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Versed answers all questions on hormonal acne in their latest article “The Hormonal Acne Survival Guide”. Hormonal acne occurs when hormonal imbalances cause sebaceous glands in the skin to produce excess sebum, resulting in clogged pores and acne breakouts. Hormonal acne can happen to everyone going through puberty and women during menstruation cycles, pregnancy, and menopause.

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To be sure of the type of acne you may have, Dr. Green suggests consulting a specialist and states “for a definitive diagnosis, blood tests may need to be ordered to determine whether there are any systemic hormonal imbalances. Meeting with a dermatologist is always beneficial, as an expert can physically assess the skin condition and evaluate potential contributing factors, including medications, skincare products, behavioral factors such as sleep and stress, and any underlying health conditions”.

Read the full article here



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