Summer Shave & Avoiding Razor Burn: Yahoo! Life
Yahoo! Life again asked Dr. Green for info on skin care, this time focusing on the summer shave with “Time for a summer shave? Here’s how to avoid razor burn, according to dermatologists.”
She talks about the best ways to avoid razor burn as well as how those who shave too fast or have sensitive skin get this due to “tiny cracks on the top layer of the skin, caused by the razor’s movement,” which can “lead to inflammation and irritation, often appearing as a red skin rash accompanied by pain, stinging, itchiness and tenderness.”
And overall, preparation is key – since “the best way to avoid razor burn is to prepare the skin for shaving properly,” Dr. Green says later in the Yahoo article. “Exfoliating the skin will remove dead skin cells and debris from the surface to allow for the razor to glide on the skin smoothly.”
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