Why Does Acne Leave Scarring, Acne Scars Interview with Byrdie

The beauty site, Byrdie, has interviewed Dr. Green and other top dermatologists to discuss the causes of acne and acne scarring. If you are plagued with acne you can find some great information, advice as to the causes of acne and why some types of acne scars last longer than others.

Dr. Green discusses the reasons why not all acne breakouts results in acne scarring. You can also find some tips on how to avoid acne scarring if you are suffering with an acne breakout.

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You can read the full article Dermatologists Explain Why Certain Acne Scars—And What You Can Do to Help, on the Brydie website. You can also learn more about the types of acne scars and find acne scar treatment options.

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