BabyCenter & WebMD ask Dr. Green About Choosing The Right Sunscreen

As you hopefully already know – “Everyone should wear sunscreen regularly, because it is one of the best and easiest ways to protect your skin from the sun’s damaging ultraviolet radiation,” says Dr. Michele Green in “Best pregnancy-safe sunscreens” today on Baby Center.  In addition to that, it is better to use mineral sunscreens rather than chemical ones if you are pregnant.

Quote – “A clinical trial in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in 2019 found that avobenzone, oxybenzone, octocrylene, and ecamsule were absorbed into the bloodstream at significantly high levels and would need further research to determine possible toxic effects and safety,” explains Dr. Green. “As a result, it’s best for pregnant women to stick with mineral sunscreens to protect their skin.”  Find out more about choosing the right pregnancy-safe sunscreen here at Baby Center.

summer sun - image source pexels

She also provided feedback on WebMD’s report titled “Pick Your Sunscreen Carefully: 75% Don’t Pass Muster” – which talked about a recent study by nonprofit group Environmental Working Group noted that 75% of more than 1,850 sunscreen products evaluated offer inferior sun protection or have worrisome ingredients in their annual guide to sunscreen.  “Every time something like this gets published, my patients come in hysterical,” says Michele Green, MD in the article with WebMD but notes what to look out for and how certain ingredients may need more testing.



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