As a result of recent innovations in cosmetic dermatology, patients have greater access than ever to the latest safe and effective non-invasive solutions for stretch mark removal. Laser skin resurfacing treatments have become the number one mechanism for eliminating the appearance of stretch marks on the body by triggering the production of new collagen and elastin in the skin’s dermis. The result of this new collagen is a reduction in the visible scar tissue associated with stretch marks. In her private dermatology office, located in the Upper East Side neighborhood of Manhattan, Dr. Green utilizes many cutting-edge laser treatments to effectively improve the appearance of stretch marks, including the V-Beam, eMatrix, and Fraxel lasers, and Vivace radiofrequency microneedling.

A stretch mark is a type of scar that occurs in response to changes in the skin’s collagen during the rapid stretching or shrinking of the skin. Stretch marks may develop due to sudden weight gain or loss, a quick growth spurt, pregnancy, puberty, bodybuilding, genetics, or a side effect of certain medications. A stretch mark is characterized by extended depressions that may be white or red. The presence of stretch marks can often make one feel self-conscious about their appearance, and many decide to have stretch mark removal. Men and women of any age group may be affected by the development of stretch marks and have expressed cosmetic concerns that stretch marks have prevented them from wearing certain types of clothing. Stretch marks most commonly appear on the stomach, thighs, buttocks, breasts, and arms. The gold standard for stretch mark removal is laser treatment, which Dr. Green is an expert in.

Dr. Michele Green in NYC is an internationally recognized expert in the field of cosmetic dermatology with over 25 years of experience providing her patients from around the globe with the best non-invasive cosmetic treatment options, including for stretch mark removal. Dr. Green takes a holistic approach and embraces a less-is-more philosophy regarding skin rejuvenation, customizing each patient’s treatment plan to suit their unique concerns and aesthetic goals best. Castle Connolly, Super Doctors, The New York Times, and New York Magazine consistently name Dr. Green as one of NYC’s best dermatologists for her expertise when it comes to Botox, dermal fillers, chemical peels, microneedling, acne and acne scar treatment, stretch mark removal, and more. When you consult with Dr. Green, she will work with you to customize your treatment plan so that you achieve clearer, smoother, healthier-looking skin that lasts.

What are Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks, also known as striae distensae or striae atrophicus, are scars that form in the dermis and occur when collagen and elastin fibers in the skin tear. The dermis is the layer of the skin containing the connective tissue. Collagen and elastin are proteins in the body that provide the skin with strength and elasticity, but when the skin stretches or shrinks too quickly or is overstretched, it can become damaged and lead to stretch marks. Some potential causes of stretch marks include changes in various hormone levels, genetic disposition, rapid growth spurts, pregnancy, weight gain, weight loss, and rapid loss or gain of muscle. When stretch marks first appear on the skin, they often look like raised lines that are red, pink, or purplish.

Their initial color is due to increased blood flow to the area, triggered by the damage to collagen and elastin. Over time, as the skin heals, the color fades, leaving a white or silver line in the previously red line. The stretch marks fading in color from red to white typically occurs within six to twelve months of their onset. It is recommended that patients undergo stretch mark treatment at the beginning of their initial onset when the likelihood of successful stretch mark removal is much higher. It is much easier to remove the red stretch marks with laser treatments compared to later stages of scarring or white stretch marks. Although it can be more of a challenge to reduce the appearance of white stretch marks, there are still non-invasive cosmetic treatments available that can be used to help. Dr. Green in New York City is an expert in cosmetic dermatology and can recommend the best-suited treatment options to address your particular concerns and leave you with smooth, clear, beautiful skin that lasts.

Source: Syneron Candela

Stretch Mark Removal: Syneron Candela (photo after two treatments)

What are the risk factors for developing stretch marks? How do you get stretch marks?

Several potential risk factors can contribute to the development of stretch marks, many of which are not easily preventable. Stretch marks most commonly develop when your body goes through puberty, growth spurts, weight gain or loss, and pregnancy. Genetics can also play a role in whether or not you develop stretch marks at a given time and whether they fade on their own. More specifically, risk factors include the following:

  • Puberty – As teenagers go through puberty, their bodies go through many transformations. Sudden or rapid growth spurts can lead to the formation of stretch marks and the development of secondary sex characteristics, such as breasts, for teenage women. During puberty, stretch marks most commonly appear on the back, hips, and knees. 
  • Rapid Weight gain – Gaining weight quickly in a short time can lead to stretch marks on the skin, most commonly on the stomach, buttocks, thighs, and under the arms. 
  • Obesity – Significant weight gain, such as a patient becoming obese (meaning you have a body mass index, or BMI, of over 30), is also a risk factor for developing stretch marks. The risk of developing stretch marks due to obesity is higher if the weight gain occurs quickly. 
  • Pregnancy—The body undergoes many significant changes during pregnancy, which can be a risk factor for developing stretch marks. Hormone levels are in flux, which can decrease skin elasticity, while at the same time, the skin on the abdomen is stretching along with the growing fetus. As such, stretch marks most commonly occur on the stomach and breasts but can also develop on the thighs, underarms, and buttocks, depending on where pregnancy weight is carried. 
  • Oral Steroid Use – Some oral steroids, also known as corticosteroids, can decrease the skin’s elasticity. As a result, the skin cannot stretch without rupturing, damaging collagen and elastin and causing stretch marks to appear. 
  • Bodybuilding is a practice in which a person gains muscle, typically in a short amount of time. The result of gaining muscle or fat in a short time period can be stretch marks where the elastin in the skin cannot keep up with the rapid growth. 
  • Genetics – Stretch mark development has a strong genetic component. Your family history can indicate whether stretch marks will develop and whether or not they will fade on their own.  
  • Ethnicity – Patients with lighter skin types are more likely to develop stretch marks than individuals with darker skin tones. 
  • Cushing’s syndrome – characterized by prolonged exposure to high levels of cortisol, which may be caused by overproduction of cortisol in the adrenal glands or steroid drug use

What is the appearance of stretch marks?

Initial appearance:  Stretch marks initially appear as red bands, stripes, or lines. They generally occur when the skin is rapidly growing or stretching. Typically, stretch marks appear as parallel streaks of red, thin, shiny skin. These stretch marks most commonly occur on the breasts, arms, hips, thighs, buttocks, flanks, and abdomen.

Later appearance: Stretch marks later appear as white linear scars that replace the red parallel lines as the pigment fades. At this later stage, they resemble long, depressed scars with a permanently different texture from normal skin.

Where do stretch marks usually appear on the skin?

  • Breasts
  • Arms
  • Hips
  • Thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Flanks
  • Abdomen
  • Lower back

In her NYC private office, Dr. Green utilizes the best treatment options to remove the appearance of stretch marks in patients of all skin types and tones.

Can you get rid of stretch marks with laser treatment?

Yes! Many patients express that their stretch marks have been unresponsive to over-the-counter creams and lotions in the past and worry that nothing might be able to help. Stretch marks have always been a challenging skin concern to treat, as they are a type of scar that forms due to permanent damage to underlying collagen and elastin. However, there have been considerable advancements in cosmetic dermatology and the laser technology used for stretch mark removal, which is much more effective than over-the-counter topicals. Fortunately, patients can get the cosmetic results they desire by taking advantage of non-invasive laser treatments designed to reduce the appearance of stretch marks by improving skin texture and tone. Combining laser treatments, like the V-Beam laser with Fraxel or eMatrix lasers, is considered the gold standard for reducing the appearance of stretch marks.

Dr. Michele Green uses the best non-invasive laser treatment options for stretch mark removal in her private NYC office. Depending on the presentation of your stretch marks, skin type, and skin tone, Dr. Green will assess which combination of laser treatments will provide you with the best cosmetic results and successfully eliminate your stretch marks. In addition, she will advise you on the best skincare, skin-lightening lotions, and serums to use in combination with your laser treatment to effect optimal skin rejuvenation results. There are different treatment options for stretch mark removal based on the type of stretch marks, color, and skin type, so consulting an expert is essential. Dr. Green is a board-certified dermatologist with over 25 years of experience, and she will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that best suits your needs.

How does laser stretch mark treatment work?

Laser treatment has become incredibly popular in the world of cosmetic dermatology. It can be an extremely effective treatment option for addressing various skin conditions, including the appearance of stretch marks. There are two general types of laser treatments: ablative treatments, which create micro-injuries on the skin’s surface, and non-ablative treatments, in which beams of light target the inner layer of the skin while leaving the surface layer intact. The type of laser treatment that is best for you will depend upon the specific skin concerns and cosmetic goals you present with, your skin type, skin tone, and the amount of downtime you can afford after treatment. When you consult with Dr. Green, she will evaluate your condition and recommend the most appropriate, safe, and effective laser treatment. For stretch mark removal with laser treatments, Dr. Green will apply the laser to the area of the skin where stretch marks are visible. The laser releases pulses of light that heat the layer of skin to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. By stimulating the production of new structural proteins in the skin, the laser can reduce scar tissue and lead to smooth skin free of visible stretch marks. For this reason, laser treatment is sometimes called laser skin resurfacing.  

Dr. Green uses several different laser treatments in her office to target stretch marks in their various phases. For newer stretch marks, which are still in the phase of being red or pink, Dr. Green typically utilizes the V-Beam laser treatment. The V-Beam exclusively targets the red pigment in the skin, which absorbs the energy from the laser beam and is destroyed while the surrounding skin is left unharmed. For patients struggling with the appearance of older stretch marks that have faded to white, depressed scars, Dr. Green may recommend either treatment with Fraxel laser or eMatrix laser. These laser treatments induce new collagen production by stimulating the skin’s natural wound-healing process by creating controlled, targeted micro-injuries in the skin. Sometimes, depending on the depth of older stretch marks, Dr. Green will recommend combining your laser treatment with dermal filler injections, such as Sculptra, to replenish volume. When you consult Dr. Green, she will evaluate your stretch marks to create your customized treatment plan.

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VBeam for stretch mark removal – 5 months

VBeam Laser Stretch Mark Removal

The VBeam is a pulsed dye laser that utilizes cutting-edge technology to deliver a concentrated beam of light energy to the stretch marks. It is the best laser treatment for the earliest-appearing, red, and violaceous stretch marks. The thermal energy destroys the red pigment in the visible blood vessels, which causes the appearance of stretch marks while leaving the surrounding skin untouched. The VBeam laser is the gold standard for treating these red stretch marks.

There are different settings on the V-Beam laser, which Dr. Green will adjust based on your skin type, the location of your stretch marks, and the color of your stretch marks. Some stretch marks require higher energy settings to remove and may lead to bruising in the treated area, although with minimal downtime. The V-beam laser technology is equipped with the Dynamic Cooling Device, a cryogen cooling agent that emits cool air before each laser pulse and minimizes discomfort. For those patients who are more sensitive, a topical numbing cream can be applied to the treatment area one hour before the pulsed dye laser treatment.

A single session of VBeam for laser stretch mark removal treatment typically lasts fifteen to thirty minutes, depending on the size and location of the stretch marks. Strict sun avoidance and sunscreen use are required before and after the pulsed dye laser treatment, as the VBeam laser should not be done on tanned skin. Patients should avoid sun exposure in the treated area until it heals. In addition, lotions and moisturizers should be used daily after the VBeam treatment. There are no side effects associated with VBeam therapy, and patients can return to their daily activities immediately following the laser treatment. It typically takes 4 to 6 sessions of treatment of stretch marks with the pulsed dye laser to restore new skin cells and produce healthy skin by generating new collagen production.

Resurfacing laser treatments for stretch mark removal

Skin resurfacing laser treatments, such as the Fraxel and eMatrix lasers, are considered one of the most effective treatment options for reducing the appearance of stretch marks. This type of stretch mark removal treatment works by stimulating new collagen production in the dermal layers of the skin. Stretch marks are scars that occur when collagen and elastin in the dermis are permanently damaged due to rapid overstretching of the skin, and laser resurfacing treatment entails the stimulation of new collagen and elastin production in the skin. Resurfacing laser treatments can reduce scar tissue and lead to smooth skin free of visible stretch marks. Fraxel and eMatrix are the two types of resurfacing laser treatments most often recommended by Dr. Green for the safe and effective treatment of stretch marks. These treatment modalities are detailed further in the following sections.

Fraxel Laser and Stretch Mark Removal

The Fraxel® Dual laser is an FDA-approved laser therapy for treating many skin conditions, including scars, hyperpigmentation, acne marks, sun spots, leg veins, and stretch marks. Fraxel is a fractional laser, meaning it only treats a fraction of the skin tissue at a time, significantly reducing the downtime required. The Fraxel laser is used to create controlled, targeted microscopic wounds in the dermal layers of the skin while leaving the surrounding skin tissue intact. This treatment triggers the natural wound-healing process of the skin, which stimulates new collagen production. When it comes to treating the appearance of stretch marks, Fraxel is best suited to reducing white and depressed stretch marks. By replenishing collagen and creating new, healthy skin cells, Fraxel resurfacing laser can result in a smooth, clear complexion that lasts.

Dr. Green in NYC often utilizes the Fraxel and VBeam lasers to target visible aspects of stretch marks. The VBeam effectively reduces redness associated with the stretch marks, if present, while the resurfacing aspect of the Fraxel laser improves the texture of the affected area of the skin. Dr. Green often refers to the Fraxel as the “magic eraser,” as it operates on two distinct wavelengths of light, the 1550 and 1927 nm, allowing it to target a wide range of skin conditions. The 1550 wavelength of the Fraxel laser is best utilized to perform stretch mark removal and promote new collagen growth. The Fraxel laser is most commonly used for fractionated skin resurfacing of the face to eliminate evidence of sun damage and aging. Still, it is equally successful in treating surgical scars, acne scars, and stretch marks all over the body. It generally takes between 4 and 6 laser treatments, spaced one month apart, to significantly improve the appearance of stretch marks and rejuvenate skin, producing new healthy skin cells. 

One of the benefits that patients enjoy most about having laser treatment with VBeam and Fraxel is that there is essentially no downtime involved. Like many other resurfacing lasers, Fraxel should not be used on tanned skin to prevent unwanted side effects. Patients should adhere to strict sun avoidance and use proper sunscreen in the two weeks before and after their Fraxel laser treatment. When you have laser stretch mark removal with Dr. Green at her private dermatology office in Manhattan’s Upper East Side neighborhood, she will provide you with all the pertinent aftercare information required for achieving and maintaining optimal results.

eMatrix Laser treatments for Stretch Mark Removal

The eMatrix™ is an exceptionally effective laser treatment option for stretch mark removal. eMatrix is a non-ablative laser that utilizes radiofrequency to deliver heat to the dermis and stimulate new collagen. As more collagen is formed within the dermal layer, the skin’s texture becomes smoother, and the appearance of the stretch marks diminishes. The heat from the eMatrix breaks up the scar tissue of the stretch marks to perform stretch mark removal. The eMatrix restores an overall healthy skin tone, texture, and appearance. This is why eMatrix successfully treats all types of scars, including surgical scars, stretch marks, and acne scars.

Stretch marks are, in effect, scars on the skin from permanent damage to underlying collagen and elastin fibers, and the eMatrix is the only sublative technology proven to safely and effectively reduce stretch marks and acne scars in patients of all skin types. One of the most essential advantages of the eMatrix laser is that it is a “color-blind” laser, and patients of all skin types can have their stretch marks removed with this laser treatment without worrying about the side effects of hyperpigmentation. The eMatrix is, in effect, a collagen-building laser that leads to dermal remodeling and rejuvenated skin. 

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What are other types of stretch mark removal treatment?

Laser stretch mark treatment is highly effective and often considered the gold standard for stretch mark removal. However, it is not the only stretch removal treatment option, and Dr. Green performs various therapies to reduce the appearance of stretch marks. When you have your initial consultation appointment with Dr. Green, you will determine the treatment or series of treatments that will be most effective for your specific needs. Other cosmetic treatment options for stretch mark removal are described in the following sections.

Sculptra Injections

Sculptra Aesthetic is a unique type of dermal filler that is composed of a substance called Poly-L-Lactic acid. Sculptra is injected by Dr. Green directly into depressed stretch marks that are white. During the injections, Dr. Green may perform subcision- a procedure whereby the needle of the dermal filler syringe is used to break apart underlying scar tissue. Once injected, Sculptra stimulates the production of new collagen in the skin. The collagen created provides the skin with enhanced structural support and replenishes the volume needed to smooth the skin’s surface and reduce the appearance of stretch marks or scars. To achieve optimal cosmetic results regarding stretch mark removal, patients typically require three treatment sessions of Sculptra dermal filler injections spaced one month apart. It takes several weeks for the initial results of Sculptra to become apparent, and after completing a short series of treatments, the cosmetic results can last up to two years. Dr. Green has been using Sculptra injections for years to treat acne scars with the best results and utilizes this process for successful stretch mark removal.

Carboxytherapy for Stretch Mark Treatment

Carboxytherapy is the process of carbon dioxide being injected into the subcutaneous tissue using a 30g needle. This treatment destroys the fat cells in the treated area and dilates the blood vessels. The dilation of the blood vessels causes more blood flow to skin tissues and cells. The increased oxygen to the skin tissue helps repair the skin’s collagen matrix, which results in firmer, healthier-looking skin. Carboxytherapy is safe and effective with no restrictions pre- and post-treatment. It is used both to treat stretch marks and cellulite.

Microneedling for Stretch Mark Removal

Microneedling, or collagen induction therapy, is another treatment option commonly used to improve skin tone and texture and can be useful in reducing the appearance of stretch marks. During a microneedling procedure, a handheld device containing tiny insulated needles is applied to the skin’s surface to create microscopic punctures in the skin. As the skin heals itself, new collagen is produced. The damaged collagen fibers associated with stretch marks are repaired, and the depressions are restored with volume. Patients undergoing microneedling treatments for stretch mark removal tend to require at least three treatment sessions to improve the appearance of the stretch marks. The microneedling device used for treatment can be adjusted so that the depth of the needles is appropriate for the anatomic area of the body that needs treatment. After the treatment, you will see improvement in the depth and texture of the stretch marks. Most patients require a series of 4-6 treatment sessions to achieve ideal results in terms of stretch mark removal. Additional treatment sessions may be required, depending on the initial severity of the stretch marks. Each microneedling treatment session should be spaced approximately four weeks apart.

Microdermabrasion and Stretch Mark Treatment

Microdermabrasion has been used in past years to treat stretch marks. This treatment option involves exfoliating the skin’s surface with tiny crystals. It is a painless procedure that stimulates the epidermis to stimulate and tighten the skin to produce new collagen. Microdermabrasion no longer recommended for stretch mark removal due to the greater success of other newer laser treatments.

Pregnancy and Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are commonly associated with pregnancy. During pregnancy, the skin stretches, and many hormonal changes occur. Stretch marks related to pregnancy appear on the abdomen, flanks, and breasts. Skin stretching during pregnancy is uncontrollable, and it can be difficult to prevent stretch marks from forming. The best tactic is to try to gain weight at a slow and controlled pace throughout your pregnancy and moisturize the areas. After giving birth, if you are not breastfeeding, you can have stretch mark removal with laser treatment. Treating the stretch marks as soon as possible when they are new and red is best.

Surgery after Pregnancy

Some patients are unhappy with their abdominal stretch marks and the skin laxity in the abdomen after pregnancy and opt for a tummy tuck. This plastic surgery involves surgically removing the extra skin and tightening the abdominal muscles. This invasive surgical procedure requires a board-certified plastic surgeon under general anesthesia with significant downtime. Most patients prefer a non-invasive approach, which involves very little, if any, downtime.

How much does stretch mark removal cost?

The stretch mark removal cost can vary depending on several contributing factors, including the number of laser treatments needed and the appearance and size of your stretch marks. Generally speaking, stretch mark removal is not an immediate process and takes several laser treatments spaced one month apart to allow the skin to heal and new collagen to form. There is also a difference in treating new and older stretch marks. Older stretch marks require more laser treatments and are generally more difficult to remove. The best way to determine which combination of treatment options suits your skin type and tone and the type of stretch marks you have is by consulting an expert, such as board-certified dermatologist Dr. Michele Green in NYC. When you consult with Dr. Green at her private dermatology office in Manhattan’s Upper East Side neighborhood, she will physically evaluate your stretch marks, collect a thorough medical and family history, and review any previous treatment options you may have tried. She will then work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan for stretch mark removal that meets your specific needs and goals. At that time, the cost of your stretch mark treatment can be estimated.

Does insurance cover stretch mark removal? 

If you are wondering whether or not insurance covers laser stretch mark removal, it is best to contact your insurance company directly. Each insurance company and plan can have different policies about laser treatment for stretch marks; however, insurance does not typically cover stretch mark skin treatment, as it is generally considered a cosmetic procedure. 

Is stretch mark removal painful?

Laser stretch mark removal treatment can cause minor discomfort during the procedure but generally is not associated with pain. Dr. Green suggests applying a topical numbing cream for one hour before your laser treatment to minimize any discomfort you might experience.

Does laser stretch mark removal work on dark skin?

Yes, laser stretch mark removal is very effective for patients with darker skin tones. The radiofrequency laser, such as the eMatrix laser, is the preferred laser treatment for darker skin tones for stretch mark removal. eMatrix can be used with every skin type without the risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH). The eMatrix laser can use enough energy to treat these white stretch marks without concern for these side effects. For red stretch marks, the VBeam laser can effectively treat patients with darker skin tones, such as those with Asian, Hispanic, and Mediterranean skin. Both stretch marks can be treated safely and effectively with the correct laser for your skin tone.

Does laser stretch mark removal work on old stretch marks?

Yes, laser treatment can be effective at removing old white stretch marks. However, it is easier to remove new red stretch marks. White stretch marks are older and have become similar to scars on the skin. Fraxel laser and eMatrix laser can treat these white stretch marks on the skin.

How many sessions for laser stretch mark removal?

While the number of treatments varies from person to person, generally, it takes 4 to 6 treatments to improve stretch marks’ overall texture and appearance. Depending on the size and color of the stretch marks, it can take even more treatments. When you have your consultation with Dr. Green, she will be able to determine the treatment plan suited to your specific needs.

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How far apart should the laser stretch mark treatments be spaced?

Multiple treatments are typically required for laser treatment of stretch marks. Most patients will need between 4 and 6 treatments, though it may be more or less depending on the size and scope of the treatment area. Generally, you should have four weeks between each V-Beam, Fraxel, or eMatrix laser treatment. When you have laser treatment for stretch mark removal with board-certified dermatologist Dr. Michele Green, she will work with you to establish a personalized treatment plan and timeline that suits your needs best.

How long does the stretch mark procedure take to perform?

The time necessary for the treatment varies depending on whether or not patients opt to use a topical numbing cream to reduce discomfort. An hour of numbing time is generally needed if topical numbing cream is required. The procedure takes approximately 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the size, depth, color, and location of the stretch marks. As such, it is best to plan for between 30 and 90 minutes spent in Dr. Green’s office for the procedure. 

Is Laser Stretch Mark Removal permanent? 

For the best results, laser stretch mark removal typically requires 4-6 treatments. Following those 4-6 treatment sessions, the effects of the laser treatment are typically very long-lasting, provided you continue to care for your skin. Fluctuations in body weight or other significant body changes, such as pregnancy, can create new stretch marks. 

What can remove stretch marks permanently?

Stretch marks are permanent scars that represent damage to underlying collagen and elastin. Luckily, various treatment options can significantly reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Some of the most popular stretch mark removal treatment options include microneedling, dermal fillers, and laser treatments, such as the VBeam, Fraxel, and eMatrix lasers. The results achieved with these treatment options include a long-lasting reduction in discoloration and a smoother skin texture so that stretch marks are no longer noticeable. The treatment option or combination of treatment options that are recommended for your stretch marks will be determined by their color and depth and your skin type and tone.

To guarantee that your stretch mark removal combination of treatment optionsval treatment is safe, effective, and produces optimal results, it is critical to consult an experienced board-certified dermatologist, such as Dr. Green in New York City. Dr. Green is an internationally renowned board-certified dermatologist with over two and a half decades of experience providing some of the world’s most discerning individuals with the best non-invasive cosmetic treatment options available, including for stretch mark removal. When you consult with Dr. Green she will physically assess the affected area, collect a thorough medical and family history, and review any previous treatment options you may have tried. She will then work with you to create a personalized stretch mark removal treatment plan that provides you with clearer, smoother, healthier-looking skin that lasts.

What is necessary to pre-and post-treatment for stretch mark removal?

Laser treatments can work by targeting pigmentation in the skin, so it is important not to tan the area of the skin to be treated with the laser. Excessive sun or tanning bed exposure can increase the risk of developing a laser burn. Following the treatment, you should also avoid the sun and use sunblock on the treated area. When you have stretch mark treatments with board-certified dermatologist Dr. Michele Green at her private office in Manhattan’s Upper East Side neighborhood, you will be provided with a ll of the pertinent information required for achieving and maintaining the best results.

What is the aftercare for stretch mark laser treatment?

While laser treatment for stretch marks is long-lasting, results are best maintained if you take care of your skin and practice strict sun avoidance. It is essential to use sunblock and moisturizer or lotion on the area treated with stretch marks. Dr. Green will provide you with all of the aftercare information required to ensure that you achieve clearer, smoother, healthier-looking skin that lasts.

How old do you have to be to get laser stretch mark removal?

Stretch marks can occur at any age and can often affect young people as they go through puberty. For that reason, younger patients may wonder how old they must be to get laser stretch mark removal. Patients must be 18 years or older to receive treatment or, if under 18, must have parental consent. 

Where can I get stretch marks removed? Receiving treatment from a dermatologist vs. a medspa

Patients interested in receiving laser stretch mark removal treatment may wonder where to go to receive treatment. Some treatment options may be available at a dermatology office and at a medspa. However, it is essential to understand the difference between these two types of institutions. While treatment from a medspa may be less expensive, you will not receive treatment from a board-certified healthcare professional. The risk of side effects from treatment is greater if you do not receive treatment from a board-certified dermatologist, such as Dr. Green. This is especially relevant with laser treatments, which can cause unwanted side effects such as hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, and scarring if the wrong laser device or settings is used for a given patient. Dr. Green is an internationally renowned board-certified dermatologist with over two and a half decades of experience providing some of the world’s most discerning individuals with the best non-invasive treatment options, including stretch mark removal.

Do stretch mark removal creams work? What is the best stretch mark removal cream?

Some stretch mark removal creams can temporarily improve the appearance of stretch marks, although the results will not be dramatic, nor will they be permanent. Stretch mark removal creams might help improve the appearance of newer stretch marks, while old ones won’t diminish with over-the-counter products. Stretch mark removal creams containing retinol or retinoids will be the most effective, as they can help stimulate new collagen production. Topical creams are not always effective because stretch marks are evidence of damage to underlying collagen and elastin fibers, a permanent scar in the dermis. Topicals can’t necessarily penetrate the skin at the depth required to affect scar tissue like this, which is why laser treatments are ideal for reducing the appearance of stretch marks. Laser stretch mark removal methods penetrate the dermis to remodel existing collagen and stimulate new collagen production. The safest, most effective treatment options for removing stretch marks are lasers, including the Fraxel, eMatrix, and VBeam. The type of laser recommended for your stretch marks will depend on your skin type, tone, and the specific kind of stretch marks you have.

What Home Remedies Exist to Get Rid of Stretch Marks?

There are many home remedies, stretch mark creams, over-the-counter lotions, and moisturizers for stretch mark removal. The following are some popular stretch mark creams:

  • Retinols and retinoids, like the prescription topical tretinoin, are Vitamin A-based creams that increase skin cell turnover. 
  • Cocoa Butter and Coconut oil moisturize the skin.
  • Sugar is compounded with oil to exfoliate the skin.
  • Aloe Vera moisturizer
  • Hyaluronic Acid is an excellent source of collagen and helps with stretch mark removal.

While these home remedies have been said to help, the most successful stretch mark removal options are with these advanced laser treatments. Research on other home remedies, including olive oil, vitamin E, and almond oil, has not demonstrated significant efficacy against stretch marks.

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Does laser stretch mark removal cause cancer?

Laser stretch mark removal is a safe and effective treatment option that has not been linked to cancer incidence. Receiving laser treatment is not a risk factor for developing cancer, nor does it cause cancer. 

Can you laser stretch marks? Does laser stretch mark removal work?

Yes, and yes! When you remove your laser stretch mark with a board-certified cosmetic dermatologist, the treatment is highly safe and effective for patients of all skin tones and skin types. Treating stretch marks with a laser resurfacing device is considered to be one of the most effective approaches for reducing their overall appearance, whether they are white or pigmented. It is essential to consult with a medical professional for your laser treatment for stretch mark removal to prevent unwanted side effects and ensure satisfactory results. If a patient is treated with a laser resurfacing treatment unsuitable for their skin type or skin tone, side effects may include hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, burning, and scarring. Dr. Green will evaluate the kind of stretch marks you have and give you an honest assessment for the best course of treatment.

Who is a good candidate for stretch mark removal?

An ideal candidate for undergoing the process of stretch mark removal should have stretch marks that are visible and an interest in diminishing their appearance. Additionally, good candidates for stretch mark removal should be at or near their goal weight and able to maintain that weight (gaining and losing weight can contribute to the reappearance of stretch marks). It is also essential that someone pursuing stretch mark removal treatment is not planning on having children in the future, as they will be at risk for developing new stretch marks during pregnancy. If you’re looking for a non-invasive treatment method for stretch mark removal that meets the criteria as mentioned above, Dr. Green may have the solution. During your consultation with Dr. Green, you will have the opportunity to discuss the possible treatment options for stretch mark removal and which is best suited to your situation. 

What helps with stretch marks?

Although the gold standard treatment for stretch mark removal is considered to be laser resurfacing treatment, other treatment options can be helpful. Sometimes, microneedling or Sculptra injections must be combined with laser stretch mark removal treatment options to obtain the best overall cosmetic result. Fraxel laser, eMatrix laser, microneedling, and Sculptra injections stimulate new collagen growth and promote new, healthier skin to replace stretch marks. When you consult with Dr. Green, she will help you select the treatment methods that will work best for you.

How to heal stretch marks

The best way to heal stretch marks and reduce their appearance is to consult a board-certified dermatologist as soon as they are noticed. It is much easier to treat stretch marks that are red and newly appeared than to heal older white and depressed stretch marks. Healing your stretch marks so that they are no longer visible is possible when you work with Dr. Green in New York. Dr. Green is an expert in cosmetic dermatology and has been consistently voted as one of NYC’s best physicians by Castle Connolly, Super Doctors, and New York Magazine. When you choose Dr. Green to perform your stretch mark removal treatment, you will get a customized treatment approach that is best suited to healing your stretch marks and leaving you with smooth, clear skin that lasts.

How to cure stretch marks

Stretch marks on the skin are not inherently dangerous and are not a skin condition that patients need to be “cured” of. If, however, the presence of stretch marks is bothersome to a patient or causes feelings of low self-esteem, there are non-invasive cosmetic treatment options available for reducing their appearance. Dr. Green is a board-certified cosmetic dermatologist internationally recognized for her holistic approach and ‘less is more’ philosophy regarding rejuvenating treatments. When you consult with Dr. Green regarding your customized stretch mark removal treatment approach, she will work with you to determine which procedures and products will help you get lasting stretch mark-free skin.

Can stretch marks be removed? Can I get rid of stretch marks?

A stretch mark is a specific scar that forms in response to rapidly overstretched skin. Although scars can not be removed entirely, their appearance can be significantly improved through various cosmetic treatment methods. The best way to eliminate stretch marks is to consult a board-certified cosmetic dermatologist, like Dr. Green in NYC, as soon as you notice them on your skin. A medical professional with the expertise and experience required to recommend the best in-office cosmetic procedures and specially formulated at-home skin care products is your best guide to achieving the clear, smooth complexion that you’re looking for.

Can you lose stretch marks? Can stretch marks go away on their own?

Your stretch marks may fade on their own over time. However, they will not wholly resolve on their own. Since stretch marks are scars, they can not be removed entirely. However, a board-certified dermatologist like Dr. Green can significantly reduce the appearance of stretch marks so they are no longer noticeable.

How to prevent stretch marks

Several underlying factors contribute to the formation of stretch marks, and some patients may simply be more prone to developing stretch marks than others. To best prevent stretch marks from forming, patients can stay hydrated and moisturized, do their best to control their weight and consult a board-certified dermatologist when they notice their stretch marks appearing. It can be challenging to entirely prevent stretch marks from forming. However, having them treated promptly by a board-certified medical professional like Dr. Michele Green in NYC is a great way to achieve a clear, smooth, lasting complexion.

Should stretch marks hurt?

Stretch marks are usually not painful or inherently harmful, although many patients choose to have them removed for cosmetic purposes. Sometimes, areas affected by stretch marks can be more sensitive and irritated than normal skin. Tenderness or itching can occur with healing stretch marks as the skin repairs itself, but the stretch marks themselves should not be painful once they’ve faded.

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Does laser stretch mark removal hurt?

No, laser stretch mark removal does not hurt. Dr. Green prescribes a topical numbing cream to her patients that can be applied one hour before laser treatment. The numbing cream helps eliminate any potential discomfort from the laser procedure. Once you arrive at Dr. Green’s office, the numbing cream will be removed and the skin sterilized in preparation for your treatment. If there is any discomfort following the laser treatment, Dr. Green recommends taking Tylenol as needed.

What is inkless stretch mark removal?

Inkless stretch mark removal reduces the appearance of stretch marks by using a thin tattoo needle to stimulate new collagen production in the treatment area. The process is similar to microneedling, which opens microchannels in the skin to stimulate new collagen production and enhance the absorbency of topical serums. The needling stimulates the skin’s natural wound-healing response, which involves the production of new collagen. The main differences between traditional microneedling and inkless stretch mark removal are the type of needle, device, and serums used during treatment. Inkless stretch mark removal utilizes a rotary tattoo machine with a cartridge containing a blend of particular vitamins and oils.

The result is an improved skin tone and texture, even after a single treatment session. The thin diameter of the needle allows for exact collagen induction therapy. The treated skin takes several weeks to heal following the procedure, and there should be at least six weeks between each treatment session. The number of treatment sessions required can vary significantly depending on the patient’s response to the treatment and the initial complexity of the stretch marks. The treatment results are permanent, provided the patient does not undergo additional weight gain following the procedure. Inkless stretch mark removal can be used for any color stretch marks. This procedure is also known as dry tattooing and inkless tattoo camouflage.

What laser is used for stretch mark removal?

The type of laser used to reduce the appearance of stretch marks can vary depending on their color. Stretch marks that are red are best treated with the VBeam laser. Red stretch marks are usually more newly developed and more accessible to treat than old ones. Older stretch marks are generally white and require treatment with the eMatrix or Fraxel lasers. These laser treatments focus on generating new collagen production in the treatment area, ultimately leading to a smoother skin texture. The best way to determine which laser treatment is the most suitable for reducing the appearance of your stretch marks is by consulting an experienced board-certified dermatologist, such as Dr. Green in NYC.

What is laser stretch mark removal?

Laser stretch mark removal is a method of reducing the appearance of stretch marks using various laser technologies. Depending on the depth and color of your stretch marks, various laser treatments, including ablative and non-ablative lasers, may be recommended. Laser treatments like eMatrix and Fraxel are non-ablative, leaving the skin’s surface layer intact. This significantly shortens the downtime required, with most patients fully recovering from the minor side effects (minimal redness and swelling in the treatment area) within several days of treatment.

Can stretch marks be removed surgically?

The only surgical option for removing stretch marks is excision, which is not ideal unless the patient has undergone significant weight loss. In that case, a tummy tuck, arm lift, or thigh lift to correct loose skin can also improve the appearance of stretch marks. The result of surgical excision is that the stretch marks are replaced with surgical scars, which can be less noticeable. Laser stretch mark removal is considered the best treatment option for cosmetically improving the appearance of stretch marks.

Is stretch mark removal worth it?

For many, stretch marks can be a source of incredible frustration and cause low self-esteem. Stretch marks often develop in areas of the body that are exposed in summer clothing, and reducing their appearance can help restore self-confidence. For these patients, laser stretch mark removal is worth it. Laser stretch mark removal is a safe and effective treatment option for improving the appearance of stretch marks. Some benefits of laser stretch mark removal include the non-invasive nature of the treatments, minimal downtime, few potential side effects, and exceptional rejuvenation results.

Is laser stretch mark removal safe?

Laser stretch mark removal is safe and effective with an experienced board-certified dermatologist like Dr. Michele Green in NYC. Laser stretch mark removal must be performed by an expert, as there can be the potential for unwanted or dangerous side effects if an inexperienced or unqualified provider, such as skin discoloration, burning, or scarring the treatment. Dr. Green is an internationally renowned board-certified dermatologist with over two and a half decades of experience providing some of the world’s most discerning individuals with the best non-invasive treatment options, including laser stretch mark removal. When you consult with Dr. Green, she will work with you to determine which laser treatment best suits your skin type, tone, and the specific type of stretch marks present.

Will stretch marks ever go away?

A stretch mark is a distinct scar that forms when collagen and elastin fibers are damaged due to rapid shrinking or expansion. As a scar, stretch marks represent a permanent change to the skin and, unfortunately, never fully go away. However, the appearance of stretch marks can be significantly diminished with the help of an expert, such as board-certified dermatologist Dr. Michele Green in NYC. Many treatment options available at Dr. Green’s private dermatology office in Manhattan’s Upper East neighborhood for stretch mark removal produce long-lasting results.

How do I get rid of stretch marks today?

Stretch marks can affect men and women of any age and often cause feelings of self-consciousness or low self-esteem. It may seem as though it is impossible to successfully reduce the appearance of your stretch marks when relying on over-the-counter topical creams and lotions. However, there are many non-invasive cosmetic treatment options available that can help. Dr. Michele Green in New York City offers a host of these solutions at her private dermatology office in the Upper East Side neighborhood of Manhattan. Whether your particular stretch marks are white or pigmented, smooth or textured, and affect one or multiple areas of the body, Dr. Green can help.

Dr. Green is an internationally renowned board-certified dermatologist with over 25 years of experience utilizing the most cutting-edge treatments and innovative techniques for providing her patients from around the globe with rejuvenating results, including stretch mark removal. Dr. Green is consistently voted as one of New York’s best dermatologists by Castle Connolly, Super Doctors, and New York Magazine for her dedication to her patients and expertise. She will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that provides you with your ideal cosmetic results. To learn more about the non-invasive skin rejuvenating treatment options available that can help you look and feel like the best version of yourself, schedule a consultation with Dr. Green by calling the NYC office at 212-535-3088 or contacting us online today.

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