Finding the best Primers with SPF: Glamour Magazine
Many primers these days also talk about SPF levels, but can they work as sunscreen substitutes? Not quite. Dr. Green was quoted various times in today such as noting that “many primers contain SPF 15 or 20, but a primer with SPF 15 or 20 is likely not sufficient enough for proper sun protection and should be applied after using sunscreen with SPF 50 or higher,” such as Lancome UV Expert Defense Primer & Moisturizer (SPF 50+) for instance which is one of the many products discussed.
High SPF was a clinching factor in another of her recommendations too where she mentions, “It contains SPF 50 to provide maximum protection against sun damage.”
Find out more and see what product might be best for you ahead of the summer months (though we do recommend SPF year round!) at “10 Best Primers With SPF to Create the Perfect Canvas for Makeup—Approved by Dermatologists“