The Manual investigates baby Botox in their new article “Baby Botox is yet another hot TikTok trend: Is it right for you?”. Baby Botox is the term used when younger patients (Gen-Z and Millenials) have low-dose Botox injections to prevent wrinkles. Botox is traditionally used to “freeze” the muscles so they will no longer contract, diminishing the lines and wrinkles on the face. With baby Botox, the lower dose reduces the muscle from contracting as opposed to “freezing” it all together.

SG 27 3 weeks Before and After Botox RIGHT MGWatermark

Baby botox is used in a more preventative manner with Dr. Green recommending this treatment to patients in their 20s and 30s “who are starting to develop fine lines and want to prevent them from becoming dynamic or static wrinkles”. Although Botox is generally safe, Dr. Green says mild swelling and temporary bruising are the most common side effects. These can be reduced by applying ice packs and cold compress straight after the treatment.

You can read the full article here

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