What Causes Dry Skin on Eyelids: Byrdie & Dr. Green

Today in “Why You Have Dry Skin on Your Eyelids–and How to Treat It” at byrdie.com, Dr. Green takes a closer look at Eyelid Dermatitis and other causes of dry skin on the eyelids.

Dr. Green mentions in the article that “if eyelid dermatitis continues, patch testing may be needed to see what specifically may be causing or exacerbating this—specifically if it is being triggered by an allergen,” and that “Some medical conditions, including diabetes and kidney disease, have been shown to cause dry skin on the eyelids.”

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She also looks at how to treat the dry skin on eyelids at home with solutions such as a compress, allergy medication and moisturizers.

Find out more and view the whole article with Dr. Green at https://www.byrdie.com/dry-itchy-skin-around-eyes-5188117

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