“The goal of scalp massagers is to promote scalp and hair follicle health,” says dermatologist Michele Green, MD in Cosmopolitan’s piece today about the best scalp massagers on the market.

She talks about why should you use a scalp massager and how one can use a scalp massager without tangling hair.  However, its not for everyone – in fact on the wrong hair type or if used incorrectly, they can also cause knots and irritate scalps. You may need to consult with a dermatologist for instance if you have eczema, psoriasis, acne, or dermatitis because a scalp massager may irritate your skin in those cases due to the ability for them to “worsen the irritation and cause inflammation, leading to more redness and swelling.”

scalp and hair care

View the full list of scalp massagers available at https://www.cosmopolitan.com/style-beauty/beauty/g43644388/best-scalp-massagers/

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