and convert it into heat. The target cells or tissue are then destroyed, resulting in a reduction of melanated cells, unwanted hair, or visible blood vessels. This process also stimulates the body’s natural wound-healing process, which stimulates collagen production to create firm, smooth skin.

IPL Treatment for Rosacea

Rosacea is a chronic skin condition characterized by facial redness that is often accompanied by broken, visible blood vessels. Rosacea is commonly found on the nose and cheeks and can also cause skin dryness, dry eyes, and small, pus-filled bumps that resemble acne. Symptoms can flare up and be triggered by a variety of dietary, lifestyle, and environmental factors, including sun exposure, spicy foods, and extreme temperatures. While there is no cure for rosacea, symptoms can be managed with topical creams, oral medications, and in-office treatments such as IPL. IPL can be used to reduce redness, broken blood vessels, and inflammation. Patients with rosacea typically need three to five sessions of IPL spaced one month apart for treatment. Regular maintenance sessions are best to keep rosacea at bay and maintain clear skin.

Intense Pulsed Light Treatment for Age Spots and Sun Damage

Over time, excessive exposure to the sun can cause visible damage to your skin in a process called “photoaging,” which occurs when ultraviolet radiation causes DNA changes in the skin. This leads to symptoms such as age spots, liver spots, rough and uneven textured skin, broken capillaries, and blotchy redness. Intense Pulsed Light, also often referred to as a “photo facial,” can reverse the visible effects of photoaging on your skin. A photo facial uses different wavelengths of light to target the second layer of your skin, known as the dermis. The melanin in your skin transforms the light energy into heat, which then destroys the pigmentation caused by photoaging, clearing your skin.

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IPL Therapy for Skin Tightening

As we age, our skin naturally becomes looser and more wrinkled. Once we reach our 20s, collagen levels begin to decline. Collagen is an essential protein for keeping the skin firm, smooth, and tight, and decreased production can lead to skin laxity and sagging skin, especially in the lower face and jawline. Thankfully, the Forever Young BBL, one of the newest IPL therapy devices from Sciton, offers a non-surgical way to tighten the skin around the neck and face. Forever Young BBL works by sending light energy to the dermis to heat the collagen deeply while simultaneously cooling the epidermis for comfort and safety. The heat sent to the dermis triggers the body’s natural healing process, and a new foundation of collagen is created to make the skin firmer and reverse the effects of aging on the skin. Research even suggests that treatment with the Forever Young BBL can change the expression of genes associated with longevity and aging. The Forever Young BBL is an excellent treatment option for individuals looking to reduce skin laxity and firm and tighten the skin. The process is also effective for younger patients who do not need to correct any damage but would like to delay the effects of aging and maintain healthy skin. For the best cosmetic results, the Forever Young BBL procedure should be repeated four to six times a month apart, followed by maintenance sessions twice a year.

IPL for Birthmark Removal

IPL has been found to be a safe and effective treatment for removing various types of birthmarks. IPL is a popular option for treating port-wine stains or birthmarks caused by vascular anomalies. The malformation of the capillaries causes the area to have red pigmentation with the appearance of a port wine stain. Over time, individuals find that the birthmark may darken in color to a deeper red or purplish color. IPL treatment can work to close the blood vessels, forming the port-wine stain and diminishing the red pigmentation and appearance of the birthmark. Multiple treatment sessions spaced one month apart are best to reduce the birthmark fully.

What is Intense Pulsed Light hair removal?

While Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is often used for treating rosacea, pigmentation, and skin laxity, it can also be used to remove unwanted hair. IPL was one of the first devices used for hair removal and can be used almost anywhere on the body, including the face, legs, back, chest, and bikini. IPL treatment is non-invasive and gradually works to reduce hair growth in the treatment area. For hair removal, IPL targets the pigment in the hair follicle, leaving the surrounding skin untouched. IPL laser hair removal is best for patients with dark hair, as patients with light-colored or grey hair may not have enough melanin in the hair follicle to make IPL hair removal effective. After a series of treatments, patients can expect to see a removal of their unwanted hair with little to no downtime.

How does Intense Pulsed Light hair removal work?

IPL hair removal is designed to eliminate unwanted hair from the face and body. During IPL hair removal treatment, wavelengths of light are absorbed by the pigment in hair follicles in the growth phase and converted into heat energy. The heat then destroys the hair follicles while leaving the surrounding skin unaffected. The hair follicles are best treated during the growth phase of the follicle, as a dormant hair follicle will not be readily affected by the laser treatment. As such, IPL hair removal requires multiple treatment sessions to reduce unwanted hair fully. The root of the hair needs to be intact for IPL treatment to function properly, so it is essential to avoid practices that may pull hair out from the root. Patients should avoid waxing, tweezing, or plucking hair for two weeks before the procedure. Patients may, however, shave during the two weeks prior to your appointment or in between IPL sessions. IPL treatment targets melanin, so it is important to avoid excess sun exposure, tanning, or the use of tanning beds prior to your appointment. Dr. Green recommends using sunscreen with at least SPF 50 on the treatment area anytime you are outside.

Who is a good candidate for IPL?

A good candidate for Intense Pulsed Light therapy is a patient who has sun damage, freckles, age spots, facial redness, vascular lesions, red acne scars, or unwanted hair and is looking for skin rejuvenation. Patients should not be tan, whether from sun exposure, tanning beds, or tanning drops, as the laser may mistake the tan for pigmentation and increase the risk of burning or scarring. Patients with melasma are not good candidates for IPL, as treatment can exacerbate melasma and make it more noticeable. IPL is most effective for patients with Fitzpatrick skin tones I-IV (far skin tones). You should not have IPL treatment if you have a sunburn, active infection, open wound, or active acne breakout, as treatment may exacerbate your symptoms.

Is IPL safe for darker skin tones?

As IPL targets melanin in skin or hair follicles, treatment is not recommended for patients with darker skin tones. Dr. Green offers a wide array of non-invasive skin rejuvenation treatments in her private Upper East Side dermatology office. If IPL is not suited for you, she will recommend a combination of treatments to help you achieve clear, radiant skin. For pigmentation, Dr. Green often recommends chemical peels or microneedling that is safe and effective for darker skin tones. When it comes to laser hair removal, Dr. Green uses two different kinds of lasers for patients with different skin tones. For patients with light skin, Dr. Green uses GentleLase, and for patients with dark skin, Dr. Green uses GentleYAG. Patients with light skin and dark hair will have the best results for treatment with GentleLase. Both lasers remove hair quickly and without pain, and neither requires recovery time following the procedure. During your consultation, Dr. Green will assess your skin type, tone, and concerns to choose the best treatment for you.

How to use Intense Pulsed Light therapy on the face

The process for IPL treatment is simple and convenient. First, you’ll meet with Dr. Green in her private NYC dermatology office to discuss your medical history, current skin condition, previous cosmetic treatments, and desired aesthetic goals. She will then assess if IPL treatment is right for you. At this time, medical photography may be taken to track the future progress of treatment. Before treatment, it is essential to avoid excessive sun exposure or tanning to reduce the risk of burns during treatment. Avoid topical retinol and retinoids, as well as alpha- and beta-hydroxy acids, to reduce the sensitivity of the skin. Patients undergoing IPL for hair removal should not wax or tweeze hairs in the treated area for at least two weeks before the procedure so the hair follicle can be treated.

On the day of your IPL procedure, the skin will be cleaned of any makeup or sunscreen. Protective goggles will be given to you to wear during the treatment to protect your eyes. A cool gel is applied to your skin, and the light pulses from the IPL handpiece are delivered to the dermal layer of your skin. IPL treatment is not painful; rather, it feels a little bit like a rubber band snapping against your skin. The stinging is mild, and no topical numbing cream is required for the procedure. The treatment time will take between 15 and 30 minutes, depending on which area of the body is being treated and for which specific skin condition. After treatment, Dr. Green will review pertinent after-care instructions based on the specific skin condition being treated.

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What is the recovery from Intense Pulsed Light?

Intense Pulsed Light treatment is non-invasive and non-ablative – meaning the laser does not remove the top layer of skin — so you should be able to return to your regular activities directly following the procedure. You may experience some redness and mild swelling for one to two days after the treatment, and the area of your skin that received the IPL treatment might feel like a mild sunburn for four to eight hours afterward. A cool washcloth can be used on sensitive areas to help ease the stinging sensation. After the first IPL treatment, some spots on the skin may darken. This is normal and will go away within three to seven days of receiving the initial IPL treatment.

Although this treatment is non-ablative with minimal to no downtime, proper skin care and sun avoidance must be maintained after your skin treatment for the best cosmetic results. Patients should use gentle, hydrating products and avoid any ingredients, including retinol, glycolic acid, and salicylic acid, to reduce irritation to the skin. Dr. Green recommends using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 50 to protect from UV damage. For maximum protection, patients can use a combination of a physical sunscreen and a chemical sunscreen. Physical sunscreen remains on top of the skin and contains minerals such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide in order to reflect UV rays away. Chemical sunscreen, on the other hand, is absorbed into the skin and converts UV rays into heat.

What are the possible side effects of IPL?

Typically, the side effects of IPL treatment are incredibly mild and may include redness or swelling. Occasionally, potential side effects of IPL may include:

  • Blistering
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Hypopigmentation
  • Scarring
  • Infection
  • Bruising
  • Worsening of facial melasma

Is Intense Pulsed Light therapy safe?

Intense Pulsed Light is a non-ablative and non-invasive procedure and is, therefore, very low-risk. The light pulses do not remove any skin; rather, the wavelengths of light target the darker pigmentation in the second layer of your skin (the dermis) to remove the discoloration while leaving the surrounding skin untouched. Most patients experience only mild discomfort during the procedure itself, which is often described as being lightly flicked with a rubber band, and there is no downtime necessary following the treatment. The skin in the treatment area may feel red and swollen for one to two days, but these symptoms clear up quickly on their own. During the recovery phase, patients need to be diligent about wearing sunscreen as the skin is more sensitive to UV rays after the IPL process. As with any cosmetic treatment, it is always best to seek out a board-certified dermatologist, such as Dr. Green, who has the knowledge and expertise to deliver IPL treatment safely and effectively. When you consult with Dr. Green in her private NYC dermatology office, she will assess your medical history, previous cosmetic treatments, skin tone, and skin concerns to determine if IPL is safe for you and tailor a treatment plan to help you achieve clear, younger-looking skin.

How long does Intense Pulsed Light last?

The visible results after treatment will depend on the specific skin condition being treated. Patients treating pigmentation, sun spots, or age spots may see a change after the first treatment session. At first, brown spots will actually become darker, and you may see some redness. This can be covered by makeup and should be resolved quickly. Afterward, the skin will look brighter and more radiant. Patients treating skin laxity, facial redness, rosacea, vascular lesions, or unwanted hair may see visible results in the second session. However, with each IPL treatment session, the skin will become smoother, tighter, and more clear. IPL produces long-lasting skin rejuvenation results; however, many patients engage in regular treatment sessions to maintain and enhance the results from treatment.

dr michele green fraxel treatment

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)about IPL treatment

What is Intense Pulsed Light treatment?

With so many types of cosmetic treatments on the market, many patients wonder, “What is intense pulsed light, and what makes it so unique?” While traditional lasers use a single wavelength of light, IPL treatment uses various wavelengths of light and scatters them deep within the dermal layer of the skin. IPL can target pigmented skin cells, vascular lesions, and pigmented hair follicles; when the targeted cells or tissue absorb the light energy, the energy is converted to heat, destroying the cells or tissue while leaving the surrounding skin unaffected. With minimal downtime or side effects, IPL treatment is an excellent non-invasive cosmetic option for creating clear, radiant, youthful-looking skin.

What does Intense Pulsed Light do?

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy, which is often referred to as “Forever Young BBL,” offers patients the chance to improve the tone and texture of their skin without significant recovery or downtime. IPL is a safe and effective treatment that can help you look your best.  IPL treatment is able to treat many different skin conditions, including skin laxity, facial redness, rosacea, brown spots, hyperpigmentation, and broken blood vessels. IPL can also remove pigmented birthmarks and unwanted hair on almost any part of the body. After each treatment session, patients can look forward to clearer, brighter, more radiant skin with almost no downtime.

How much does Intense Pulsed Light cost?

The cost of the IPL treatment varies depending on the skin condition being treated and the size of the treatment area. A small area for hair removal will cost less than a larger area or a photo facial. Additionally, the expertise of the healthcare provider performing your IPL treatment can create a variation in cost. While it may be more cost-effective to go to a MedSpa, seeing a board-certified dermatologist like Dr. Green is best to avoid any complications or adverse side effects. When you consult with Dr. Green, she will review your medical and cosmetic history and assess your skin condition and tone to create a customized IPL treatment plan for your unique skin rejuvenation. At this time, the cost of your IPL treatment will be determined.

How often do I schedule my follow-up treatment with the IPL?

Patients who receive IPL treatments every couple of months observe better results in addressing their skin care needs. The frequency and number of follow-up treatments for your IPL rejuvenation plan will vary depending on the condition you are treating. Dr. Green will discuss your situation and determine the treatment schedule that is right for you. Typically, patients will undergo an initial series of treatments, anywhere between three to six, spaced one month apart. Afterward, patients will schedule a follow-up procedure with Dr. Green every 4 to 6 months. You should see a change in your skin after the first IPL treatment appointment, but you will observe that, over time and multiple treatments, your skin will appear smoother, more even, and brighter.

Can you treat melasma with IPL?

Melasma is a specific type of hyperpigmentation characterized by flat brown or dark grey pigmentation on the surface of the skin. Melasma commonly appears on the upper lip, cheeks, forehead, and bridge of the nose. Melasma can develop due to various environmental factors, including sun exposure and hormonal changes seen during menopause, pregnancy, and usage of hormonal replacement therapy or birth control pills. Unlike sun spots and other types of pigmentation, melasma should not be treated with lasers or IPL, as they can entrench the pigmentation into the skin and exacerbate the appearance of melasma. If you are unsure if you have melasma, it is essential to consult with an expert dermatologist like Dr. Green for a proper skin diagnosis before engaging with any laser treatments. Dr. Green works with many patients who had previously been treated with inappropriate laser types that have further spread the appearance of melasma on this skin. She understands how crucial it is to match each patient’s unique skin pigmentation and discoloration to the best and safest treatment available from the very beginning.

Chemical peels are an excellent alternative to IPL therapy for melasma. Dr. Green often utilizes the Cosmelan peel, a professional-grade mask, to treat melasma. The Cosmelan peel works to exfoliate the skin, removing the top layer of dead, pigmented skin cells to reveal a smooth layer of healthy, bright skin. The mask is applied to the skin for a specific number of hours based on the patient’s skin type and severity of pigmentation before being removed with a gentle facial cleanser. Afterward, Dr. Green will provide a series of creams to be used at home to maintain the results from treatment and keep the skin clear of excess pigment. The Cosmelan requires minimal downtime and is safe for patients of all skin tones, making it an excellent treatment for melasma.

How does IPL compare to traditional lasers?

A traditional laser uses a single focused wavelength of light to treat a specific skin condition. For example, the VBeam pulsed dye laser uses a 595nm wavelength for treating red pigmentation and vascular lesions, and the Fraxel Dual laser utilizes a 1550nm wavelength for treating fine lines, uneven skin texture, and scars, as well as a 1927nm wavelength for treating sun damage and pigmentation. In contrast, IPL uses various wavelengths of light that create a “flash,” scattering the wavelengths into the dermal layer of the skin to treat a multitude of skin conditions.

How to use Intense Pulsed Light es1081

The IPL es1081 is an at-home IPL device with three massage modes and seven different LED light modes to improve inflammation, lymphatic drainage, and the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, mild to moderate acne, and pigmentation. The device also boasts a 160-degree feature that allows it to fit the curvature of the face and neck. However, at-home devices like the IPL es1081 do not contain the same power as IPL systems like the Forever Young BBL used in Dr. Green’s dermatology office. Often, at-home devices require multiple treatment sessions each week for several months before any results may be visible. Additionally, the risk of adverse side effects and complications increases when using an IPL device at home. When considering an at-home IPL device, it is always best to consult with a board-certified dermatologist like Dr. Green to avoid the risk of hyperpigmentation and burns, especially for patients with darker skin.

How to use Intense Pulsed Light hair removal

The IPL a109 is an Intense Pulsed Light handheld device to be used at home for hair removal. While the IPL system offers adjustable energy levels, the device will not be as effective as receiving hair removal treatment from a board-certified dermatologist, such as Dr. Green. The device is costly and requires constant upkeep, as it must be used two times a week for several weeks and then once a month for maintenance. Receiving IPL hair removal from a board-certified dermatologist like Dr. Green will require multiple sessions, but afterward, the results are permanent. Additionally, if an at-home device like the IPL a109 system is being used in sensitive areas, there is a higher risk of causing harm to your skin if you are using the device on your own at home. For the safest and most effective hair removal results, it is best to consult with an expert dermatologist, such as Dr. Green.

Non-surgical IPL treatment vs plastic surgery

When patients are thinking about undergoing a procedure to affect the look and feel of their skin, a question might come up about non-surgical treatments like Intense Pulsed Light treatment and how it compares to plastic surgery. Most patients have a preference for non-surgical treatment for many reasons. Plastic surgery requires anesthesia as it is invasive and ablative, which has significant effects on the pain involved during the extensive recovery. Depending on the type of procedure, recovery from plastic surgery can take anywhere from six weeks to several months, as patients will be caring for the wound caused by the surgery. It can also take a significant amount of time before patients can return to their regular activities after the process.

Additionally, the use of anesthesia increases the risk of more severe side effects after treatment. IPL treatment, on the other hand, is highly effective in removing evidence of skin damage, removing unwanted hair, and maintaining firm, healthy, and youthful skin without being invasive or ablative, meaning the procedure does not remove any skin or require any incisions. There is no downtime after the treatment, and patients can return immediately to their regular activities. With no discomfort or downtime and long-lasting results, it’s no wonder that patients prefer IPL treatment over invasive plastic surgery.

Does Intense Pulsed Light therapy work?

When it comes to IPL therapy, patients always want to know, “Does intense pulsed light work?” The answer is yes! Dr. Green performs IPL treatments using the Sciton IPL machine, also known as Forever Young BBL™, broadband light. The BBL is known as the world’s most powerful IPL machine. BBL uses a special pulse laser approach by delivering short bursts of high-intensity light energy below the skin’s surface. This light energy helps to damage the melanin (skin pigmentation) responsible for causing age spots, freckles, and other skin discoloration. It can also address damaged blood vessels, boost natural collagen production in the skin, reduce skin laxity, and remove unwanted hair. Although IPL is similar to laser therapy, the treatments are much gentler than traditional laser resurfacing procedures and require no downtime following a treatment session. After an initial series of treatments, patients often return on an annual or biannual basis to keep and enhance the results from treatment. IPL therapy offers stunning rejuvenation results and can be used on almost any area of the body. When you consult with Dr. Green in her private NYC dermatology office, she will assess your skin concerns to tailor a customized IPL treatment plan that will be best suited to achieve optimal cosmetic results.

How do I get started with the IPL treatment for photo rejuvenation?

IPL is an innovative treatment used to rejuvenate the skin on almost any area of the body, including the face, chest, and neck. Also called a photo facial, IPL treatment utilizes multiple wavelengths of light, scattering them across the dermis to treat a variety of skin concerns. IPL is best known for improving visible signs of sun damage, including fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation, redness, broken blood vessels, and skin laxity. In addition, IPL can also be used to remove unwanted hair on the face and body. One of the benefits of IPL is that there is no downtime required for this procedure, allowing patients ease in scheduling their treatment sessions. Multiple treatment sessions are required for skin rejuvenation, after which patients engage in maintenance sessions to keep and enhance optimal cosmetic results. With IPL treatment, Dr. Green can help you eliminate facial redness, pigmentation from sun damage, signs of aging, skin laxity, and unwanted hair to help you look and feel like your best self again.

Dr. Michele Green is a world-renowned, board-certified dermatologist with expertise in non-invasive cosmetic procedures, including IPL, dermal fillers, chemical peels, and more. With over two and a half decades of experience in the field of cosmetic dermatology, Dr. Green embraces a holistic approach to skin rejuvenation, customizing each patient’s treatment plan to their specific skin concerns, type, and tone. She is consistently voted as one of the best dermatologists in NYC by Castle Connolly, New York Magazine, Super Doctors, and The New York Times due to her expertise and dedication to her patients. Please call our NYC office today to schedule a consultation at 212-535-3088 or contact us online today to learn if Intense Pulsed Light is the best cosmetic treatment for you.

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