Where Does Stress Show Up In Your Skin & Hair – GQ Magazine

From acne to hair loss, stress can affect your skin in many ways.  GQ’s Adam Hurly interviewed Dr. Michele Green in an article today where she looks at how to relieve stress before it shows up on your skin or via other ways.

Whether a walk outside or a long weekend vacation, she looks at some of the overall options for treating weaker hair strands and mentions that “with increased or consistent stress, hair becomes more susceptible to breakage,” as well as how reducing stress can slow down the pace of hair loss, where she notes how “it is common for patients under stress to experience a type of hair loss called alopecia areata, during which the immune system attacks the hair follicles on the scalp. This is typically impermanent, however, and those follicles should soon regrow the hairs after stress has subsided.”

GK 22 yo male before after PRP for hair 7 months MGWatermark

Read the full article “This Is What Happens To Your Appearance When You’re Stressed Out” and view options such as PRP for male baldness.

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