Joseph DeAcetis & Forbes Talk To Dr. Green About Male Cosmetic Treatment Trends

Great article in & ForbesLife today where Joseph DeAcetis talks with Dr. Green about Cosmetic Treatment options for male patients in the article titled “The Importance Of Men’s Grooming And Cosmetic Treatments For Business.”

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With the ever-changing working landscape of today, men have started to look beyond just well-dressed and well-groomed, but also fresh-faced and perhaps even younger skin. The article notes that more and more men are realizing the value of having regular facials as well as facial procedures, the most popular ones include Photodynamic Therapy, Botox, CoolSculpting, PRP Hair Loss Treatment, Thermage and V-Beam.

Dr. Green discussed many of these and more about male patients plus their concerns in recent years. For example, men are generally more “shy” about getting injections but want the same natural looking result, yet want no downtime.

Find out more and read the full article at

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