Occasionally, stubborn fat in the abdomen and hips can remain, no matter how much dieting and exercise you do. You may be fit and healthy, but this stubborn fat will refuse to go, which can be a very frustrating experience for the individual, especially for a person who has worked hard to keep in shape and look good. The great news is there is now a highly effective treatment called “Vanquish” that can be used to reduce this excess fat in the stomach and hip area. Even better news is that this is a fast, pain free and non-surgical treatment that has been proven to be effective.

Introducing Vanquish

Vanquish is an FDA approved non-surgical treatment that has been designed to help reduce fat around the abdomen, and hips, targeting problematic areas such as the “love handles” and belly. The way Vanquish works is that it uses a patented Selective RF™ technology which heats up the fat cells in the body, and destroys them without hurting the surrounding skin tissue. Post-treatment, the fat cells are naturally removed by the body over time. Since the Vanquish device is quite large and can treat a wider area than some alternative procedures, this extra size helps to provide a more uniformed look to the skin, post treatment.

Advantages of Vanquish Fat Removal

One of the advantages of the Vanquish treatment is that the applicator doesn’t even need to touch the skin, it simply heats up the fat cells. Anesthetic is not required and patients typically report that there is no pain with the treatment, which is perfect for individuals who are uncomfortable with procedures that are invasive and have some pain involved with them. Six treatments of approximately sixty minutes are normally required and these are usually spaced out over a month, with treatments taking place typically one week between each other. Some patients experience some redness and soreness, but generally the process does not cause any issues at all.

Generally, fat reduction improvements will appear after a few days and continue as the weeks and treatments progress. Patients can lose between two to four inches off their waist measurement, which is a very effective amount for a non-invasive treatment. For individuals who maintain their diet and exercise regimes these results can also be very long lasting and be maintained indefinitely, since the fat will only re-appear as it might appear naturally.

Vanquish Before & After photo

After 2 treatments. Source – BTL Vanquish site.

Disclaimer: Results may vary with each patient.

Am I a candidate for Vanquish?

Vanquish is not for everyone – the best candidates for Vanquish are those people that maintain a healthy lifestyle, but have some stubborn fat that refuses to go. For individuals with a little more body fat then there are more appropriate solutions. To discover if you are a good candidate for Vanquish the best course of action is to book an appointment with Dr. Michele Green to see if Vanquish will work well for your own body type.

For individuals who want to treat of stubborn fat in the abdomen, or reducing their “love handles,” then Vanquish might be perfect for you. Learn more how you can reduce fat in these areas using a non-surgical technique. For more information, contact us online, or make an appointment with Dr. Green by calling 212 535 3088. Dr. Green is based in the Upper East Side of NYC but provides a range of dermatology and cosmetic procedures to patients from around the world.

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