Kybella Knees

Kybella for Inner Knee Fat

Even when patients are close to their target weight, there may be stubborn areas of fat that just won’t go away. For some patients, the pockets of fat on the inside of the knee can be difficult to get rid of and can spoil the ideal contouring of their legs. In years past, the only option was invasive liposuction by a plastic surgeon. Now, there are many non-surgical body contouring methods which do not require plastic surgery or any downtime. In fact, advances in dermatology have made fat reduction and slimming possible during your lunch break. Kybella injections have revolutionized non-invasive body contouring, by permanently removing fat cells in only a few minutes.

Kybella is the first and only FDA-approved injectable fat reduction treatment for the submental region, to remove the jowls or “double chin.” Kybella treatment can be used in many other areas of the body, besides the submental area. Kybella injections can be used “off-label” to treat areas of stubborn fat throughout the body, including the bra fat, knee fat of the inner knees, chin fat, back fat, flanks, buttocks, abdomen, and upper arms. This amazing injectable treatment works to dissolve fat cells at the injection site, thereby contouring the area for a slimmer look. The treatment uses a synthetic form of the naturally occurring chemical in the body, deoxycholic acid, to eliminate excess fat cells. When treating an off-label areas of the body, it is important to seek treatment from an expert cosmetic dermatologist, such as Dr. Michele Green in New York.

Dr. Michele Green was one of the first dermatologists in NYC to inject Kybella in her private, discrete, NYC office. For over 25 years, Dr. Green has been voted one of the best cosmetic dermatologists in New York and is an expert in Botox injections, dermal fillers such as Restylane and Juvederm, chemical peels, CoolSculpting, Thermage, and other skin tightening lasers. For over 25 years, Dr. Green has been consistently voted one of the best dermatologists in New York by Castle Connolly, the New York Times, Super Doctors, and New York Magazine. If there are areas of stubborn fat that need treatment, Kybella could be the best solution for you.

What is Kybella?

Kybella is an injectable treatment that is used to dissolve fat cells in order to eliminate stubborn fat in a treatment area. Originally FDA approved in 2015 to treat submental fullness, also known as the double chin, Kybella treatment is a non-invasive procedure with stunning results. Kybella is specifically approved to treat fat along the jawline – and is often referred to as a non-surgical neck lift – Experienced dermatologists, such as Dr. Michele Green in New York City, have found that Kybella injections can be used on other areas of the body, such as the brabella (to eliminate bra fat), buttocks, abdomen, thighs, and inner knee. Kybella offers permanent results and can be combined with other treatments such as Thermage for skin tightening and CoolSculpting for debulking an area of excess fat.

How does Kybella work on knees?

Kybella is an injectable treatment that is designed to dissolve fat cells in areas of excess fat. The active ingredient of Kybella injections is Deoxycholic acid. The treatment uses a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, which is a chemical found naturally in the body that is responsible for the absorption of fat. When Kybella is injected into the fat pad, the synthetic form of deoxycholic acid works by breaking down the membrane of the fat cells in the area. When the membrane of fat cells is dissolved, the body will naturally metabolize the cells, thereby eliminating them from the treatment area. As Kybella uses the body’s natural processes to eliminate stubborn fat, the injectable treatment works gradually over time and results will begin to show after several weeks.

Can Kybella be used on knees?

When patients ask, Do fat dissolving injections work on knees, the answer is yes! Some patients find that stubborn fat remains along the inner knee even when close to your target weight. For patients looking to eliminate pockets of fat on the inner fat knee, Kybella is a great cosmetic procedure to meet the need. The use of Kybella on the inner knee is an off-label use of the product, meaning that Kybella is not officially FDA-approved to treat this area of the body. During the FDA approval process, there are several rounds of clinical trials in order to determine how effective the treatment is. While Kybella has not had clinical trials to prove its effectiveness on the knees, board-certified dermatologists know that it is still safe and effective to use on that part of the body.

What is the Kybella procedure like?

The Kybella treatment is a quick and relatively painless procedure that is safe and effective at eliminating excess fat in the inner knee area. The first step for the procedure will be to have a consultation appointment with Dr. Green, where she will examine the treatment area to determine the treatment plan that meets your physical and aesthetic goals. For some patients, it may be best if Kybella is paired with Thermage, which is a skin-tightening treatment to address loose skin at the treatment site, or CoolSculpting. Prior to the treatment session, Dr. Green recommends that patients refrain from taking blood thinners, such as Advil, in order to reduce the risk of bruising at the injection sites.

Patients should arrive to their Kybella treatment session an hour prior to injections so that Dr. Green can apply the topical numbing cream to the treatment area. Once the numbing cream has taken affect, it will be cleaned from the area and Dr. Green will mark out the injection sites with a grid. Kybella will then be injected into these marked points on the body. The number of injections necessary will depend on the amount of fat and the size of the treatment area. Most patients feel minimal discomfort as a result of the injections but some may experience a burning sensation at the injection site that will abate in a few minutes. The treatment itself typically does not take much time, usually around twenty minutes, and then patients are free to go.

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Thermage in knee and thigh area

What is the aftercare following the treatment?

Kybella is a non-invasive procedure and, as such, there is minimal downtime or aftercare required following the treatment. Patients may leave the office directly following the procedure and may return to their regularly scheduled activities. Dr. Green recommends icing the treatment area for 15 minutes following the treatment in order to minimize any swelling or redness. Additionally, patients should keep the treated area elevated over the first day and night after the injections and should also refrain from any intense physical activity for a few days. When compared with surgical body contouring, there is almost no recovery from Kybella injections

How many Kybella treatment sessions are necessary?

Patients experiencing Kybella treatment will see optimal results with three to four treatment sessions. The specific number of treatment sessions necessary will be determined by Dr. Green after she examines the treatment area. The number depends on several factors, including the scope of the treatment area and the degree of fat. Sessions are typically spaced four to six weeks apart and when you have your consultation with Dr. Green, she will make a determination about the treatment schedule that will be optimal for you. The Kybella treatment works over time by employing the body’s natural fat metabolizing process, which is why it is best to wait for 4-6 weeks between sessions. Patients will begin to see the effects of the treatment several weeks after each injection.

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How long does Kybella last on knees?

For patients seeking a permanent solution to fat cell reduction, Kybella is the treatment for you. Kybella injectable treatment works to destroy fat cells at the injection site, meaning that once the series of treatments are complete, those destroyed fat cells cannot come back and no touch up treatments are necessary. After the injection procedure, results will begin to show after several weeks as the fat dissolution process occurs.

Is Kybella treatment permanent?

Kybella treatment is a permanent solution to fat reduction, with fat cell dissolving results that last. When the Kybella solution is injected into the treatment area, it permanently dissolves the fat cells in that treatment area. However, Kybella is best used for patients who are at or near their target weight. Kybella is not a weight loss solution and the treatment will not stop the formation of new fat cells should the patient experience weight gain. Should additional weight gain or weight fluctuation occur, that may affect the contour of the treatment area.

What are the Kybella treatment side effects?

Kybella is a safe and effective fat reduction procedure that typically has very mild or minimal side effects. Common, mild side effects can include swelling, bruising, soreness, redness, or numbness at or near the injection site. In rare cases, patients may experience hair loss at or around the injection site. Especially for an off-label use of the Kybella treatment, it is important to seek treatment from a board-certified, experienced dermatologist, such as Dr. Green. When Kybella treatment is performed by an in-experienced injector, there is a greater risk of more serious side effects, such as temporary nerve damage.

Does Kybella work on knees as an off-label treatment?

Kybella injections have been FDA-approved to dissolve submental fat, meaning fat that is found along the jawline or under the chin. It is the only FDA-approved injectable for fat reduction and is very effective at eliminating double chins and helping to re-contour the jawline. Kybella can, however, be used on other parts of the body but is considered an “off-label” form of the treatment, meaning Kybella has not yet been FDA-approved to treat other areas of the body. However, Kybella is still effective as a fat reduction treatment on other areas of the body, including the inner knee. Be sure to seek a board-certified dermatologist, such has Dr. Green, for any off-label treatment.

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Coolsculpting in thigh area

Can Kybella be paired with other treatments?

Dr. Green often pairs Kybella with other treatments in order to fully meet patients’ aesthetic goals. Most frequently, Dr. Green will combine Kybella with Thermage and CoolSculpting.

Kybella and CoolSculpting

For patients with a particularly severe pocket of fat at the treatment area, Dr. Green may use CoolSculpting first to “debulk” the area before using Kybella treatment. CoolSculpting, like Kybella, is a treatment that works to eliminate fat cells, however, unlike Kybella, CoolSculpting uses an applicator designed to freeze fat cells. The treatment works by a process called Cryolipolysis, which means that fat cells are destroyed as a result of freezing. Fat cells freeze at a higher temperature than skin cells and other surrounding tissue. As such, when the vacuum-like applicator is applied to the skin, the fat cells in the treatment area freeze and then rupture, while the surrounding tissue remains unaffected. The ruptured fat cells are then absorbed by the body in a natural metabolizing process.

Each treatment session with CoolSculpting can reduce a pocket of fat by up to 25% and results will take full effect about three to four months following the initial treatment. Depending on your treatment plan, Dr. Green may recommend multiple CoolSculpting treatment sessions first before the use of Kybella. CoolSculpting can be used on many areas of the body and is also effective at reducing the appearance of cellulite on the thighs, abdomen, arms, legs, and banana roll.

Kybella and Thermage

While Kybella is effective at reducing the bulge of fat at the treatment area, the treatment cannot address high skin laxity that may result from the fat reduction. High skin laxity means that the skin is very loose and therefore requires a tightening treatment. In cases in which skin laxity is an issue, Dr. Green will recommend the use of Thermage. Thermage uses a special radiofrequency (RF) technology to stimulate the production of collagen, which works to tighten the skin. The treatment involves the use of an RF applicator, which heats the inner layer of skin while cooling the top layer of skin for maximum comfort during the procedure. At first, the treatment causes the water molecules to separate from the existing collagen, which causes an immediate contraction of the skin. Then, when the inner layer of tissue is heated, it triggers the body’s natural healing response, which, in turn, stimulates the natural production of collagen. Collagen in a protein found in the body that keeps the skin looking smooth, firm, and youthful. Overtime, the skin will tighten, eliminating the skin laxity at the treatment site. Thermage gives the appearance of a natural “lift” with greater accessibility than a surgical lift.

Kybella vs. Liposuction

For patients looking to get rid of stubborn fat, another option is a surgical procedure known as liposuction. Liposuction, or lipo, is effective at removing fat in a treatment area but is an invasive procedure, meaning there is significant recovery time necessary following the treatment and the risk of developing severe side effects is much higher. Liposuction is performed by a plastic surgeon and requires an incision in which a metallic rod, known as a cannula, is inserted for increased fat removal. The procedure does work to remove fat but does not tighten the skin or eliminate the appearance of cellulite and must therefore by paired with other treatments such as Thermage or CoolSculpting. For patients who are nervous about the idea of going under the knife, there are non-invasive options for fat reduction, such as Kybella.

Can Kybella be used on inner knees?

Along the inner knees, stubborn pockets of fat can often be found that do not go away, even with a regular exercise routine and healthy diet. As such, patients can turn to cosmetic procedures, such as Kybella to eliminate stubborn inner knee fat. Kybella for inner knees is an off-label use of the Kybella treatment, and, for that reason, it is best to seek treatment from an expert, board-certified dermatologist, such as Dr. Green, rather than at a Med Spa. Off-label uses of products can be very safe and effective as long as treatment is performed by an expert injector.

Does Kybella work on inner knees?

Kybella is a very safe and effective treatment that can be used on the inner knees to dissolve fat cells there. When injected into marked sites on the inner knee, Kybella solution works to break down the membrane of the fat cells that make up the pockets of fat. After several treatment sessions, patients will be able to see the full result of the treatment for nicely contoured knees.

Who is a good candidate for Kybella injections?

The ideal candidate for Kybella injections is a patient who is at or near their target weight but is struggling with an area of stubborn fat. Kybella is a permanent fat-reduction solution that can be used in various areas across the body, including the double chin, brabella, abdomen, buttocks, flanks, and inner knee. Additionally, a good candidate for Kybella injections is at least 21 years of age and in overall good medical health. Patients should not have any allergies to any of the ingredients in the Kybella injections.

How to Get Started with Kybella

Despite maintaining a healthy diet and engaging in regular exercise, some pockets of fat remain resistant. Stubborn fat can be frustrating and, for many, may negatively impact their self-esteem. If you are struggling with unwanted excess fat that is unresponsive to diet and exercise, Kybella injections may be just the solution for you. Kybella is the only FDA-approved cosmetic injectable for fat reduction and can be used by an expert injector, like Dr. Green in NYC, to safely and effectively target fat cells in the double chin, bra area, abdomen, and knees.

Dr. Michele Green is a board-certified cosmetic dermatologist who is consistently identified by Castle Connolly, New York Magazine, and Super Doctors as one of the best physicians in New York. As a leader in the field of cosmetic dermatology for over 25 years, Dr. Green has helped some of the most discerning men and women from around the globe achieve their ideal body contouring results with non-surgical treatment options. When you consult with Dr. Green, she will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that is best suited to address your specific concerns so that you look and feel like the best version of yourself. To learn more about Kybella injections and other non-invasive cosmetic treatment options for body contouring, schedule a consultation with Dr. Michele Green at her private dermatology office, located in the Upper East Side neighborhood of Manhattan, by calling 212-535-3088 or contacting us online.

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