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Dr. Michele Green takes a closer look at various dermatology treatments. For instance, you can find out how Thermage works, details about laser skin treatments such as Fraxel, or info on what CoolSculpting is, all via our blog and get information from one of the best dermatologists in New York City.

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Treatments for Sagging Jowls

As we age, our skin naturally loses collagen and elastin, which can sometimes cause our skin to appear older than we feel it should. Though this aging process is an entirely natural and normal part of life, anti-aging treatment options can help us to feel more confident in our appearance. Many patients seek non-surgical procedures…

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Botox vs Juvederm

In the world of cosmetic dermatology, dermal fillers and injectables have become one of the most popular ways to reduce the signs of aging, from fine lines and wrinkles to age-related volume loss. When considering a dermal filler or injectable treatment, many patients wonder, which one is right for me? Botox and Juvederm are two of…

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How to Dissolve Sculptra Lumps?

Sculptra is one of the most popular dermal fillers in New York but one significant problem has been the lumps or bumps which can occur as a side effect of Sculptra injection. Unlike hyaluronic acid based dermal fillers, such as Juvederm and Restylane, Sculptra has been associated with the formation of granulomas, which cannot be…

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How much does Sculptra cost?

Sculptra, also known as Sculptra Aesthetic, is an extremely popular cosmetic dermal filler, used to treat the fine lines and deeper wrinkles on the face. Dr. Michele Green was one of the first dermatologists in NYC to utilize Sculptra to reverse the visible signs of aging on the face and body. She is consistently voted…

What Are The Best Non-Invasive Wrinkle Treatments

width=”560″ height=”315″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”> As we age, our body loses collagen, elastin, and subcutaneous fat, which leads to the development of fine lines and wrinkles.  Sun damage is another factor which causes injury to the skin and leads to discoloration, age spots, and wrinkles. Prevention is the most important way to prevent wrinkles and sunspots….

Cosmetic Dermatology Treatments Proven to Have Less Effect on Smokers

width=”520″ height=”293″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”> While I am sure you have heard how smoking is bad for your health and increases the risk of various types of cancer and heart disease, it also is a danger to your skin. Smoking causes premature aging and increases the risk of developing skin cancer. The combination of sun exposure…

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