Katie Couric Media Looks at Breaking Down the Hair Loss Treatment Options

It’s been an extra stressful couple of years for many, in fact Michele Green, MD, says she has seen a “huge uptick” of hair loss patients in wake of the pandemic. “I’ve never seen so many hair loss patients in my entire life,” Dr. Green tells Katiecouric.com today. “It’s to the point where it’s actually a little bit stressful.”

The article talks about if over-the-counter hair loss treatments are as effective as prescriptions, along with any potential side effects that come with hair loss treatment.  She also notes the importance of a healthy diet overall and other things both male and female patients can look out for.

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Read more of “There’s Hope for Hair Loss! We’re Breaking Down the Treatment Options” at https://katiecouric.com/health/best-hair-loss-treatment-women-men/


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