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Removing Sun Spots On The Face

Overexposure to the sun’s harmful UV rays is one of the leading causes of premature aging, and solar lentigines, also known as sun spots, age spots, or liver spots, are one such sign of the natural aging process. Appearing as flat, brown spots that form on areas of the skin that are most often exposed to the sun, such as the hands, shoulders, arms, and face, sun spots are extremely common but most often affect people over the age of 40. While sun spots are harmless, they can be a distressing sign of aging that can make patients feel self-conscious, particularly when the hyperpigmentation occurs on highly visible parts of the body, such as the face. Luckily, there are many treatment options available at Dr. Michele Green’s New York City dermatology office to lighten the skin and eliminate signs of sun damage.

Unlike freckles that fade over time, age spots that form as a result of too much sun exposure will not go away on their own. As such, it is imperative to consult with a board-certified dermatologist, such as Dr. Green, who can offer a wide variety of skin lightening procedures to rejuvenate the skin and reduce the appearance of sun spots on the face. There are several laser treatments that are highly effective at eliminating hyperpigmentation on the face, including the Candela Alex-Trivantage laser, the Clear + Brilliant laser, and the Fraxel laser. Each laser treatment works in a slightly different way to destroy the excess melanin in the skin responsible for the dark spots. In addition to laser treatments, Dr. Green offers a variety of chemical peels, including the Cosmelan peel and mesopeels to exfoliate the skin and promote new skin cell growth for brighter, revitalized skin. Microneedling, microdermabrasion, and hydrofacials also work well to resurface the skin and promote new collagen production a clear and youthful appearance. Dr. Green also provides a wide range of skincare products through her proprietary MGSKINLABs to cleanse, exfoliate, hydrate, and brighten the skin.

As there are many options available to eliminate the appearance of sun spots on the face, it is best to consult with an experienced, board-certified dermatologist, such as Dr. Green. Dr. Green has been promoting wellness and treating patients in her Upper East Side New York City dermatology office for more than 25 years. An expert in many different cosmetic and medical treatments, Dr. Green offers a wide variety of treatment options for comprehensive skin care for all skin types and skin tones. Well known for high patient satisfaction, Dr. Green has been voted one of the best healthcare providers in New York City by such publications as Castle Connolly, Super Doctors, and New York Magazine.

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What are sun spots?

Sun spots are a form of skin discoloration that occurs as a result of too much sun exposure. Also known as age spots, liver spots, or solar lentigines, sun spots are characterized by brown spots that are flat and varied in size and shape. The skin condition is harmless but can often be concerning for patients cosmetically, especially when the sun spots appear in prominent areas of the body, such as the face. Once formed on the skin, sun spots will not fade on their own but can be eliminated with the help of a dermatologist. While sun spots themselves are harmless, they can often be similar in appearance to skin cancer growths, and for that reason, it is best to consult with a dermatologist if you are experiencing new spots on the skin that are growing or changing, and/or moles or spots with irregular borders. A board-certified dermatologist, such as Dr. Green will easily be able to determine whether the spot is harmful and can recommend the best treatment options.

Why do sun spots form on the skin?

Sun spots form on the surface of the skin as a result of repeated overexposure to the sun’s harmful UVA and UVB rays. Without proper sun protection, UV rays can cause damage to the DNA in the skin, and, as such, the body reacts in order to prevent that damage by increasing the production of melanin in the skin. Melanin is a chemical in the body that gives the skin pigmentation, which is produced by cells in the body known as melanocytes. When the skin is exposed to the sun without sunscreen or other sun protection, melanocytes at the exposed area multiply to increase the body’s melanin production. The melanin produced helps to absorb the UV rays in order to protect the skin, however, the result is a dark spot in the affected area. The number of sun spots and scope of the pigmentation is due to the amount of sun damage sustained over a lifetime – the more frequent and severe the sun exposure, the greater the depth and breadth of skin discoloration.

Can sun spots be removed?

While sunspots do not fade naturally, they can be removed through a cosmetic procedure. There are many over-the-counter treatments that advertise skin lightening effects at home, but many of those options are not powerful enough to actually remove the brown spots from the skin. That is why it is best to consult a board-certified dermatologist, such as Dr. Green, who has many treatment options available that have been shown to be safe and effective for all skin types.

Can a dermatologist remove sun spots?

Yes! Visiting a dermatologist, such as Dr. Green, is the best way to receive treatment for removing sun spots. At Dr. Green’s office, there are a wide variety of treatments available to treat patients of all skin types, and spot treatment can be tailored to each individual patient’s needs based on the size and scope of the condition. When you have your initial consultation with Dr. Green, she will begin by examining the treatment area and discussing your aesthetic goals in order to determine the treatment, or series of treatments, that will work best for you. When it comes to treating sun spots, Dr. Green is an expert in many different treatments, including laser treatments, chemical peels, microdermabrasions, microneedling, hydrofacials, and more. With her proprietary MGSKINLABs, Dr. Green has also recommended the best skin care products from moisturizers, to lotions, to exfoliants, to the best broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect your skin from further damage.

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How to remove brown spots on the face

There are many treatment options available for removing brown spots on the face and Dr. Green will help you to determine which one will work best for you based on the size and scope of the spot and what will be safest for your skin tone. There are several laser treatments that work well to eliminate the appearance of brown spots on the face, including the Fraxel laser, Candela Alex-Trivantage laser, and the Clear + Brilliant Laser. With a range of lasers available at Dr. Green’s office, she is able to safely and effectively eliminate sun spots from patients of all skin colors. Dr. Green also uses a variety of chemical peels to eliminate age spots, typically ranging from mild to medium depth peels depending on the severity of the discoloration. The most popular of the chemical peels to be used in her office for sun spot removal are the Cosmelan peel and Mesopeels, which are particularly useful for sensitive areas, such as the delicate under-eye area. Dr. Green can also recommend skin lightening creams, containing hydroquinone or niacinamide, kojic acid, and tranexamic acid. With so many options available to remove brown spots from the face, it is best to consult with Dr. Green to create your personalized treatment plan.

Candela Alex-Trivantage laser to treat dark spots

The Candela Alex-Trivantage laser is one of the most popular laser treatments in Dr. Green’s office to treat sun spots. The treatment works by emitting wavelengths of light that target pigmentation directly. The light is absorbed into the brown, melanin-rich spots, where it is then transformed into heat, which destroys the melanin there. The micro-injury to the skin also boosts the production of collagen and new skin cells form that are lighter. Due to the way in which the laser specifically targets melanin, this treatment is safest for patients with lighter skin tones. Dr. Green will typically recommend one or two treatments of the Candela Alex-Trivantage laser to achieve the best effects of the treatment. The healing time necessary is minimal – typically a small scab will form over the sunspot while the surrounding skin remains unaffected. In about a week following the treatment, the scab will heal and the hyperpigmentation will be reduced.

How to eliminate age spots with Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment, which is also known as a “Photofacial,” is an excellent way to treat various forms of hyperpigmentation, including sun spots and redness, fine lines, and improve the texture of the skin. The treatment works via emitting several different wavelengths of light, which penetrate to the dermal layer of skin to be absorbed by the melanin-rich cells that form the sunspot. The melanin cells transform the light energy into heat, which works to destroy the pigmentation cells. IPL differs from other laser treatments, such as the Candela Alex-Trivantage laser, in that it uses multiple wavelengths of light rather than just one to treat the skin condition. The treatment is safe and effective and involves minimal discomfort – typically patients report feeling as though there is a rubber band being snapped lightly on the face. Following the procedure, there is no downtime or recovery time necessary and patients can immediately return to their regularly scheduled activities.

How do you get rid of liver spots with Fraxel laser treatment?

The Fraxel laser laser is a laser treatment that is specifically approved to treat sun damage, age spots, fine lines, acne scars, and restore smooth texture to the skin. The laser employs two wavelengths at 1927 and 1550 to resurface a targeted treatment area while leaving the surrounding skin unaffected. The two wavelengths work to treat different skin conditions, with 1927 best used for hyperpigmentation and 1550 used for fine lines, acne scars, and improving skin texture. When used together, the two wavelengths of the Fraxel laser can work for a full facial rejuvenation – improving brown spots on the face and eliminating fine lines and creases for a lighter, brighter, more youthful appearance.

Due to the fractionated effects of the laser, there is very limited downtime and healing is much faster. Patients can typically return to their regularly scheduled activities directly following the treatment. Dr. Green recommends three treatment sessions spaced four to six weeks apart for the best results. Fraxel lasers are safest to use for patients with light skin tones. Patients with darker skin tones can receive a similar effect to the Fraxel laser with the Clear + Brilliant laser.

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Clear + Brilliant laser for skin pigmentation

The Clear + Brilliant laser, which is often referred to as the “Mini-Fraxel laser,” an FDA approved treatment for skin resurfacing that is gentle and safe for all skin types. The laser employs fractionated technology to create micro-injuries on the top layer of skin, which serves to trigger the body’s healing response and boost collagen and new skin cell production. As a result, the new skin appears lighter and brighter for a youthful and revitalized appearance. The treatment works well to treat sun damage, age spots, improve skin tone and texture, and reduce the appearance of fine lines. Dr. Green recommends scheduling five treatments for the best results spaced approximately a month apart. With the gentle treatment, there is no downtime necessary and patients can immediately return to their regularly scheduled activities.

How do you get rid of age spots with chemical peels?

Chemical peels are a highly effective treatment for a variety of conditions, including eliminating sun spots and other forms of hyperpigmentation, addressing melasma, and eliminating fun lines, wrinkles, and acne scars. There are many different kinds of chemical peels that differ in depth and intensity as well as in what variety of exfoliating acid is used, for example glycolic acid, salicylic acid, azelaic acid, and many more. There are three depths of chemical peels available: light chemical peels, medium depth chemical peels, and deep chemical peels. Typically, Dr. Green recommends the use of a light or medium peel to address sun spots, as deep peels are typically used for deep wrinkles or addressing various forms of skin cancer. A chemical peel works via the reaction of the acid in the peel with the dead skin cells, debris, and dirt on the surface of the skin. The reaction works to exfoliate the skin, unclogging the pores, removing dead skin cells, and triggering the production of new, lighter skin cells. The most popular types of chemical peels for addressing sun spots at Dr. Green’s office are the Mesopeels and Cosmelan peels.

How do you get rid of sun spots with a Cosmelan Peel?

A Cosmelan peel is a type of medical grade chemical peel that contains proprietary ingredients available at Dr. Greens office to remove sun spots from the face and other areas of the skin. The peel works to destroy the pigmentation in the treatment area, prevents the further production of melanin at the treatment site, and promote the production of new skin cells. The procedure is a safe and effective way to generate lighter and brighter skin, and eliminate age spots. To begin the treatment, Dr. Green will apply the topical Cosmelan peel to the surface of the skin, where it should sit for some time. The exact length of time that the peel needs to sit on the top layer of skin depends on the size, severity, and location of the sun spot. Dr. Green may recommend pairing the Cosmelan peel with a skincare routine consisting of lotions and creams to enhance the results and protect the skin. Skincare may include Kojic acid, azelaic acid, and hydroquinone creams as well as a recommendation for sunscreen of at least SPF 30 for further skin protection.

How do you get rid of brown spots with microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasions are a process by which the outer layer of skin is gently removed via an exfoliation process in order to improve the skin tone and texture. The treatment works well to correct hyperpigmentation such as sun spots and can also be used to reduce the appearance of fine lines on the surface of the skin. The procedure involves the exfoliation of skin via aluminum oxide crystals, which remove the dead skin cells and debris found on the outer layer of skin to make way for lighter skin. Dr. Green recommends scheduling several treatments spaced approximately four to six weeks apart for optimal results.

What are the best skin care products to treat age spots?

Founded by Dr. Michele Green, the MGSKINLABs have many skincare options to treat age spots and prevent the further development of discoloration on the skin. Dr. Green recommends a combination of treatments for the best results consisting of the following products:

Gentle Cleanser – Often, products that work to exfoliate and lighten can irritate the skin, which is why Dr. Green recommends the use of a gentle cleanser to clean the skin without drying it out.

Moisturizer and Hyaluronic Acid – To counteract products that may dry out the skin, Dr. Green will prescribe a moisturizer and hyaluronic acid serum to keep the skin hydrated and balanced.

Topical Retinol Cream – Retinoid-based creams and lotions are a common and effective way to help eliminate sun spots. They work to enhance the skin exfoliation and rejuvenation process, boosting collagen production for brighter skin.

Hydroquinone Brightening Cream – Dr. Green may recommend a topical skin lightening cream containing the powerful ingredient hydroquinone, which works to block melanin production and movement of melanin in the dermis. Hydroquinone can have significant side effects and be irritating to the skin, especially for patients with darker skin tones or sensitive skin. For patients with a darker skin tone or sensitive skin, Dr. Green may recommend a hydroquinone-free brightening cream containing tranexamic acid rather than hydroquinone. The tranexamic acid-based cream works much the same way to block melanin production while being an overall gentler product for the skin

Vita-C-Serum – Dr. Green will often recommend the application of a Vitamin-C serum, which has antioxidant properties and is used to reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation and decrease unwanted redness all while rejuvenating the skin.

Sunscreen – The American Academy of Dermatology always recommends the application of sunscreen of at least SPF 30 to protect the skin from sunburns and further damage. At MGSKINLABs, Dr. Green recommends both a chemical sunscreen, which absorbs into the skin, and physical sunscreen, which sits on top of the skin, to protect against harmful UV rays. Anytime you are outside when the sun is at its most intense – between 10am and 3pm – always wear sunscreen and protective clothing.

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Do retinol creams work to get rid of sunspots?

Retinol creams and topical retinoids can work well to get rid of sunspots and eliminate discoloration on the surface of the skin. The treatment works via the exfoliation of the skin to eliminate dead skin cells and boost the production of collagen for full skin rejuvenation. There are many topical retinoids available, but in order to get a product that is most effective, it is best to consult with Dr. Green and order from MGSKINLABs.

Microneedling for sun spot removal

Microneedling is a very popular treatment that is effective to treat various skin conditions, including hyperpigmentation, fine lines, and wrinkles. When it comes to treating sun spots, microneedling can be paired with skin lightening serums to enhance the skin brightening process. The treatment works via the application of a handheld device with surgical grade needles that pierce the skin to cause micro-wounds to the treatment area, which triggers the body’s natural healing response and boosts collagen production. When the microneedling device pierces the melanin-rich spots on the skin, the treatment works to dispel the pigmentation and create newer, lighter skin. The procedure is simple and effective with no downtime required. Most patients will require between three and five sessions in order to achieve optimal results.

How to remove brown spots on the face after pregnancy

Pregnancy can create many changes on the body and many women experience what is often referred to as the “mask of pregnancy” or hyperpigmentation and melasma. There are many treatment options available to women following their pregnancy and Dr. Green often works with new mothers to provide them with the best skincare that is safe for them and their new baby. It is best to discuss with Dr. Green about what treatment options are available if you are pregnant or still breastfeeding to receive safe and effective treatment.

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How to get rid of age spots on the face naturally

For the best results, age spot elimination is best performed in the office of an expert dermatologist, such as Dr. Green, but there are some treatments that can be done at home to help reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation.

  • Aloe Vera – when applied to the skin, compounds found in aloe vera can help lighten the skin
  • Apple Cider Vinegar – the acetic acid found in apple cider vinegar can also reduce the appearance of sunspots
  • Milk and buttermilk – milk contains lactic acid that may help to lighten sunspots when applied to the skin
  • Green Tea – Green tea may help to make sun spots fade when applied to the skin

Any natural products applied at home can have some effect but will never be as effective as cosmetic procedures or skincare products available at Dr. Green’s office.

What is the best way to remove sunspots on the face?

There are many treatment options available to remove sunspots and when it comes to determining which is the best, it is important to consult a board-certified dermatologist, such as Dr. Green. The treatments available at Dr. Green’s office are all safe and effective at eliminating age spots and, as such, one treatment is not inherently better than another, rather, it is about which treatment will be best for you.

One treatment that is commonly named as a way to get rid of sunspots that is not as effective is cryotherapy. Cryotherapy employs the use of liquid nitrogen to freeze off sunspots. While this treatment is often sited as an effective treatment for eliminating brown spots, the results of the procedure are inconsistent and there is often pain and downtime associated with the treatment. There are so many other options that are more effective and do not require any downtime, which is why Dr. Green does not typically use cryotherapy for sunspots.

How to get started with treatment today

Age spots, melasma, and other forms of skin discoloration commonly appear due to sun exposure over time, even despite maintaining a proper skincare routine and using sunscreen appropriately. For many, the appearance of unwanted hyperpigmentation can cause feelings of self-consciousness. Luckily, the premature signs of aging related to sun damage can successfully be diminished with the right combination of non-invasive treatment options and skin care products available at Dr. Michele Green’s office in New York City.

Dr. Green is an internationally renowned expert in the field of cosmetic dermatology, with over two and a half decades of experience providing her patients with the best non-invasive treatment options available, including laser treatments, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and microneedling, among others. She is consistently voted one of New York City’s best dermatologists by Super Doctors, New York Magazine, The New York Times, and Castle Connolly. When you consult with Dr. Green at her private dermatology office in the Upper East Side neighborhood of Manhattan, she will work with you to develop a personalized treatment approach for rejuvenation that caters to your specific skin concerns and aesthetic goals. Combining the right in-office cosmetic procedures with the best specially formulated skincare products from MGSKINLABs, INC. Dr. Green will help you achieve a bright, smooth, clear, and youthful complexion that lasts. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Green and get started with your facial rejuvenation treatment, call the office at 212-535-3088 or contact us online today.

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