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Our eyes are often the first thing a person notices about us, and for those of us who have mild to severe under-eye bags, that first glance can make us appear tired, worn, or older than we are. Under-eye bags can have a variety of causes and can look different depending on each individual’s natural aging process, fluid retention, genetics, and bone structure. Though many eye creams, home remedies, concealers, and other skincare products claim to improve the appearance of under-eye bags, only some can completely revitalize puffiness, dark circles, or under-eye bags, leaving patients feeling frustrated. Thankfully, when it comes to under-eye bag treatment, board-certified dermatologist Dr. Michele Green in NYC is here to help.

Dr. Green is an expert in cosmetic dermatology, rejuvenating the under-eye area with hyaluronic acid dermal fillers such as Restylane and Juvederm, minimizing dark circles with Mesopeels, chemical peels, and laser treatments, and reducing periocular fine lines and wrinkles with Botox injections, eMatrix laser, and Thermage skin tightening laser. Dr. Green’s proprietary line of skincare products, MGSKINLABs, Inc., contains some of the best active skincare ingredients to stimulate new collagen production, improve pigmentation, and reduce dark circles. Dr. Green is an expert at eliminating under-eye bags and dark circles without invasive plastic surgery.

Dr. Green is an internationally renowned expert in the field of cosmetic dermatology with over two and a half decades of experience customizing the rejuvenation treatment protocols of her patients from around the globe. For her holistic approach and ‘less is more’ philosophy regarding cosmetic treatment, she is consistently voted as one of New York City’s best physicians by Castle Connolly, New York Magazine, and Super Doctors. Dr. Green utilizes cutting-edge technologies and innovative treatment techniques to help her patients look and feel their very best. Consulting with Dr. Green is the best first step if you are interested in removing fine lines and wrinkles, erasing unwanted pigmentation and dark circles, and enhancing skin elasticity without the need for invasive surgery or extensive downtime.

What do under-eye bags look like?

Under-eye bags are the prominent pockets of excess fat under the lower lid that may appear puffy, swollen, or baggy. The appearance of these fat pockets may be exacerbated by genetics, skin laxity, and age-related collagen loss. The combination of fat herniation and loose, excess skin causes the appearance of under-eye bags. Hollows in the undereye area, or the nasojugal grooves, are often called tear troughs due to their location and depth. Hollows are usually genetic or related to the natural aging process. Tear troughs can cast shadows in the undereye area, giving the illusion of dark circles. These hollows are actually due to a lack of fat in the undereye area and the anatomy of the underlying bony structures. Dark circles are caused by visible blood vessels or excess pigmentation in the undereye area. Eye puffiness is temporary swelling in the under-eye area, which is different than permanent under-eye bags, although they may look similar. Puffy eyes may be attributed to factors such as lack of sleep, consumption of salty foods, allergies, hormone fluctuations, or fluid retention.

What causes dark circles?

A combination of several contributing factors, including aging, fatigue, allergic reactions, dehydration, sun exposure, hyperpigmentation, lifestyle habits, or genetics, may cause the appearance of dark under-eye circles. Many patients with dark circles in the under-eye area have genetic or age-related hollows. The tear trough hollows can cast shadows in the under-eye area, causing the appearance of dark circles. Dark under-eye circles related to hollows in the tear troughs are often treated with dermal filler injections. Dermal fillers, injected into the tear through under-eye hollows, will instantly restore lost volume and rejuvenate the delicate under-eye area. Dr. Green commonly treats tear trough hollows in the undereye area with hyaluronic acid dermal fillers such as Restylane and Belotero, which provide long-lasting rejuvenation. These hyaluronic acid dermal fillers produce cosmetic results that typically last six months to a year, with most patients engaging in regular follow-up treatment sessions to keep up the best results.

While some patients experience dark under-eye circles due to hollows in the tear troughs, others struggle with hyperpigmentation in the under-eye area. If the undereye area is affected by hyperpigmentation, using dermal fillers will only make their appearance more prominent, worsening the dark circles. One of the best new ways to treat hyperpigmentation around the eyes is with Mesopeel Periocular peels. This specialized chemical peel is designed to remove the dead, discolored skin cells from the under-eye area in a gentle yet effective manner. The chemical peels stimulate new collagen production and generate new, healthy skin cells that are more even in tone. To achieve desired results, most patients require a short series of chemical peels; each spaced approximately four weeks apart.

Puffy Eyes

Eye puffiness, particularly in the morning, is different than under-eye bags and may be influenced by factors such as diet (such as consuming salty foods), lack of sleep, chronic stress, hormone fluctuations, allergies, dehydration, and fluid retention. Puffy eyes are characterized by temporary swelling, though they may look similar to under-eye bags. Eye puffiness due to these causes may resolve independently or require treatment by a medical professional, depending on the severity. Various home remedies and over-the-counter treatments may improve eye puffiness, including taking an oral antihistamine, using a cold compress, sleeping with the head slightly elevated (to prevent fluid retention), and limiting the intake of salty foods, alcohol, and tobacco. A board-certified dermatologist, such as Dr. Michele Green in New York City, can work with you to determine whether you are affected by under-eye bags or puffy eyes and develop a personalized treatment protocol for rejuvenating the undereye area.

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Treating the undereye area with the right skincare products

Finding the right skincare products for under-eye rejuvenation among countless over-the-counter options can be daunting, so consulting with an experienced board-certified dermatologist, such as Dr. Michele Green in New York, is always recommended. When treating signs of the natural aging process around the eyes, it is important to determine what is causing the appearance of dark circles, fine lines, or puffiness. For some patients, dark circles appear due to volume loss under the eyes, which creates a hollow appearance. For others, dark circles may be excess pigment on the skin that needs lightening. Dr. Green has treatment options for both scenarios in her proprietary line of specially developed skin care products, MGSKINLABs, Inc. Dr. Green’s MGSKINLAB’s Intensive Eye Repair is a cooling eye gel that can reduce the appearance of fine lines, puffiness, and dark circles while providing a soothing effect. The Line Repair Eye cream is replete with Retinol to remove fine lines and discoloration, providing smoother, firmer skin in the undereye area. Many patients benefit by using the Intensive Eye Repair gel in their morning skincare routine and the Line Repair Eye cream in their evening routine.

The natural aging process also involves decreasing the production of the structural protein collagen, which helps keep skin firm and smooth. For patients who want to reduce the appearance of loose or sagging skin, a Retinol-based cream may be the best solution. Retinol creams are derived from Vitamin A and can help with various skin issues, from acne to aging to psoriasis. Many retinol creams are designed to improve collagen production within the skin and vary in concentration to provide the best results. Learn more about the positive effects of retinol creams in Dr. Green’s article with Forbes.

A helpful daily skincare routine with an SPF of 30 or higher is a simple, vital way to protect the skin in the eye area from exposure to harmful sun exposure. Skincare products like MGSKINLAB’s Antioxidant Facial Sunscreen SPF 30 can help protect the skin against the sun’s rays and revitalize the skin with nutrients like Vitamin C, A, and E, as well as Green Tea extract.

What causes under-eye bags?

While there is a hereditary component to the appearance of under-eye bags, a wide variety of lifestyle choices can also contribute to their development. If you want to reduce the appearance of under-eye bags or prevent under-eye bags from developing, it’s helpful to think about the following potential risk factors:

Smoking and Drinking

Both smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol can cause issues with the appearance of the skin. Smoking produces substances that cause premature aging, which can reduce the amount of collagen and elastin in the skin – the natural agents that keep the skin healthy and firm. Additionally, smoking can restrict blood vessels in the skin, leading to less oxygen and vitamins reaching the skin’s surface. In turn, this can lead to the appearance of aging and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in the eye area. Additionally, alcohol consumption can dehydrate the body, leading to dry eyes and weakened elasticity under the eyes.

Sun Exposure

Overexposure to the sun is one of the leading causes of aging around the eye area. Frequent sun exposure can lead to damage when it comes to collagen and elastin fibers, which can then lead to sagging or drooping skin, making patients appear to have excess skin under the eyes. Sun exposure can also cause discoloration or other pigment issues, such as brown spots or sun spots, particularly for those with paler skin tones. For this reason, Dr. Green recommends everyone wear a 30 SPF or higher sunscreen daily to protect the skin against sun damage, either incorporated into their moisturizer or as an additional skincare protection.


Often, the likelihood that any of us will develop dark circles or under-eye bags is based on our DNA. This can also manifest as genetic thyroid problems contributing to puffiness and circles under the eyes. Early treatment for under-eye bags is highly recommended in this case, as early intervention can prevent under-eye bags from worsening and provide optimal results. If you have noticed progressive worsening of puffiness under the eyes, contact Dr. Green immediately to see what treatment options are available.


Simple changes in diet can help to reduce the appearance of under-eye bags. Reduced salt intake can prevent fluid retention in the body, which is often the cause of puffiness under the eyes. Additionally, increasing the amount of Vitamin C you incorporate into your diet can help produce new collagen. Foods rich in Vitamin C include Brussels sprouts, kale, oranges, and strawberries. By merely adjusting your daily meals and increasing the amount of water you drink daily, you can help improve the health and appearance of your skin.

Do under-eye bags go away?

A variety of issues can cause the appearance of under-eye bags. Some specific lifestyle changes can help minimize or prevent the formation of under-eye bags. A change in diet (limiting one’s intake of salty foods and alcohol), getting enough sleep, and adequate hydration can all help to reduce the appearance of under-eye bags. While these lifestyle choices can reduce eye puffiness, patients with genetic under-eye bags or dark circles require cosmetic treatment with a board-certified dermatologist, such as Dr. Michele Green in New York City, to reduce their appearance. Dr. Green offers a variety of non-invasive outpatient procedures designed to reduce the appearance of under-eye bags effectively and with long-lasting, natural-looking results.

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How to prevent under-eye bags

There are several risk factors for developing under-eye bags that have to do with lifestyle choices, and, as such, the best way to prevent under-eye bags is to avoid smoking, excessive drinking, and too much sun exposure. Eating a well-balanced diet is also important in preventing under-eye bags and ensuring you get enough sleep every night. Maintaining your overall health and wellness is important to prevent under-eye bags. In some cases, under-eye bags cannot be prevented, as dark circles and puffiness under the eye can occur due to genetics or the natural aging process. If that is the case, patients can turn to cosmetic treatments to reduce the appearance of the bags under the eyes.

Can you get rid of under-eye bags?

Many patients wonder how to cure under-eye bags and worry that under-eye bags will be with them forever. However, under-eye bags can easily be treated with various non-invasive cosmetic procedures, proper skincare routines, and, occasionally, antihistamines. If you are concerned about under-eye bags, Dr. Green can help you to navigate the world of under-eye treatment by allowing you to determine the treatment or series of treatments that works best for you.

How to relieve bags under-eyes

Dr. Green can carefully curate a treatment plan to help you with what to use to remove bags under the eyes. When you work with Dr. Green, she can carefully assess your skin and medical history, determining any potential cause of your under-eye bags or dark circles. She can curate a treatment plan that best serves your needs from there. Her patients benefit from state-of-the-art techniques to reduce the appearance of under-eye bags and the signs of aging or sagging in the eye area. Many patients have had success with one or more treatment options.

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Does Botox get rid of under-eye bags?

Dr. Green is an expert in cosmetic Botox injections and uses Botox®, Dysport®, and Xeomin® neurotoxins to treat fine lines around the forehead, glabella, neck, masseter, and the fine lines around the eyes. With many patients, the first visible signs of aging around the eyes are the Crow’s feet that develop from smiling and squinting. Botox is the best treatment for removing these fine lines and rejuvenating the eye area. Dr. Green does not advise Botox to treat the under-eye area as this often increases the cosmetic appearance of under-eye bags.

Can fillers help with under-eye bags?

Hyaluronic acid fillers, such as Juvederm and Restylane, are a popular method to reduce the appearance of dark circles and undereye hollows and for all-over eye rejuvenation. Dermal fillers are designed to stimulate collagen production in the skin, which can correct volume loss around the eyes, thereby reducing the appearance of bags, dark circles, and fine lines within the treatment area. Dr. Green is an artful dermal filler injector who uses the “less is more” approach to create a revitalized look for your eyes. The appointment for a dermal filler procedure typically lasts around a half hour, and patients can resume regular activity right after. However, Dr. Green recommends patients sleep with an extra pillow to prevent any temporary swelling.

How does under-eye filler work?

Dermal fillers, such as Restylane, Juvederm, and Belotero, comprise a smooth gel made of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid naturally occurs in the body. Still, it decreases in prevalence as we age, contributing to volume loss in various areas of the face, including under the eye. The hyaluronic gel is injected using a thin needle into the mid-dermal layer of the skin. The gel immediately adds volume to the skin and provides more moisture, restoring a youthful appearance in the treatment area. Each different family of dermal filler has slightly different properties. No family of fillers is inherently better than the other. Instead, when you have your initial consultation with Dr. Green, she will determine the best filler or combination for your specific needs.

You will begin your treatment process by consulting with Dr. Green so she can assess the treatment area and customize the under-eye treatment plan that is right for you. If Dr. Green determines that dermal fillers will be a part of your treatment plan, you may have injections on the same day as your consultation, depending on time allowance and personal preference. On the day of your injections, apply the topical numbing cream prescribed by Dr. Green to the entire treatment area one hour before your appointment. Once you arrive at Dr. Green’s office in the Upper East Side neighborhood of Manhattan in New York City, the treatment area will be cleaned with an alcohol wipe, and Dr. Green will expertly inject the filler with a thin needle. Following the treatment, Dr. Green will immediately apply ice to the treatment site to prevent swelling. Dr. Green advises discontinuing blood thinners for two weeks before your injections to minimize the risk of bruising following the treatment. The initial effects of the therapy should appear immediately, and any swelling in the treatment area should resolve within two weeks.

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Restylane dermal fillers for under-eye hollows

Restylane is a family of filler products created by the company Galderma and was approved as a cosmetic filler by the FDA in 2003. Galderma has a variety of Restylane fillers that vary in thickness to address different concerns on the face. Thicker fillers are used to fill in deeper wrinkles, while the thinner gel fillers are employed on more delicate areas of the face, including the under-eye. For that reason, Restylane L® is the Restylane filler typically used to address under-eye bags and hollows, as it is one of the thinner fillers in the Restylane family. The results of the Restylane treatment can last for approximately six to nine months.

Juvederm dermal filler

Juvederm is an extremely popular family of dermal fillers created by Allergan, the company responsible for creating Botox. Juvederm has many different varieties of fillers ranging in density, with the denser fillers used to address deep lines and wrinkles and the thinner fillers for fine lines and more delicate areas of the face. One of the thinner varieties of Juvederm filler is the Juvederm Volbella®, which is best for subtle enhancements. Juvederm Volbella can restore lost volume and is the ideal filler for addressing under-eye hollows and bags. Juvederm treatment results can be visible for approximately one year following treatment.

Belotero hyaluronic acid fillers for eye rejuvenation

Belotero® is another FDA-approved Hyaluronic acid filler made by the company Merz. Belotero differs from Juvederm and Restylane in its proprietary Cohesive Polydensified Matrix creation process. The result is a thinner, more flexible filler, ideal for delicate areas such as the under-eye. Belotero works to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles while adding subtle volume by integrating seamlessly with the skin. Belotero is also commonly used to fill fine lines around the mouth, often called “smokers lines.”

Which injectable is best to treat under-eye bags?

Different injectable fillers can treat bags and volume loss under the eyes. When you have your initial consultation with Dr. Green, she can assess the treatment area to determine which filler suits your unique needs. Within each family of dermal fillers, the thinnest gel injectable is generally used for the delicate area under the eyes. Restylane-L is most typically used within the Restylane family, while in the Juvederm family, Juvederm Volbella is most commonly used under the eye.

How long do under-eye fillers last?

When treating under-eye bags, use hyaluronic acid fillers, such as the Restylane or Juvederm family of fillers. Hyaluronic acid fillers work well for the delicate under-eye area and produce a natural, revitalized look. At the same time, different types of dermal fillers last for various lengths of time; hyaluronic acid fillers typically last for nine months to a year. Though the filler treatment results are temporary, the procedure can be repeated annually to maintain the results- of the treatment. When you consult with Dr. Green, she will help create the best treatment schedule for you.

How much does under-eye filler cost?

When patients ask how much is under eye filler, the answer is: it depends. Several factors contribute to the total cost of dermal filler treatment, including your geographic location, the type of institution at which you receive treatment (in a medical spa versus the private office of a healthcare professional, such as board-certified dermatologist Dr. Green), the dermal filler product selected, and the amount of filler needed to address the cosmetic concern being targeted. Dr. Green is committed to providing effective, individualized treatment plans to all her patients – taking the time to determine the treatment options that best address each patient’s unique needs and achieve their ideal cosmetic results. Since the amount of filler and cosmetic goals can vary from patient to patient, Dr. Green’s office will provide you with a better idea of the overall cost of the treatment after your initial consultation.

What does under-eye filler do?

Under-eye filler is a safe and effective treatment option to address various concerns. Under-eye filler is injected into the tear trough, which is the crease that goes from the tear duct to the upper cheek. While the tear trough is present even in youth, it can deepen as we age, creating the appearance of shadows under the eye. When the dermal filler is injected into the tear trough, it helps boost collagen production, restore lost volume, and reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and dark circles. With Dr. Green’s “less-is-more” approach to dermal fillers, injections in the under-eye can help restore a naturally youthful, bright, and vibrant appearance.

Does under-eye filler help with wrinkles?

When patients ask if under-eye filler helps with wrinkles, the answer is: yes, it does! When dermal fillers are injected under the skin, it instantly restores volume to the area. This restoration of lost volume, in turn, works to smooth away fine lines, wrinkles, and creases that may have formed in the treatment area. Furthermore, dermal fillers help to boost collagen production over time, which also helps to decrease the appearance of creases and wrinkles.

Does under-eye filler help dark circles?

As a part of the natural aging process, volume loss can occur under the eyes, resulting in deep hollows. These hollows under the eyes can create shadows that give the illusion of dark circles. Dermal filler is ideal if the dark circles are caused by volume loss making cavities under the eyes. Under-eye filler helps restore lost volume to the treatment area, decrease the appearance of creases, and promote collagen production, which helps to eliminate shadows under the eyes. Dermal fillers should not, however, be used to treat dark circles that are caused by excess pigment in the undereye area. Suppose dark circles appear under the eyes as a result of pigmentation. In that case, dermal filler injections may worsen the appearance of dark circles. Instead, patients opt for chemical peels, such as the Mesopeel Pericular peels, or brightening skincare products like topical retinol serums and eye creams.

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Does cheek filler help under eye bags?

As we age, one of the areas of the face in which volume loss is most apparent is the midface and cheeks. When collagen production decreases, the fat pads contributing to defined cheekbones drop, leading to a drooping or sagging appearance. Dermal fillers are excellent for restoring lost volume in the midface or contouring the face such that the cheekbones are highlighted. Restoring lost volume in the cheeks and midface can sometimes help to improve the appearance of under-eye bags. However, to reduce the appearance of deep hollows under the eyes, injecting the filler into the tear trough may be best to eliminate under-eye bags. When you have your dermal filler treatment with internationally renowned, board-certified cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Michele Green in New York City, she will physically assess your facial anatomy to determine which area to target. Dr. Green has over two and a half decades of experience artfully injecting dermal fillers, which is well-reflected by the fact that she is consistently identified as one of New York’s best dermatologists by Castle Connolly, New York Magazine and Super Doctors.

What is the best treatment option for under-eye dark circles?

Dark circles can appear under the eyes for a variety of reasons. Some dark circles are caused by volume loss under the eyes, which results in hollows and shadows under the eyes. The best treatment option for patients experiencing shadows under their eyes due to holes is likely dermal fillers to restore lost volume in the treatment area and boost collagen production. Some dark circles are caused by pigmentation on the skin. For patients with discoloration under the eyes, the Mesopeel Periocular series of chemical peels are a great option to lighten dark circles, exfoliate the skin, and generate new skin cells. Chemical peels can also be paired with a skin-brightening cream applied at home. Pigmentation can also be addressed with laser treatment. Laser resurfacing treatment, such as the Fraxel and eMatrix laser, works in the delicate eye area to tighten the skin and reduce discoloration under the eye. When you have your initial consultation with Dr. Green, she will examine the treatment area and decide about the treatment or series of treatments that best address your needs.

Does Microneedling help with under-eye bags?

Microneedling, or collagen induction therapy, is an excellent non-invasive treatment option for revitalization. Microneedling involves the application of a handheld device containing tiny, sterile needles to the skin’s surface. This stimulates new collagen production and creates microscopic channels in the skin. These channels increase the absorbency of specialized topical skincare serums, enhancing their effects. When microneedling is performed in the area below the lower eyelid, the increase in collagen production results in firmer, healthier skin under the eyes, which decreases the appearance of dark circles and hollows. Microneedling is a fast and easy way to reduce the appearance of undereye bags without invasive surgery or downtime.

Thermage laser treatment for Skin Tightening

Thermage is the gold standard for non-invasive skin tightening, including the delicate under-eye area. Thermage uses radiofrequency energy to stimulate collagen production in the skin. Collagen is the most abundant skin protein, contributing to a firm foundation and youthful appearance. After age 20, collagen production decreases by about 1% annually. Replenishing collagen levels in the skin makes producing firmer, smoother, younger-looking skin possible. In addition to improving the appearance of loose, excess skin around the eyes, Thermage can be used for skin tightening on the rest of the face, neck, chest, decolletage, upper arms, abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. Zero downtime is involved, meaning patients can resume their normal daily activities immediately after the procedure. Thermage FLX, the newest generation of this innovative laser treatment, is equipped with AccuRep technology, allowing for incredibly precise delivery of radiofrequency energy, a faster treatment session, and consistently phenomenal cosmetic results.

Chemical Peels

A chemical peel accelerates the skin cell turnover rate, encouraging dead, discolored skin cells to slough away more quickly and reveal new, healthy skin cells that are more even in tone and texture. Chemical peels also stimulate collagen production in the treatment area. By inducing collagen production in the undereye area, chemical peels can help thicken the skin to reduce the visibility of blood vessels, which reduces the appearance of dark circles. A short series of targeted chemical peels will result in firmer, smoother skin and a visible reduction in fine lines and pigment discoloration. Dr. Green often recommends a specially developed chemical peel called a Mesopeel for the delicate undereye area. The Mesopeels were designed to improve the appearance of the sensitive, delicate undereye area without causing skin irritation.

A chemical peel treatment, especially with the Mesopeel, is quick, painless, requires zero downtime, and provides optimal cosmetic results in just a few sessions. The chemical peel solution is applied to the skin in Dr. Green’s private dermatology office in New York City. When the chemical solution is applied, you may feel a mild tingling sensation or heat on the skin’s surface. The peel is then cleaned off the skin after a set duration. Following the chemical peel, protecting the treatment area from sun exposure is crucial, as the skin will be particularly sensitive to sunlight.

Laser treatments for rejuvenating the undereye area

Non-ablative laser treatments, such as the Fraxel and eMatrix lasers, are excellent treatment options for undereye rejuvenation. In addition to reducing the appearance of fine lines and loose, excess skin, these laser treatments can also improve the appearance of skin discoloration in the undereye area. These laser treatment options revitalize the skin by stimulating new collagen production in the treatment area. Collagen is a skin protein that provides structural support and contributes to a youthful appearance. After age 20, collagen production decreases at a steady rate of approximately 1% annually. Collagen depletion is part of the natural aging process and leads to various signs of aging, including in the undereye area. Laser treatments like Fraxel and eMatrix can provide excellent rejuvenation results with minimal downtime by inducing new collagen production. The eMatrix laser was developed with a special tip to treat the delicate under-eye area. Through radiofrequency technology, the eMatrix can tighten the skin around the delicate under-eye, remove fine lines, decrease pigmentation, and increase collagen production.

Does Sinus irritation cause under-eye bags?

For some patients, under-eye bags can be sparked by an allergen or irritant, leading to swelling and puffiness. In this case, Dr. Green can prescribe allergy medication or recommend a sinus-clearing regimen, such as using a neti-pot, to reduce swelling under the eyes.

Is it Possible to remove under-eye bags with Home Remedies?

Many patients wonder about naturally reducing the appearance of under-eye bags and dark circles; luckily, under-eye bags are frequently treated with home remedies. However, the effectiveness of some of these treatment options has yet to be widely studied. If you suffer from under-eye bags, puffiness, dark circles, or hollows, you should talk with an experienced board-certified dermatologist like Dr. Green before choosing any treatment option. Nevertheless, a doctor-recommended at-home skincare routine can do wonders for dark circles or bags under the eyes. The sections below describe some of the most popular over-the-counter and home remedies for improving the appearance of the undereye area.

Tea Bags

Applying tea bags to the undereye area is one of the more common home remedies for dark circles. Tea contains various antioxidants, and the caffeine in black and green tea may help increase blood flow to the area. Tea also has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce the puffiness of under-eye bags. Green tea (as well as green tea-based face masks and moisturizers) has been recommended for reducing dark circles after several studies.

Cold Compress

A simple cold compress can help mitigate the appearance of under-eye bags caused by swelling and eye puffiness. The cold compress can help to constrict blood vessels, which in turn can temporarily relieve the appearance of dark circles or puffiness. When applying a cold compress, submerge a soft washcloth in cold water, then place it on the undereye area for approximately ten minutes.

Retinol eye creams

Retinol is an active ingredient in many topical anti-aging skin care products, available over-the-counter and in prescription strength. Retinol is a derivative of vitamin A that accelerates the rate of skin cell turnover and induces new collagen production. Increasing collagen production can improve the appearance of dark circles by thickening the skin and reducing the visibility of blood vessels. Retinol can also create a firmer, smoother skin texture and reduce the appearance of fine lines around the eyes. Dr. Green’s line of specialty skincare products, MGSKINLABs, Inc., offers the Line Repair Eye Cream containing retinol. The Line Repair Eye cream is an excellent addition to one’s nighttime skincare routine and can help create a more youthful appearance in the undereye area.

How to cure under-eye bags

When patients ask ‘what works for under-eye bags,’ the answer is that there are many potential solutions to decrease and even eliminate the presence of under-eye bags. If you are concerned about under-eye bags, you can make an appointment with Dr. Green, who can lay out all of your treatment options and help you to determine the treatment plan that is right for you. Dr. Green will review lifestyle behaviors that may influence the appearance of undereye bags and recommend the specially formulated skincare products best suited to your undereye needs. With over two and a half decades of experience in cosmetic dermatology, she developed her proprietary line of skincare products, MGSKINLABs Inc., to include two powerfully effective undereye creams. The Line Repair is a sheer cream containing retinol. This vitamin A derivative accelerates the skin cell turnover rate and stimulates new collagen production, thickening the thin skin in the undereye and decreasing the visibility of blood vessels. The Line Repair cream is an excellent option for those targeting dark circles, fine lines, and wrinkles in the undereye area. The Intensive Eye Repair cream is a soothing gel that works wonderfully to eliminate puffiness and brighten the undereye area.

To complement the lifestyle practices and skincare products selected for improving the appearance of your undereye bags, Dr. Green may recommend non-invasive treatment options such as chemical peels, Microneedling, dermal fillers, or laser treatments. Dr. Green will determine the treatment options recommended for your personalized plan based on the cause of your undereye bags, the facial anatomy of the area, your particular concerns, and your overall aesthetic goals.

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Can you get rid of under-eye bags permanently?

Yes! It is possible to reduce or eliminate the appearance of unsightly undereye bags permanently. Under-eye bags are commonly removed with an eyelid surgery called blepharoplasty. A blepharoplasty is performed in a medical setting by a board-certified plastic surgeon. During this surgical procedure, an incision is made near the lower lid, and the excess fat is removed. The surgeon will remove excess sagging skin and muscle, then close the incision with tiny, dissolving stitches. Common side effects associated with blepharoplasty include swelling and bruising around the eyes, which typically resolve within one to three weeks from the procedure. Most patients require approximately two weeks of downtime before returning to their usual activities. While blepharoplasty can not prevent the natural aging process, the cosmetic results can be incredibly long-lasting.

Patients not yet ready for an invasive plastic surgery may use non-invasive treatment options. At Dr. Michele Green’s private dermatology office, many non-invasive treatment options can help temporarily improve the appearance of undereye bags, including Microneedling, chemical peels, dermal fillers, and laser treatments. When you consult with Dr. Green, she will evaluate your undereye area and work with you to create a customized treatment plan that best suits your needs and aesthetic goals.

How to get rid of under-eye bags permanently without surgery

Blepharoplasty is one of the most commonly performed surgical cosmetic procedures. However, many patients are interested in exploring non-surgical treatment options for permanently reducing the appearance of under-eye bags. At Dr. Green’s private dermatology office in New York City, she offers a host of non-invasive treatment options for improving the appearance of the undereye area, including dermal fillers, Botox injections, Microneedling, chemical peels, laser treatments, and a variety of specially formulated topical skincare products. These treatment options provide patients with long-lasting rejuvenation results, with many individuals engaging in regular follow-up treatment sessions to maintain the best cosmetic effects. While non-invasive treatments provide many patients with long-lasting and satisfactory cosmetic results, they can not produce permanent effects. Your skin condition, particular concerns, and aesthetic goals will influence the best treatment options. If you are interested in non-surgical solutions to under-eye bags, discuss with your healthcare professional, Dr. Green, about treatment options.

What is the best treatment for under-eye bags?

The best treatment for reducing or eliminating the appearance of under-eye bags is customized to suit your specific concerns and personal aesthetic goals. The under-eye area may appear aged due to dark circles, hollows in the tear trough, puffiness, or under-eye bags. Each of these concerns requires a unique treatment approach, and an individual can simultaneously be affected by more than one of these concerns. It is critical to consult with an experienced board-certified dermatologist for undereye rejuvenation to guarantee optimal results and prevent unwanted potential side effects. For example, suppose a patient with dark circles has pigmentation in the undereye area and is inappropriately recommended a treatment option such as dermal filler injections (rather than chemical peels or specially formulated lightening skincare products). In that case, the appearance of their dark circles will worsen. An experienced board-certified dermatologist, such as Dr. Michele Green in New York City, will physically assess the undereye area to determine the cause of the appearance of under-eye bags. Based upon her expert evaluation, Dr. Green will recommend a unique combination of the skincare products and non-invasive treatment options best suited to your particular needs, guaranteeing ideal results.

How to get rid of under-eye bags

The first step in getting rid of your under-eye bags is consulting a board-certified dermatologist like Dr. Green in New York City. Dr. Green is an internationally renowned board-certified dermatologist with over two and a half decades of experience providing some of the world’s most discerning individuals with the best non-invasive rejuvenation treatment options available, including chemical peels, Microneedling, dermal fillers, laser treatments, and more. When you consult with Dr. Green at her private dermatology office in the Upper East Side neighborhood of Manhattan in New York City, she will collect a thorough medical history, physically assess the under-eye area, and review your ideal cosmetic results. She will then recommend a combination of non-invasive treatment options and skincare products to help you achieve and maintain a revitalized, youthful undereye appearance. Suppose you are not a good candidate for non-invasive undereye treatment options and would benefit more from a surgical procedure. In that case, Dr. Green will refer you to a trusted, experienced board-certified plastic surgeon.

Why is my undereye puffy?

Puffiness in the undereye area, especially in the morning time, is often caused by fluid retention. This can be exacerbated by frequently consuming salty foods, alcohol consumption, and tobacco use. Eye puffiness may also be related to lack of sleep, dehydration, allergies, styes, soft tissue infection, or a side effect of certain medications. Depending on the cause of your puffy eyes, they may resolve independently or require treatment by a medical professional.

How to cover under-eye bags

It can be a challenge to cover the appearance of under-eye bags and dark circles. Some home remedies can help reduce eye puffiness, including using a cold compress. To correctly use a cold compress for puffy eyes, submerge a washcloth in cold water, then ring out the excess. Place the washcloth on the undereye area for ten to fifteen minutes. The cold compress will help reduce eye puffiness and provide a refreshed appearance. To reduce the appearance of dark circles, using a color-correcting concealer can reduce the visibility of blood vessels in the undereye area. These home remedies can temporarily improve the appearance of the undereye area or cover imperfections. However, there are non-invasive treatment options that can provide long-lasting rejuvenation results. When you consult with board-certified dermatologist Dr. Michele Green at her private office in New York City, she will recommend treatment options that will help you revitalize the undereye area to achieve and maintain a youthful appearance rather than having to cover your under-eye bags each day.

How much is under eye bag surgery?

The total cost of blepharoplasty- or undereye bag surgery, varies greatly depending on the experience level of your plastic surgeon and the geographic location of the medical office in which you are treated. Blepharoplasty is, however, consistently more expensive than non-invasive cosmetic treatment options available in a board-certified dermatologist’s office, such as dermal filler injections or chemical peels. Dermal filler injections and chemical peels are cosmetic treatment options for targeting dark circles or hollows in the under-eye area. Both non-invasive treatment options provide long-lasting rejuvenation results that are natural-looking, which many patients prefer. The best way to determine whether you are a better candidate for non-invasive treatment options or a blepharoplasty and the cost of treatment is by consulting an experienced board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon.

Are undereye bags genetic?

There is a genetic component to the appearance of undereye bags, although no single gene exists for under-eye bag development. Some individuals are more prone to developing undereye bags, and the likelihood increases if other family members, such as parents or siblings, have under-eye bags. Under-eye bags are caused by fat herniation and loose, excess skin, which the natural aging process can exacerbate. Genetics have an impact on the aging process. While it is possible to control many other lifestyle behaviors that contribute to the appearance of under-eye bags, such as limiting the intake of salty foods and getting enough sleep, it is not possible to influence the hereditary component of under-eye bags. However, it is possible to treat the appearance of genetic under-eye bags with various non-invasive cosmetic treatment options and cosmetic surgery like blepharoplasty.

Why do I have a bag under one eye? Why is my eye bag swollen?

Sometimes, the appearance of an undereye bag under one eye can be due to fluid retention or acute inflammation associated with a skin infection, allergic reaction, or insect bite. Eye puffiness due to these causes may resolve independently or require treatment by a medical professional, depending on the severity. Various home remedies and over-the-counter treatments may improve eye puffiness under one eye, including taking an oral antihistamine, using a cold compress, sleeping with the head slightly elevated (to prevent fluid retention), and limiting the intake of salty foods, alcohol, and tobacco.

Why is my undereye bag twitching?

An involuntary spasm of the eyelid muscles characterizes an eyelid twitch. Eyelid twitches are fairly common and do not necessarily indicate an underlying health issue. Common causes of eye twitching include lack of sleep, caffeine, eye strain, eye irritation, and chronic stress. Eye twitching can also be a side effect of taking certain medications. Most eyelid twitches occur in unpredictable periods lasting several seconds to several hours. Try managing stress levels, reducing caffeine intake and screen time, and sleeping properly every night. If your symptoms persist or other uncontrollable movements accompany your eyelid twitching, schedule an appointment with a medical professional.

What is undereye bag surgery called?

Surgery to correct the appearance of under-eye bags is called blepharoplasty. Blepharoplasty is performed in a medical setting by a plastic surgeon. The excess skin and fat from the upper and lower eyelids are removed during a blepharoplasty, which reduces or eliminates the appearance of under-eye bags. Potential temporary side effects include swelling, bruising, tenderness, eye puffiness, watering eyes, and light sensitivity. The downtime for blepharoplasty is approximately several weeks. The total cost of blepharoplasty can vary depending on the experience level of your surgeon and your geographic location. The cosmetic effects of blepharoplasty are long-lasting to permanent. The lower lid rarely requires repeat treatment, and the upper eyelid can last anywhere from seven years to a lifetime. Blepharoplasty is commonly performed simultaneously with other cosmetic surgeries, such as a facelift or brow lift. In addition to the cosmetic benefits of blepharoplasty, the surgical procedure can help with vision problems caused by sagging, excess skin. The best way to determine whether you are a good candidate for blepharoplasty is to consult a board-certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist.

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How do undereye bags form?

Under-eye bags form when collagen breakdown in the skin leads to weakening of the tissues and muscles in the undereye area. Collagen is a structural skin protein contributing to a firm foundation and youthful appearance. Collagen depletion is part of the natural aging process and, for many, is related to their genetics. Other factors, such as using tobacco and alcohol or frequent sun exposure, can accelerate collagen breakdown. As collagen breaks down and the tissues in the undereye area weaken, the combination of fat pad herniation and loose, excess skin creates the appearance of undereye bags.

Will undereye bags go away?

Age-related or genetic under-eye bags will not go away without cosmetic intervention. Suppose the anatomy of the undereye area causes the appearance of bags, or age-related collagen breakdown has led to skin laxity in the undereye area. In that case, the best course of action is to consult a board-certified dermatologist, such as Dr. Michele Green, in New York City. Dr. Green offers several non-invasive treatment options at her private dermatology office in Manhattan’s Upper East Side neighborhood that can help stimulate collagen production and remove hyperpigmentation for rejuvenation in the undereye area. On the other hand, eye puffiness that is caused by lifestyle factors such as high-stress levels, lack of sleep, diet, alcohol, and tobacco use, etc., may improve with modifications to such behaviors.

Why do under-eye bags appear?

The appearance of undereye bags can be attributed to many underlying contributing factors, including genetics and the natural aging process. Under-eye bags tend to appear when the tissues and muscles beneath the lower eyelid weaken, which can cause the fat pouches in the undereye area to become more prominent. Collagen is a skin protein that provides structural support. After age 20, collagen production in the body decreases by 1% annually. This leads to increased skin laxity or loose, excess skin. While part of the natural aging process, increased skin laxity can exacerbate the appearance of skin concerns such as under-eye bags. Eye puffiness, particularly in the morning, is different than under-eye bags and may be influenced by factors such as diet (such as consuming salty foods), lack of sleep, chronic stress, hormone fluctuations, allergies, and fluid retention. A board-certified dermatologist, such as Dr. Michele Green in New York City, can work with you to determine whether you are affected by under-eye bags or puffy eyes and develop a personalized treatment protocol for rejuvenating the undereye area.

How to get started with undereye bag treatment

Undereye bags, eye puffiness, dark circles, fine lines, and hollows can cause a prematurely aged appearance and, for many, induce feelings of self-consciousness. The appearance of undereye bags may be related to several contributing factors, many of which are challenging to control with over-the-counter topical treatments. Luckily, patients looking for a solution to their under-eye bags can rely on board-certified cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Michele Green to rejuvenate their eye area. Dr. Green offers a host of non-invasive anti-aging solutions designed to revitalize an aging eye area with natural-looking, long-lasting cosmetic results at her private dermatology office in the Upper East Side neighborhood of Manhattan.

Dr. Michele Green is an internationally renowned board-certified dermatologist with over two and a half decades of experience providing some of the world’s most discerning individuals with the best non-invasive treatment options, including undereye bags. Dr. Green is consistently identified as one of New York’s best dermatologists by Castle Connolly, New York Magazine, Super Doctors, and the New York Times for her dedication to her patients and expertise. Dr. Green takes a holistic approach and embraces a less-is-more philosophy regarding facial rejuvenation. She understands that every patient has unique needs and aesthetic goals, and she works with each individual to personalize their treatment protocol to incorporate non-surgical treatment options and specially formulated skincare products that will deliver their ideal results. Whether you want to target dark circles, hollows, fine lines, puffiness, or pigmentation, to get started with improving the appearance of the undereye area, schedule a consultation with Dr. Green in New York City. Contact us online or call 212-535-3088 to schedule a private consultation with Dr. Green in her boutique New York dermatology office.

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