Why The Corners of Your Mouth Get Dry And Chapped
Ever wonder why this happens? Well, BuzzFeed Life checked in with Dr. Michelle Green, to find out.
It’s totally normal, especially during winter, for the corners of your mouth to get irritated and inflamed — also known as “angular cheilitis” or “perleche.” In fact “It’s pretty common and affects people of all ages”, says Green.
The cause is usually an infection of fungi or yeast from excess saliva trapped in the cracked corners of your mouth, even if you are using lip balm. “You might be more susceptible to this if you have eczema, which already makes the skin sensitive and prone to irritation”, says Green.
In addition to that, Dr. Green notes that “since many people mistake the condition for acne around the mouth, they’ll often try acne creams or washes to treat it. The benzoyl peroxide and alcohol in acne-fighting products is just drying the skin out and making it worse.”
And as for the best way to find out how to treat it and discover what the cause may be, contact Dr. Green and she can advise you on what will work best for you, the right amount and more.
View the full article at – https://www.buzzfeed.com/carolinekee/my-mouth-is-like-the-joker-right-now