Using Rogaine & Rosemary Oil for Hair Loss: NY Post

Rosemary oil and Rogaine are two of the most popular treatments for hair loss. NY Post took a look and compared the two with various doctors including Dr. Michele Green today, where she is quoted multiple times.  When discussing the ingredients and overall causes of hair loss, she mentions that “hair loss can be caused or triggered by many factors including genetics, underlying health conditions, stress, environmental factors and aging.”  Again can be a hormonal thing too, for example “Menopause can also lead to hair loss due to the decrease in estrogen levels, which weakens and shrinks the hair follicles.”

As Rogaine contains minoxidil, this is a medication that pushes hair into the growth phase of the hair growth cycle and restores inactive hair follicles.  So this is often a key part of hair loss treatment.  One can also look at various other hair loss options such as PRP.

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Find out more at Rogaine and rosemary oil both fight hair loss — is it better when you use them together?

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