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Common Causes of Facial Redness, Quoted in Rodan + Fields

From genetics to sun damage or even high blood pressure, many things can cause redness in the face.  However, “a good skincare routine can help with facial redness and rosacea by helping your skin feel more comfortable, boosting your skin’s overall health, and reducing the risk of flare-ups,” Dr. Green explains today in “Facial Redness: Causes and Treatments” on the Rodan+Fields website.

There is currently no cure for rosacea, and she mentions that “Rosacea is commonly diagnosed incorrectly as eczema, psoriasis, or allergic dermatitis which can make it difficult for patients to find relief,” she says. “Therefore, it is essential to get a proper, immediate diagnosis so you can receive appropriate treatment.”

SL 21 year old after 5 Vbeam for rosacea MGWatermark

She also talks about her recommendations on how to treat Rosacea – “Facial redness as a result of rosacea is often treated with the VBeam Laser (as was the case with the patient above) which only targets the red pigment on your skin and leaves the surrounding skin unaffected” along with topical medicines and more.

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