Skincare Routines for your Flight: Conde Nast Traveler

You probably know that flights are often a cause of dry skin due to the airplane climate. But in addition to that, being at such a high altitude means being closer to the sun and UV rays too, notes Dr. Michele Green in Conde Nast Traveler today.

“Skincare in-flight can be incredibly effective, especially if you are on a long flight,” she discussed how to get ready for the flight and what to do in-flight as well, from “prepping the skin with non-drying products, including gentle cleansers, hydrating serums, and thicker moisturizers” to advising against the use of exfoliating products such as anything with salicylic or glycolic acids.


So beyond just sunscreen for your vacation in the sun this winter, you want to make sure you account for SPF even before you step foot on the plane. “Higher altitudes come with closer proximity to the sun, and wearing sunscreen will protect the skin’s natural moisture barrier from damage,” says Dr. Green. Aim for something that is SPF 50 or higher, and reapplying every two hours on flights.

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