Dermatologists Review the Best Retinol Serums & Creams –

Dr. Green was featured in People Magazine this week in The 15 Best Retinol Formulas of 2023, Tested and Reviewed

She talks about the best percentage of retinol to use and how “concentration of retinol typically ranges from 0.25 percent to 1 percent,” and that “those with thicker and oily skin may tolerate a higher percentage better than whole with thinner and dry skin.”  But also advises that in all cases it’s always best to start with a lower strength and gradually increase from there. And, if your skin becomes irritated from a stronger retinol, the percentage is likely too high.

retinols for skincare

“Retinoid is the umbrella term for retinol (the over-the-counter version) and prescription retinoids,” says Dr. Green in the article too. She goes on to help explain to readers that all retinoids are forms of vitamin A that are converted into retinoid acid when topically applied to the skin.  However, the main factor differentiating retinol and prescription retinoids is that retinol “contains lower concentrations of retinoic acid than prescription retinoids,” says Dr. Green.

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