Well & Good Discusses The Cause of Blackheads Around The Mouth

Well & Good asks “What Are These Weird Blackheads Around My Mouth?” and Dr. Green is quoted in the article where she notes “certain lip balms, lipsticks, toothpastes or things that people use around their mouths can certainly irritate and clog the pores, but it’s usually more than just that. Usually it’s hormonal.”

She also adds that “Stress or hormones are usually the main reason why things get clogged and you can get more pimples. Since these seemingly innocent blockages can lead to things like acne, pimples, cysts, and whiteheads, your best bet is to preempt them from occurring. Find out how with some advice from https://www.wellandgood.com/good-looks/blackheads-around-the-mouth/

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