Should You Still Wax During Menopause? Stripes Talks to Dr. Green

When going through menopause, sometimes you want to look past razors and waxing and look at other hair removal methods to try. Laser hair removal is one of them, and it’s gaining popularity due to its longer lasting effects. Hair-removal lasers specifically target the “pigmentation within the hair follicle,” says Dr. Michele Green in Stripes article “Should I Still Wax? Care For Body Hair (and Skin) During Menopause” this past weekend.

The technique “[leaves] the surrounding skin unaffected,” says Green, so it doesn’t irritate skin the way waxing does. However, laser hair removal does require multiple sessions, and in some cases will require top-up sessions.  Still, the results can often last many years. Consult with Dr. Green or your local dermatologist to find out if its right for you.  There are limitations for instance, such as if you have white hair or tattooed areas of the body where electrolysis, another long-term hair removal technique may be better suited.

laser hair removal video

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