According to Oprah Daily in “Why You’re Losing More Hair and the New Science to Help Regrow It” – 40 percent of us will have visible hair loss by the time we’re 40.  There are a number of potential causes of course, for example Dr. Green noting that “during menopause, estrogen and progesterone levels decrease, which increases the effects of androgens (or male hormones) that cause hair loss,” and that those androgens (DHT specifically) bind to the hair follicles, disrupting their normal growth cycle. The most common type of hair loss among women is androgenic alopecia, which is caused by genetics and hormonal changes, which usually begins with a gradual thinning and widening of the part, then continues into diffuse thinning on the top of the head.

Dr. Green is featured various times in the article and also points to the continued efficacy of treatments like PRP (platelet rich plasma) injections, particularly for those with early-onset hair loss; red light therapy, which can stimulate the creation of new capillaries and now has clinical studies to prove its efficacy for treating female pattern baldness; and oral spironolactone.

blonde hair

Find out more and read the full article over at

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