You might know that processed meats, greasy burgers and microwave meals can be a contributor to bad skin such as acne.  But in “The 11 Worst Foods Damaging Your Skin, Say Dermatologists” on Eat This Not That,  you can get a bit more insight, plus the list also includes pretzels and baked goods too.  The article discusses the impact of these foods on one’s skin with Dr. Green.

fatty foods

“What’s lesser-known is that the food we eat plays a role in how our skin looks and feels, too,” explains cosmetic dermatologist Michele Green, MD in the article. “When we take a closer look at the relationship between skin health and diet, there are some foods that may be doing more harm than we may realize,” Dr. Green explains. “Fast foods, dairy products, sugars and chocolates, and fried foods all have the potential to contribute to the formation of fine lines, wrinkles, acne, and uneven skin tone.”

Find out more on what not to eat at

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