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A Sculptra Butt lift treatment is a non-surgical procedure designed to create a smoother, rounder butt without any side effects or downtime. Sculptra is a unique, liquid dermal filler composed of poly-L-lactic acid. Once injected, Sculptra stimulates the process of gradual new collagen production in the treatment area. Collagen is a naturally occurring skin protein that provides it with enhanced structural support, volume, and a firm, smooth texture. The Sculptra BBL is among the most popular non-surgical options for body contouring offered at Dr. Michele Green’s boutique dermatology office in Manhattan’s Upper East Side neighborhood.

The Sculptra BBL is much safer than other procedures for buttocks augmentation, like traditional Brazilian Butt lifts, which require plastic surgery. Subtle enhancement and an overall more flattering body shape can be achieved with a short series of Sculptra treatment sessions, providing natural-looking results that last up to two years. Most patients engage in an annual maintenance treatment session for optimal results. Sculptra can also be used to improve the appearance of hip dips and cellulite and to rejuvenate the chest, neck, decolletage, and face. Since Sculptra injections are non-surgical and require zero recovery time, many patients combine their treatments with other non-surgical body contouring procedures, such as CoolSculpting and Thermage. To develop a personalized treatment plan that best suits your particular needs and aesthetic goals, it is always recommended to consult a board-certified dermatologist such as Dr. Green.

Dr. Michele Green is an internationally renowned board-certified dermatologist with over two and a half decades of experience providing some of the world’s most discerning individuals with the best non-surgical treatments for facial rejuvenation and body contouring, including Sculptra BBL. Dr. Green takes a holistic approach and embraces a less-is-more philosophy, customizing each patient’s treatment plan to address their particular concerns and provide their desired results. She is consistently identified as one of New York City’s best dermatologists by Castle Connolly, Super Doctors, and New York Magazine for her dedication to her patients and expertise.

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What is Sculptra?

Sculptra is a special dermal filler made of a substance called poly-L-lactic acid. When injected, poly-L-lactic acid stimulates new collagen production in the treatment area. Collagen is an abundant skin protein that provides it with structural support, volume, and a firm, smooth skin texture. As new collagen is gradually produced, the treated area becomes smoother, firmer, tighter, and more youthful appearing. Sculptra produces incredibly natural-looking results with cosmetic effects that last up to two years. Most patients have maintenance treatment sessions of Sculptra injections on an annual basis to keep long-lasting results. Sculptra can also be used to treat wrinkles, cellulite, acne scars, stretch marks, and volume loss. An expert injector like Dr. Green may also use Sculptra in the face, chest, neck, hips, arms, decolletage, and knees.

What is a non-surgical butt lift?

A non-surgical butt lift, also known as a Sculptra butt lift, is a cosmetic procedure designed to create a firmer, rounder butt without incisions or recovery time. Sculptra is a liquid dermal filler that stimulates new collagen production in the treated areas once injected. Collagen, the most abundant skin protein, provides structural support, essential volume, and a smooth, firm skin texture. In the weeks following Sculptra treatment, a smoother skin texture and subtle enhancement in the shape and volume of the buttocks can be observed, with natural-looking, long-lasting results.

What is Sculptra for buttocks?

A Sculptra butt lift is a great non-surgical option for achieving a fuller, rounder, plumper-looking butt. A plastic surgeon must perform a traditional surgical Brazilian Butt Liftn, which typically involves liposuction, fat transfer, a relatively significant amount of downtime, and a higher risk of encountering dangerous and unwanted side effects. Alternatively, Sculptra injections are simple and quick, offering patients a non-surgical option for restoring volume, softening the appearance of folds and cellulite, and creating a rounder contour on the buttocks.

The main active ingredient in Sculptra is poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), which stimulates the body’s natural collagen synthesis. Collagen is the protein that provides structure, volume, and shape to the skin. Unfortunately, collagen is depleted over time as part of the aging process, leading to various signs of aging. Sculptra, unlike hyaluronic acid fillers, provides enhancement gradually, providing incredibly natural-looking results. Since new collagen production takes time, the final results of a Sculptra treatment session take about 4-6 weeks to develop. Most patients require multiple treatment sessions, each spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart, to achieve their desired results.

Sculptra can also be injected to reduce the appearance of hip dips- the hollows between the upper thighs and love handles, to create more of an hourglass figure. Many patients choose to treat their hip dips during their Sculptra butt lift for optimal results. An expert injector, like Dr. Green in NYC, can personalize the treatment plan for your Sculptra injections to meet your aesthetic goals, whether in favor of more subtle enhancement and V-shaped buttocks or a rounder “Kardashian” look. Sculptra can also improve the appearance of skin texture, reducing the appearance of cellulite dimples and rippling.

What is a Sculptra butt lift procedure like?

The first step is consulting board-certified dermatologist Dr. Michele Green at her private dermatology office in Manhattan’s Upper East Side neighborhood. Photographs of the treatment area will be taken for your private medical record to enhance your discussion with Dr. Green and track future progress. During your consultation, Dr. Green will collect a thorough medical history, review any previous cosmetic treatments you may have had, and physically assess the treatment area to determine if you are a good candidate for the Sculptra Butt lift. If you are a good candidate, Dr. Green will provide an estimate regarding the approximate number of vials of Sculptra and treatment sessions required to achieve optimal results.

Then, you will schedule the Sculptra injections for a day that works best for you. In order to minimize bruising and swelling from the injections, Dr. Green recommends avoiding blood thinners, Aspirin, fish oil, and vitamin E for at least one week. Alcohol should be avoided for 48 hours. Arnica, an all-natural herbal supplement, can be taken two days prior to the appointment to minimize the potential side effects of bruising and facilitate healing.

On the day of your Sculptra injections, a topical lidocaine cream should be applied to the entire treatment area one hour before your appointment. Lidocaine is a local anesthetic that will numb the area, making the Sculptra injections more comfortable. Dr. Green will prescribe the lidocaine cream to your selected pharmacy so that you have access to it once your Sculptra appointment has been scheduled. Once you arrive at Dr. Green’s office, the lidocaine cream will be removed and the skin sterilized. Dr. Green will then mark the areas where the Sculptra will be injected and have you lay comfortably on your stomach to begin treatment. Sculptra butt lift injections can take up to 30 minutes to complete, depending on the scope of the treatment area and how many vials of Sculptra are needed.

The most important aftercare instruction patients must adhere to following Sculptra injections is the “rule of 5s.” All patients are advised to massage the treated area for five consecutive days, five times daily, for five minutes each time. Massaging the treatment area is crucial when it comes to ensuring the filler is evenly distributed and preventing nodules from forming. The final results from a Sculptra treatment session will become evident around 4-6 weeks post-treatment, and it generally takes 3-4 treatment sessions to achieve the desired results. Many patients return once a year to engage in a maintenance treatment session to keep up optimal results.

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Who is a good candidate for a Sculptra BBL?

A good candidate for a Sculptra Butt Lift treatment is an overall healthy individual seeking a non-surgical option with minimal side effects and downtime for achieving a smoother, firmer, rounder buttock. A Sculptra BBL may also be suggested for those without enough fat to perform the fat transfer required for surgical butt augmentation. The final results of Sculptra injections are a subtle and gradual enhancement, and a good candidate must have realistic expectations regarding the outcome of treatment. A Sculptra butt lift produces long-lasting results, though they are not permanent. Most patients engage in annual maintenance treatment sessions to keep up optimal results. Sculptra is not recommended for patients who are pregnant or nursing, are allergic to lidocaine, or have multiple allergies or a history of sensitivity to medications. When you consult with board-certified dermatologist Dr. Michele Green at her private office in Manhattan’s Upper East Side neighborhood, she will collect a thorough medical history, review any previous cosmetic procedures you may have had, and physically assess the treatment area to determine whether you are a good candidate for a Sculptra butt lift treatment.

How Much does a Sculptra butt lift cost?

The cost of a Sculptra butt lift can vary depending on the total number of vials of Sculptra and treatment sessions required to achieve your desired results. Other factors, such as your geographical location and the experience level of your injector, can also influence the total cost of non-surgical butt augmentation with Sculptra. It may be more inexpensive to have Sculptra injections in a Medspa with a nurse injector than in a medical office with a board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon. However, Sculptra is a liquid dermal filler that can not be dissolved once injected. For this reason, an experienced injector must perform your Sculptra injections, such as board-certified dermatologist Dr. Michele Green. Having Sculptra injections with an expert injector like Dr. Green helps guarantee safety, efficacy, and optimal results and prevents encountering unwanted potential side effects.

How many vials of Sculptra are needed for buttocks augmentation?

On average, patients require five vials of Sculptra per side per treatment session. At least three treatment sessions are typically required to achieve the final desired results, meaning that approximately 30 vials of Sculptra are needed for the non-surgical butt lift. This isn’t an exact estimate since the particular needs and aesthetic goals of each patient can vary. The best way to get an accurate estimate of how many vials of Sculptra will be needed for your non-surgical butt lift is to consult an experienced board-certified dermatologist, like Dr. Michele Green, in New York City. Dr. Green is an expert injector with over 25 years of experience in cosmetic dermatology. It will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan for your Sculptra injections that provides you with optimal results and a firmer, rounder, smoother buttock.

How many Sculptra treatments are needed for buttocks augmentation?

Most patients require a short series of Sculptra treatment sessions to achieve final results that are aligned with their aesthetic goals. Typically, a series of three treatment sessions of Sculptra injections is needed for a non-surgical butt lift. Sculptra is not a permanent dermal filler, and the final results achieved from a short series of treatment sessions tend to last up to two years. The majority of patients engage in an annual maintenance treatment session to keep optimal results. Dr. Green will work with you to determine approximately how many Sculptra treatment sessions are needed for your non-surgical butt lift during your consultation at her private dermatology office in NYC.

How long does a Sculptra butt lift take?

A treatment session of Sculptra injections for a non-surgical butt lift can take thirty minutes to an hour to complete, depending on the number of vials needed and the scope of the treatment area. Some patients choose to use a topical lidocaine cream to numb the treatment area, making the Sculptra injections more comfortable. The topical lidocaine cream should be applied to the entire treatment area one hour before the Sculptra injections.

How long does Sculptra for buttocks last?

Once the final results are achieved, the effects of a Sculptra butt lift typically last two years. To maintain optimal results, most patients have a touch-up treatment session of their Sculptra injections on an annual basis. When you consult with board-certified dermatologist Dr. Michele Green at her private office in Manhattan’s Upper East Side, she will work with you to develop a customized Sculptra treatment plan that provides you with natural-looking, long-lasting results.

Is Sculptra for buttocks safe?

Sculptra buttocks augmentation is a safe and effective cosmetic procedure when you have treatment with an experienced board-certified dermatologist, such as Dr. Green in NYC. Sculptra is FDA-approved for replenishing facial volume loss and reducing the appearance of facial wrinkles. Sculptra buttocks augmentation is considered an off-label use of the dermal filler. However, an expert injector like Dr. Green has the knowledge, experience, and training required to safely administer Sculptra in the buttocks for a non-surgical butt lift treatment.

Are there side effects with a Sculptra BBL?

Patients enjoy the fact that there are very few side effects associated with Sculptra injections, allowing them to return to their normal daily activities once their treatment session is complete. The most common side effects of Sculptra injections include bruising, soreness, and swelling at or near the injection sites. These side effects resolve independently within two weeks of Sculptra injections. Patients who are very prone to bruising are advised to discontinue blood thinners, such as Advil and Ibuprofen, and to take Arnika, an oral herbal supplement, for two weeks before their Sculptra injections.

Sculptra nodules or lumps can occur in a treatment area if too much collagen forms in a localized spot. Sculptra, unlike hyaluronic acid fillers, can not be dissolved once injected. For this reason, Sculptra injections must be performed by an experienced injector, like Dr. Green in NYC. Dr. Green has a unique method for diluting the Sculptra that significantly reduces the potential for encountering nodules. The “rule of 5’s” is an important aftercare rule for patients treated with Sculptra, advising them to massage the treated area for five consecutive days, five times daily, for five minutes each. This helps ensure the liquid dermal filler is evenly distributed throughout the treatment area, preventing lumps of collagen from forming. When you have Sculptra injections with Dr. Green, the first massage will be performed for you.

Does a Sculptra BBL have downtime?

One of the greatest benefits of the Sculptra BBL is the lack of downtime. The Sculptra BBl doesn’t require any anesthesia, incisions, or invasive surgical procedures. Patients can resume their normal daily activities immediately after the Sculptra injections. Some patients may experience side effects of bruising, soreness, and swelling at or near injection sites, which resolve on their own within two weeks of Sculptra injections. The most important aftercare advisement to adhere to is the “rule of 5s,” which entails massaging the treated area for five consecutive days, five times a day, for five minutes each. This will help ensure that Sculptra is evenly distributed throughout the treatment area, guaranteeing optimal results.

How does Sculptra BBL compare to Brazilian Butt lift surgery?

A Brazilian Butt Lift is a cosmetic surgery that a plastic surgeon performs. During a Brazilian Butt Lift, liposuction is performed to harvest fat from another area of the body (i.e., abdomen and thighs) and then transferred to the buttocks. A Sculptra BBL is an excellent non-surgical option for patients who don’t have enough fat to undergo a fat transfer. Many patients prefer Sculptra injections due to the ease and accessibility of having treatment, the natural-looking, long-lasting results, and the lack of downtime required. Comparatively, plastic surgery is more invasive, costly, requires more downtime, and is associated with more severe side effects. A traditional Brazilian Butt lift will provide more dramatic final results compared to the Sculptra butt lift, which provides more subtle enhancement. If you are interested in having a buttock augmentation, schedule a consultation with Dr. Michele Green in NYC. Dr. Green has over 25 years of experience as an expert in the field of cosmetic dermatology and will help you determine whether you are a good candidate for a Sculptra butt lift or a traditional surgical Brazilian butt lift. If you are better suited to cosmetic surgery for buttocks augmentation, Dr. Green will refer you to a trusted, board-certified plastic surgeon for a consultation.

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Can Sculptra be combined with other cosmetic procedures?

Absolutely! Dr. Green often combines Sculptra injections with other non-surgical options for body contouring in the treatment plans of her patients to help them achieve the desired results that align with their personal aesthetic goals without plastic surgery or extensive downtime. CoolSculpting is a non-invasive fat reduction treatment that relies on cryolipolysis to eliminate excess fat cells in a treatment area permanently. This fat-freezing treatment is FDA-approved to treat nine different areas on the body, including the submental area (under the chin), bra fat, upper arms, abdomen, love handles, inner and outer thighs, “banana roll” under the buttocks, and the fat above the knees. Many patients combine Sculptra injections in the buttocks area with CoolSculpting for the banana roll area beneath the buttocks to maximize their desired results and achieve the appearance of a rounder, perkier butt.

Thermage is a non-invasive skin-tightening procedure that relies on radiofrequency energy to stimulate new collagen production in the treatment area. Thermage can be used to treat the face, neck, decolletage, arms, abdomen, buttocks, thighs, and legs to improve the appearance of cellulite and produce firmer, tighter, smoother skin. Patients often choose to have Thermage treatment on the thighs and buttocks to diminish the appearance of cellulite as a complementary treatment to their Sculptra butt lift procedure.

Velashape is a cosmetic procedure that uses a combination of technologies to contour the body and reduce cellulite that is non-responsive to a healthy diet and regular exercise. Velashape relies on a combination of heat, infrared light, radiofrequency technology, and suction to break up the bands under the surface of the skin and boost collagen production. As a result, the appearance of cellulite is decreased, and patients can achieve smoother, firmer skin. Velashape typically requires 5-6 treatments for the best results.

When it comes to facial rejuvenation, Sculptra is an excellent treatment option, too! Sculptra injections can be used to replenish facial volume loss or correct the appearance of acne scars. Many patients who have Sculptra for facial rejuvenation choose to combine their treatment with Botox injections. Botox is an injectable neurotoxin that is considered the gold-standard cosmetic treatment for dynamic wrinkles. Dynamic wrinkles are those that form due to repeated facial expressions and become etched into the skin over time. Combining Sculptra and Botox is an incredibly effective approach for achieving a smoother, firmer complexion and overall more youthful appearance.

When you consult with Dr. Michele Green at her private dermatology office, located in the Upper East Side of Manhattan, she will work with you to create a completely customized treatment plan that is best suited to your specific concerns and desired results.

What to do before a Sculptra BBL

Preparing for your Sculptra BBL treatment session is straightforward. Two weeks before your Sculptra injections, discontinue any blood thinning medications or supplements, including Aspirin, ibuprofen, Advil, vitamin E, and multivitamins. This step will help prevent bruising in the treatment area. Dr. Green will prescribe a topical lidocaine cream that should be applied one hour before your non-surgical butt lift treatment. Once you arrive at Dr. Green’s private dermatology office in Manhattan’s Upper East Side, the lidocaine cream will be removed and the skin sterilized in preparation for the Sculptra injections.

What to do after a Sculptra BBL

The most important aftercare advisement is to adhere to the “rule of 5s.” Patients should massage the treatment area for five consecutive days, five times daily, for five minutes each. This helps ensure the liquid dermal filler is evenly distributed throughout the treatment area, preventing the formation of lumps or nodules. Sculptra nodules can occur when too much collagen forms in a localized area. In addition to massaging by the “rule of 5’s,” strenuous exercise should be avoided for 48 hours following Sculptra injections. If there is any soreness in the treated area following Sculptra BBL treatment, Tylenol is recommended over Advil or Ibuprofen, which are blood thinners and can worsen the side effects of bruising and swelling. When you have a Sculptra Butt lift treatment with Dr. Green, she will provide you with all of the aftercare information required for achieving and maintaining optimal results.

Can you get Sculptra after a BBL?

Yes! Sculptra injections can be used to further enhance volume, roundness, or firmness following a surgical BBL. It is important to consult with a board-certified medical professional regarding your Sculptra injections to ensure treatment safety and efficacy and avoid any potential unwanted side effects. If you have previously had a surgical Brazilian butt lift and are interested in Sculptra injections for further volume enhancement, schedule a consultation with Dr. Michele Green in NYC. Dr. Green is an expert injector with over 25 years of experience providing customized treatment plans for some of the most discerning men and women from around the world and will work with you to achieve your desired results.

How to get started with Sculptra Butt Lift

The Sculptra butt lift is a popular non-surgical option for achieving a firmer, smoother, rounder buttock without downtime. Traditionally, invasive plastic surgery was the only way to achieve firmer, rounder buttocks after losing volume and perkiness to the natural aging process, pregnancy, weight loss, or other circumstances. The ease of having Sculptra injections, lack of downtime, natural-looking, long-lasting results, and customizability of the non-surgical treatment are among the many reasons Sculptra BBL has become so popular. If you are interested in a non-surgical butt lift with Sculptra, Dr. Green is here to help.

Dr. Michele Green is an internationally renowned board-certified dermatologist with over 25 years of experience providing her patients with customized treatment plans that consist of the best non-surgical options for rejuvenation and body contouring, including Sculptra. Well-known for her holistic approach and less-is-more philosophy, Dr. Green is consistently identified as one of NYC’s best dermatologists by New York Magazine, Super Doctors, and Castle Connolly for her dedication to her patients and expertise. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Green and learn more about non-surgical options for buttock augmentation and enhancement, call 212-535-3088 or contact us online.


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