Talking wellness and beauty patches with Hello Giggles

Hello Giggles talks with a few Doctors about beauty and wellness patches, such as pimple patches, dark spot patches, wrinkle patches, and more.

Hello Giggles

Dr. Michele Green notes that “There are many of these patches on the market; however, the efficacy of the patches is really dependent upon the ingredients,” and that “patches with targeted ingredients such as retinol, salicylic acid, or hyaluronic acid, for example, have proven [to be] effective because these ingredients are known to produce results when used for specific skin concerns. There are other patches, however, which have no active ingredients and are just a luxurious step in one’s skincare routine.”

Learn more about effective pimple and wrinkle patches and what to look for in these patches such as vitamin C, retional and hyaluronic acid, along with tips for those with sensitive skin at

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