Botox for Your Teeth – Featured with Dr. Green in The Atlantic

Botox has many uses, but more and more we are seeing people ask for Botox in the masseter area for issues like teeth grinding and jaw clenching.  Dr. Green was featured today in “Desperate Americans Are Getting Botox for Their Teeth” where she talks about the current wave of Botox inquiries and how many recent enquiries are for the issue above where one can’t stop clenching their jaw and grinding their teeth.

In some cases, people have tried night guards for teeth, lowering caffeine and other options to prevent teeth grinding, where grinding and clenching all night can be a workout, which might lead to enlarged chewing muscles and a square, boxy face. The injections slim the jawline for many patients, giving it “more of a V-shape,” Green said in article published today in The Atlantic.

masseter botox

However the option might not be for everyone, and the article talks about potential downsides such as needing multiple treatments on an ongoing basis.  See if non surgical jaw reduction via Botox is an option for you.  And view the full article at 

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