MedCentral Asks Dr. Green About Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Smoking increases one’s risk of Hidradenitis Suppurativa but can stopping / quitting smoking reduce your risk of it too?

This is the question posed in “Hidradenitis Suppurativa Risk Reduces Over Smoke-Free Years” at MedScape today where in addition to info on the dermatological condition such as its connection to smoking, weight gain or hormones, Dr. Green notes that “patients are often already aware of the many health risks associated with it,” and as a result “the focus should be on helping them build a support network to quit smoking by encouraging open discussions, exploring potential triggers, and identifying personalized cessation strategies.”

The condition, also known as “Acne Inversa” can cause inflammation on one’s skin including abscess, fibrotic scarring, and painful nodules.  The study in the article looked at over 6 million participants across several years.

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You can find out more about the research study at

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