Byrdie Talk About Vitamin E Oil for Nails & IPL Benefits

You might have heard that vitamin E is good for helping keep your nails in good condition. This raises the question what is the best way to use it to help your nails? One way to use vitamin E on your nails is to use vitamin E oil.

nail care: source - pexels

Byrdie has talked to Dr. Green and other top dermatologists to understand how best to use vitamin E oil on your nails and what the benefits are. You can learn more about nail care in the article, “How to Use Vitamin E Oil For Shiny, Healthy Nails

She is also featured on another article in Byrdie the same week – about IPL, in their guide to IPL where she talks about how IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) can diminish dark spots, reduce rosacea, even skin tone and more. “Both IPL and laser target many of the same goals, such as removing age spots, hair and spider veins, or rejuvenating the skin,” Dr. Green is quoted as saying in the article.

And find out more about IPL treatments here.

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