Kybella Neck Lift
The neck area is highly susceptible to developing premature signs of aging due to the thinness of the neck skin, sun exposure over time, and the natural breakdown of collagen that occurs as we age. Sagging skin, excess fat, and neck bands can affect the appearance of the submental area, leading to what is sometimes referred to as a “turkey neck.” The gathering of fatty tissue in the submental area can also lead to a double chin, which, once acquired, is difficult to get rid of – even with a healthy diet and a strict exercise routine. For many, the appearance of a turkey neck or double chin can cause feelings of self-consciousness or low self-esteem. Luckily, there is a safe and effective way to permanently eliminate the fat cells that cause a double chin, without the need for plastic surgery: Kybella injections! Dr. Michele Green, an expert in Kybella injections in NYC, can sculpt your jawline and melt your double chin without plastic surgery or down time.
Kybella is the first and only FDA approved cosmetic injectable for fat reduction in the submental area. Kybella® is made of a synthetic deoxycholic acid, a natural substance in the body that plays a role in the breakdown of dietary fat, and has become a popular, safe, and effective treatment option for reducing the amount of fat in the neck. Kybella is often incorporated into the non-surgical neck lift treatment plans of patients seeking to rejuvenate the appearance of the neck area. Traditional neck lifts are done as a surgical procedure and target sagging skin, double chins, and the “turkey neck”. Thanks to Kybella and other non-surgical treatment options, patients can achieve their ideal aesthetic goals without the painful process and extensive downtime associated with plastic surgery. Kybella is non-invasive, requires essentially no downtime, and will permanently reduce neck fat in just a few sessions
Internationally renowned, board-certified expert, Dr. Michele Green was among the first dermatologists in NYC to offer her patients Kybella injections as a fat reduction treatment and non-surgical solution to the dreaded double chin. With over 25 years of experience providing her patients from around the globe with the best non-invasive treatment options, she is consistently recognized as one of New York’s best physicians by Castle Connolly, New York Magazine, Super Doctors, and The New York Times. Dr. Green takes a holistic approach and embraces a ‘less is more’ philosophy when it comes to rejuvenation treatments, customizing the treatment plans of each of her patients so that they are best suited to their specific concerns and overall aesthetic goals.
Kybella 3 months before and after
Who is a good candidate for Kybella treatment?
It is very common to develop excess fat in the area under the chin, called the submental area. This submental fullness can occur for a variety of reasons, such as genetics, weight gain, or as a result of the natural aging process. If you are feeling self-conscious about submental fat in the neck area, Kybella is an amazing non-surgical treatment option and permanent method for dissolving the excess fat cells. If you are interested in non-surgical neck rejuvenation, Kybella treatment is a non-invasive, FDA approved injectable treatment with fabulous results. The best candidate is an individual who has a moderate amount of submental fat, but without a great deal of skin laxity. If that is the case, then you are the perfect candidate for a Kybella neck lift.
What is Kybella?
Kybella is the first FDA approved injectable treatment that is used to treat excess fat on the neck and along the jawline (also known as jowls). While you may think of an injectable treatment as injecting a filler like Juvederm® or a neurotoxin like like Botox, Kybella is a prescription medication composed of synthetic deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring chemical in the body that plays a role in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. This permanent, non-invasive treatment is simple, quick, and effective for fat reduction in the neck to reshape the contour of the neck area and jawline. As Kybella injectable treatment targets the fat cells specifically, it can be used in combination with other treatments, such as Thermage and BBL, which can help regenerate new collagen and elastin to tighten the skin.
How do Kybella injections work?
Kybella is a chemical injectable that is used to dissolve the fat cells in the neck and jowls. The injection contain a naturally occurring enzyme, deoxycholic acid, which is a chemical that occurs naturally in your intestines. Deoxycholic acid is manufactured in your body to break down fat cells by dissolving the membrane of those cells. The injectable works in much the same way, slowly breaking down the fat cells at and around the injection site, which in turn reduces the submental fullness in the neck. Since deoxycholic acid is naturally occurring, your body knows how to flush out the fat cells from the area once they have been broken down. The process takes place gradually over the course of about four weeks. Kybella injections are best for moderate to severe fat in the chin, neck, and jowls and is effective for all skin types. The result, is a rejuvenation of the neck for a slim, youthful appearance.
Can Kybella be used on neck?
Yes! Kybella has been specifically approved to treat the submental area of the face, meaning the area that is below the chin. Kybella can be used to treat the jowls – the fat or sagging skin that appears along the jaw line – or turkey neck, as well as double chins. Kybella injections help to permanently dissolve the fat cells that cause these issues. When you make your first appointment with Dr. Green, the two of you will discuss the treatment area as well as your unique personal and aesthetic goals. She will help you to determine the treatment plan and schedule that will work best for you.
What is the procedure for Kybella injections?
You will start the process by consulting with Dr. Michele Green in NYC, to discuss your specific concerns and overall aesthetic goals for the procedure. Dr. Green will also assess the treatment area to create the unique non-surgical neck lift treatment plan that is right for you. Kybella injections can be used in combination with other treatments, such as Thermage, Botox injections, and CoolSculpting, which may be incorporated into your treatment plan depending on your needs and goals.
If Kybella treatment is recommended for you, then Dr. Green will prescribe a topical numbing cream to your selected pharmacy. You will apply the topical numbing cream one hour before your appointment for Kybella injections to minimize any potential discomfort during the procedure. After the numbing cream is removed and the skin cleaned, Dr. Green will mark the treatment area in a grid pattern. Dr. Green will inject Kybella, directly into the treatment area to target the fat cells, using a very fine needle. Patients typically receive anywhere between 12 and 20 injections depending on the size of the treatment area. The procedure usually takes about 15 minutes to complete. To minimize the risk of bruising at the injection site, Dr. Green advises patients to discontinue taking blood thinners for at least one week prior to the procedure.
Kybella is a non-invasive treatment so there is minimal downtime following the procedure and very little discomfort during the treatment – especially with the addition of the topical numbing cream. The most common side effect of Kybella treatment is a mild amount of swelling in the treatment area. After the injections, Dr. Green’s office will apply an ice pack to the injection site to further minimize the risk of bruising and swelling. You can return to your daily activities immediately after your treatment, but Dr. Green advises against intense exercise for 48 hours after your Kybella neck lift.
What is the aftercare following Kybella treatment?
Kybella treatment is simple, painless, and has almost no downtime after the procedure. Directly following the injections, Dr. Green’s office will apply ice packs to the treatment area and recommends that you continue to ice periodically during the day after the procedure. Icing the injection site will help to reduce the swelling in the area, which is a common side effect that occurs as a result of the Kybella injections. Dr. Green also recommends that you sleep with your head elevated with two pillows and sleep on your back, during the first evening after your Kybella treatment. For two days after receiving the injections, you should also refrain from doing extensive physical activity or heavy exercise.
What are the side effects of Kybella injections?
As Kybella injection treatment is a non-invasive treatment, the risk of significant side effects is minimal and common side effects from the treatment are mild. After the treatment, you may experience swelling, bruising, or soreness at and around the injection site. Icing the treatment area and keeping your head elevated during the the day of the procedure should reduce the likelihood of experiencing significant swelling. More significant side effects can occur if the person administering the Kybella injections is inexperienced or imprecise. These side effects may include infection at the treatment area or hair loss. The risk of experiencing these side effects is greatly reduced if you book your Kybella injection appointment with an expert, board-certified cosmetic dermatologist, such as Dr. Green.
How many treatment sessions do you need?
When you first consult with Dr. Green, together you will determine the treatment plan and schedule that works best for you. Since the number of treatments varies from person to person, Dr. Green will establish your treatment protocol during your consultation. In order to see the best results from the treatment, Dr. Green typically recommends that patients come in for 3 or 4 treatment sessions. These sessions should be spaced at least a month a part to allow for the injection to work through your system. The deoxycholic acid breaks down the fat cells gradually over time, so it is important to give enough time between sessions for that to occur. Sessions are usually spaced between four and six weeks a part, depending on the concentration of fat in the treatment area, the size of your neck, and the amount of swelling.
When does Kybella start to work?
The Kybella treatment process requires 3 to 4 sessions spaced between 4 and 6 weeks a part. Since the Kybella injectable contains deoxycholic acid, which is a chemical that occurs naturally in the body, it takes some time for the dissolution of fat cells to occur. As such, it should take several weeks before the results begin to show. However, once the treatment process is complete, the results are permanent and you will not need to come back for treatment again.
45-54 year old male treated with Thermage & Kybella
How long do results of Kybella last?
Neck rejuvenation with Kybella treatment is designed to create permanent results! Once you have gone through the treatment process – 3 to 4 treatment sessions – you will see the physical results of the fat reduction in your neck. While the effects are meant to be permanent, any weight gain or fluctuation (weight loss and then gain) going forward can result in increased fullness of submental area and affect the contour of the neck. It is important that patients adhere to a healthy lifestyle, including balanced diet and regular exercise regiment, to maintain the cosmetic effects of their Kybella injections.
How many vials of Kybella do you need for your neck?
There is not a one-size-fits-all treatment plan when it comes to Kybella injectable treatment. The amount of vials or injectable solution necessary for the Kybella treatment depends on several factors, including the size of the treatment area, the size of the patients neck, and the severity of fat concentration in the area. Every patient is unique in their needs and, as such, the number of vials necessary to treat the neck may vary from patient to patient. Typically, 2-3 vials of Kybella per treatment session are needed to sufficiently treat the neck area and eliminate unwanted excess fat. The Kybella injectable treatment will usually require between three and four sessions to achieve the best cosmetic results. When you consult with Dr. Green at her private dermatology office in the Upper East Side neighborhood of Manhattan, she will assess the treatment area and provide you with an estimate of how many treatment sessions will be needed for your neck rejuvenation.
Kybella vs Neck Lift
For some patients, there is a question about what kind of treatment they should get to address the signs of aging in their neck. Some may consider a surgical neck lift – but what is the difference between neck lift surgery and Kybella? The biggest difference is in how the procedures themselves go in that the Kybella injections are a non-surgical treatment with minimal recovery time and the surgical neck lift is plastic surgery with significant risks and downtime. A neck lift is cosmetic surgery akin to a facelift, or facial plastic surgery, in that a plastic surgeon will make incisions along the face for muscle and skin tightening under general anesthesia.
A surgical neck lift is a good option is you are looking to address loose skin and muscle laxity in addition to excess fat in the submental area. The neck lift procedure begins with the plastic surgeon making a series of incisions: typically behind the ears, under your chin, and along the hairline in the back of your neck. The plastic surgeon will first address the fat in the submental region by redistributing the fat cells for an optimal neckline contour and then use liposuction to get rid of any excess fat. As a part of the procedure, the plastic surgeon can also tighten the muscles along the neck for a firmer, more youthful appearance. Once that is finished, the surgeon will lay the skin back over the neck and cut away any excess skin.
Kybella injections and surgical neck lifts also differ in the amount of time that the procedure takes as well as the amount of recovery time necessary following the treatment. For Kybella treatment, the series of injections take about twenty minutes each and there is minimal down time after each injection. Mild symptoms such as swelling and bruising are possible but after one day of icing and keeping your head raised, you should be able to return to your regularly scheduled activities without any trouble. For surgical neck lifts, on the other hand, the procedure can take anywhere between 2 and 4 hours and the recovery period is painful and extensive. Healing from a neck lift surgery can take from 2 weeks to a full month.
If you are comparing Kybella injections and neck lift surgery, it is important to consider the cost of the procedure. Due to the lower cost, the accessibility of Kybella injections is much higher. Plastic surgery tends to be much more expensive than cosmetic injections, which can give you excellent results with no recovery time or discomfort. If you have an excessive amount of skin in the neck area, only a neck lift will treat this condition. However, if you have mild skin laxity and submental fat, combining Thermage® skin tightening with a Kybella neck lift will give you excellent results. It is always important to consult an expert injector, like Dr. Michele Green in New York, when choosing a physician to perform these advanced cosmetic procedures.
Can you put Kybella in the neck?
Kybella injectable treatment has been FDA-approved to specifically treat the submental region, including the neck. This means that the treatment has been shown to be very effective in eliminating excess fat in this region after achieving excellent results in multiple studies. The treatment is designed to target the fatty tissue under the chin and in the neck to reduce the appearance of the double chin and contour the jawline.
Does Kybella tighten neck skin?
Kybella injections treatment are best used to dissolve the excess fat cells in the neck, which create a double chin or “turkey neck” look. The active ingredient, deoxycholic acid, breaks down the fat cells around the injection site to create a smooth, slim contour of the neck. Kybella itself cannot resurface or tighten highly lax skin, also known as loose skin, which is why Kybella is often used in combination with other treatment such as Thermage, which is a radiofrequency treatment that helps to rejuvenate the skin by promoting the creation of new collagen. However, Kybella has been seen to have some skin tightening results when there is not an issue to extreme skin laxity.
Kybella in chin/neck area – 2 treatments
Does Kybella work on a sagging neck?
Kybella is designed specifically to eliminate stubborn pockets of fat by dissolving the membrane of the fat cells in the treatment area. If the sagging appearance of the neck is due specifically to a build up of fatty tissue in the area, Kybella will dissolve these fat cells and melt your double chin. Patients for whom loose skin contributes to the sagging look of the neck can combine skin tightening lasers, such as Vivace and Thermage FLX, to improve the appearance of a sagging neck. By combining these radiofreqency lasers, the jaw line can be tightened without a surgical procedure.
Can Kybella help turkey neck?
“Turkey neck” is the unflattering term for the condition in which excess skin or fat gathers underneath the chin to create a loose and wobbly appearance. Having this submental excess can induce feelings of self-consciousness. Many patients ask, does Kybella work for turkey neck, and the answer is that Kybella injections are great to use if the appearance of the turkey neck is caused by excess fat. Kybella treatment works to break down and remove fat cells, leaving you with a slim, wobble-free neck. If your turkey neck is caused by loose skin, Dr. Green might recommend other treatments, such as Thermage, which is a laser treatment that helps to promote smooth and firm skin via the stimulation of collagen production. If the degree of skin laxity is severe, Dr. Green may refer you to a trusted board-certified plastic surgeon for a consultation on a surgical neck lift.
Can Kybella be used in conjunction with other treatments?
Yes! Dr. Green often combines Kybella® injections with other treatments for optimal cosmetic results. Common treatments that can be used in combination with Kybella injectables include CoolSculpting® and Thermage. CoolSculpting can be used before Kybella treatment is done to eliminate some of the excess fat in the neck area. Using what is called the CoolMini® applicator, CoolSculpting uses a cold temperature to destroy fat cells in a process called cryolipolysis. In the weeks following the treatment, the excess fat cells are metabolized by the body, resulting in a slimmer treatment area. CoolSculpting is exclusively a non-surgical fat reduction treatment and is not intended to be for weight loss. An ideal candidate for CoolSculpting is at or near their goal weight and is struggling with pockets of stubborn excess fat. The submental area, also known as the double chin, is a very common treatment area.
Botox injections are often combined with Kybella injections for non-surgical neck rejuvenation. Botox injections, when administered into the neck cords and the wrinkles of the neck, will serve to tighten the area and improve the cosmetic appearance of neck bands and vertical neck lines. This type of Botox treatment is called a “Nefertiti lift” and is a very popular non-invasive neck lift procedure which is often done in combination with Kybella injections for contouring the neck.
Thermage is another treatment that is used alongside Kybella injections and can be particularly helpful in addressing loose (also known as “lax”) skin. Thermage is a treatment that uses radiofrequency to heat the inner layer of the skin. This heating causing slight damage to that layer of the skin and your body reacts by producing collagen. Collagen is responsible for smooth, firm, and youthful-looking skin. Since Kybella primarily addresses the build up of excess fat in the neck, Thermage can be used if you are also experiencing increased skin laxity as a result of the natural aging process. In addition, Dr. Green can inject Botox into the neck cords themselves to tighten the neck and rejuvenate the area as well.

35-44 year old woman treated with Kybella, Fraxel, & Botox
How do you fix saggy neck skin?
If patients are concerned with excess fat as well as saggy, loose skin on the neck, Dr. Green may recommend pairing Kybella injections with a skin tightening laser treatment such as Thermage. As a result of the natural aging process, the body’s production of collagen and elastin decreases and the skin can become loose. On the neck, this can result in the appearance of what is known as “turkey neck”. A mild to moderate amount of skin laxity can be corrected with just a single treatment session of Thermage. Thermage is a radiofrequency laser device that causes existing collagen to contract and stimulates the production of new collagen. There is absolutely no downtime involved with Thermage, meaning that patients can resume their usual daily activities immediately upon completion of the procedure and they can schedule their treatment session with ease. The skin tightening effects of Thermage last for up to two years, with most patients choosing to engage in an annual maintenance treatment session to keep up the best results.
How much is Kybella for neck rejuvenation?
The total cost of having Kybella injections for eliminating excess fat in the submental area is ultimately dependent on a number of contributing factors. The geographic location of the office in which you have treatment, the experience level of the provider performing your injections, and the amount of Kybella/ number of treatment sessions needed for your ideal aesthetic goals will all impact the final cost of your treatment. Price can vary depending on how many vials of Kybella injectable you need, which is determined by the size of the treatment area, the amount of fat in the neck, and the size of your neck. Additionally, it can be less expensive to go to a MedSpa for the Kybella treatment, however, the risk of developing more severe side effects is greater if you do not go to an expert injector, such as Dr. Michele Green. When you schedule your consultation appointment with Dr. Green, her office will be able to determine the cost of the Kybella procedure after taking your individual goals into consideration.
Is Kybella Botox?
Kybella is a cosmetic injectable composed of synthetic deoxycholic acid, an enzyme that can naturally be found in the body and plays a role in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. Kybella was designed to be a non-surgical treatment option for individuals interested in submental fat removal. Botox is an injectable neurotoxin that is considered to be the gold standard treatment for softening the appearance of dynamic fine lines and wrinkles. Dynamic wrinkles form due to repeated facial expressions etching them into the skin over time. By injecting Botox, the facial muscles responsible for expression are partially “frozen” or relaxed, softening the appearance of such fine lines and preventing them from becoming deeper. Kybella and Botox are two different types of cosmetic injectables, but they can be used together as complementary treatments in a non-surgical neck lift for rejuvenation of the neck area. Patients that take advantage of both non-surgical treatment options for neck rejuvenation would have Kybella injections for eliminating excess fat cells and Botox injections in the platysma muscles to reduce the appearance of vertical neck bands. When you consult with Dr. Green at her private dermatology office in the Upper East Side neighborhood of Manhattan for rejuvenation treatment, she will work with you to create a customized treatment plan that is best suited to your unique concerns and overall aesthetic goals.
Can Kybella be used on the jawline?
Kybella is FDA approved for removing excess fat in the submental area. Patients that are interested in non-surgical treatment options for jawline augmentation may choose to incorporate Kybella into their treatment plans in order to enhance the definition and contour of their jawline. A board-certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist should always perform treatment with Kybella injections to guarantee that the procedure is executed safely and properly, and to achieve the best cosmetic results. It is also imperative that the injector have sufficient medical knowledge of the anatomy of the submental and neck area, as injecting too high up on the neck or along the sides of the jawline may interfere with nerves that control lower facial muscles. An experienced injector, such as Dr. Michele Green in NYC, has the expertise to strategically inject Kybella to eliminate submental fat cells for optimal rejuvenation results and an enhanced, defined jawline.
How do I get started with Kybella injectable treatment?
Eliminating stubborn excess fat in the submental area can provide enhanced contour and definition of the jawline. If you are bothered by the appearance of a double chin and are looking for a way to get rid of excess fat without cosmetic surgery or liposuction, Kybella may be the perfect solution for you. As the first and only FDA approved injectable treatment for excess fat reduction in the submental area, Kybella has helped countless patients achieve their ideal neck rejuvenation results with minimal downtime or discomfort.
Dr. Michele Green is an expert in non-surgical cosmetic treatment options, including Kybella injections, and was one of the first dermatologists in NYC to use Kybella in in her practice. As an internationally renowned leader in the field of dermatology with over 25 years of experience, Dr. Green is consistently voted as one of the best physicians in New York City by Castle Connolly, Super Doctors, and New York Magazine. She takes a holistic approach to rejuvenation treatments and embraces a ‘less is more’ philosophy, helping her patients look and feel like the best version of themselves by creating customized treatment plans that incorporate the best skincare products and various anti-aging procedures including Botox injections, dermal fillers, and laser treatments, among others. When you consult with Dr. Green at her private dermatology office located in the Upper East Side neighborhood of Manhattan, she will work with you to develop a treatment plan that is best suited to your specific concerns and achieves your ideal results. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Green and learn more about the non-surgical neck lift with Kybella injections, contact the NYC office of Dr. Michele Green online or call 212-535-3088 today.